These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy Twenty-Six

Today was May 26 my eighteenth birthday, I was smiling the whole day. I walked out of my room to the kitchen downstairs.

“Happy Birthday!” Craig, Max, Robert and Monte yelled. I was still mad at Monte but I was being civil.

“Thank you!” I said hugging everybody.

“Here,” Robert said handing me a box.

“What is it?” I asked shaking the box.

“Just open it,” he laughed. I opened it and in there was an fourth generation iPod and some glasses like his, “It’s something to remember me by when I leave,” he smiled.

“Thank you,” I said kissing him on the cheek.

“You are welcome short thing,” he smiled.

Next walked up Monte with this small box, “I’m sorry for what happened on the tour and I hope this makes up for it,” he said handing it to me. I slowly opened the box and it was mom’s old necklace, “I figured you are no responsible enough to have it,” he said as I took it out of the box.

“Monte it is beautiful,” I said.

“Here,” he said putting it on me.

“I love you,” I said hugging him.

“I love you too.”

“My turn, move,” Max said walking over with a huge box, “here,” I tore off the wrapping paper to see a bunch of stuff: a laptop, a new camera and a black guitar strap that had ‘Max Green Loves This Girl’ embroidered in Green.

“Thank you Maxie,” I said hugging and kissing him.

“Anything for you Ali,” he said.

“My turn!” Craig said running up to me.

“What did you get me?!” I said grinning from ear to ear.

“Well my jacket is yours,” he said putting it on me, “and so is this,” he said placing something in it.

I opened my hand to see a small bracelet, “Its beautiful,” I said staring at it.

“Just like you,” he smiled before attempting to kiss me.

“I am here!” Gerard and Mikey said walking in the door.

“Hey Gerard and Mikey,” I said as Gerard said hugging me and kissing me on the cheek, “you look beautiful,” he smiled.

“Thank you,” I smiled.

“Hey,” Mikey said walking away.

My phone began to vibrate.

Chelsea: Meet me @ DQ

Me: alright-y (:

“Can we go meet Chelsea at Dairy Queen for my Birthday please,” I begged.

“Anything for you, Baby,” Craig said kissing my forehead.

“Yeah,” I sad leaning up to kiss him. Mikey cleared his throat causing me to turn to him, “sorry,” I whispered looking down.

“I got you something too,” Gerard said walking up to me, “Here,” it was a cartoon drawing of and old picture of our crew.

“I love it,” I said kissing Gerard on the cheek.

“I didn’t get you anything, sorry,” Mikey said smirking.

I sighed as his remark and we all piled into Robert’s van and left for Dairy Queen.

“Chelzers!” I yelled running to sit by her, “Hey is Bill coming?”

“Yes,” she sighed, “And he is bringing you something from Tom.”

Just them Bill walked in the door and handed me two little boxes one green on blue, “Blue is from me. Green is from Tom,” he said before sitting my Chelsea across the table from me..

I opened the blue one first, “Oh my god it is beautiful,” I said pulling out a necklace that had my name on it, “Bill I love you,” I said leaning over the table and kissing him on the cheek.

“Open Tom’s,” he said pointing to it, “he said it had meaning to it.”

I opened the box and there was a ring in there and on th inside of the ring it read, ‘You were one of my first friends here and one of the best, I love you’ on the outside it had Ali and Tom BF I laughed at how lame he was but it was a clever idea.

I heard the door open and my head swung around to see Tom soon followed by Kat. I looked at Chelsea and saw she was completely pissed.