These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy 23

I was sitting in Monte’s bunk texting Bill. He’s odd though. He randomly changes his texting style on me. It’s odd.

Me: Ali & craig weren’t helpful today.

Bill: Warum liebe?

Me: I still feel miserable :[

Bill: I am sorry. I wish I could help.

Me: There’s nothing you can do Bill. I cnt go back in2 the past and not make myself fall 4 him

Bill: He just does not think before he acts. He does things without thinking how they are going to affect people.

Me: I hate that I cnt get him off my mind. Idk wat 2 do.

Bill: I wish I knew what to tell you Chelsea.

Me: eh, I think I’m goin 2 swear off guys. I’ve been hurt 2 many tyms

Bill: do not worry. Everything will work itself out. I promise Chella.

“Chelzers! Come on! We’re going to walk around,” Ali said walking over to where I was, talking to…well, either Gerard or Mikey.

“Nah. I’m good,” I said.

She gave me a you’re-going-to-listen-to-me look and said to the person on the phone, “Dude, I’ll call you later. Chelzers is being mopey.”

She hung up her phone and said, “I will get Robert the proud Mexican in here and have him carry you around with us if you don’t willing get out of my brother’s bed and come with.”

I sighed before hopping out of Monte’s bed. You know, if you think about that, it could be take the wrong way.

Ali grabbed my hand and dragged me into the main area. Max and Craig saw us and Craig walked over and dragged Ali from me. “I’m stealing her now,” he said.

I shrugged and Max said, “Well, movies or park?”

“Park,” I replied, “I feel like being outside.”

They nodded and we left the bus to walk to the nearest park.


We were all hanging out. Ali and Craig were chasing each other around, Monte and Robert were flirting with some girls, Max was texting, and I was just walking around listening to my Zune. “Somewhere Out There” by Our Lady of Peace was playing in my ears as I walked. I found a bench and sat down on it. I stared at my shoes for a while when my phone rang. I looked to see that it was a privet number. Compelled to see who it was, I answered it. “Hello, who is this, and what do you want?” I asked.

I guess whoever it was decided to be quiet. “Okay, you know, I normally don’t answer privet numbers, so you better feel fucking special and at least answer me,” I said annoyed.

Suddenly, I heard what sounded like a male voice. I would have ignored it, but it sounded familiar. I listened a little better and recognized it as Bill. Okay. Who called?

I thought about it when it hit me like a ton of brick. “You know, you have the fucking nerve to decide not to talk to me and then call me,” I said annoyed.

He was silent. “Jesus Tom talk to me!!” I said.

I sat there for a second when I heard a click and realized he hung up. I stared at my phone and yelled, “Talk to me!!”

I saw Ali and Craig run over to me. “Chelsuh?” Craig asked, “What is it?”

My body was shaking and I said, “I do nothing to him, he decides to listen to his skank of a girlfriend, making me fall for him in the process, and to top it all off, he fucking calls me and decides not to say anything before fucking hanging up!!” I replied before I broke down.

Craig and Ali sat on either side of me, hugging me and trying to call me down. “I could kill him,” Ali said.

I shook my head. There’s no point. It’s not like he actually liked me. I should have known than to get my hopes up about him. I just hoped he wasn’t like all the other guys. Boy was I wrong.

The three of us sat there and tried to get me calmed when Ali said, “Come on, let’s go back to the bus. We only have a few more days left of the tour and gosh damn it you’re going to smile!”

I shrugged. “Come on Chelsuh! You haven’t smiled once! Even when I fell flat on my ass on stage during “10 Miles Wide!” I mean, really Chelsuh, what the fuck?” Craig asked.

“Come on. Let’s just go back to the bus,” I said, “I wanna sleep.”

“We’ll go back to the bus,” Ali said, “but no sleeping.”

“Fuck me sideways,” I said before getting up and heading in the direction that the bus was in.
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there you go!!!