These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy 29

Max and Craig took us to school on the last day. They were staying a while, so we got to hang out with them. I was sitting up front with Max and Ali was in the back seat with Craig. Max and Craig both got out of the car and went to our side of the car and opened the doors for us. We stepped out and received hugs from both of them. Max kissed me on the cheek and said, “I’ll see you later.”

I hugged him and said, “Later Max.” I looked over at Ali and Craig and said, “Come on Ali! We have to get to class!”

She pulled away from him and said, “Fine. I’ll see you later Craigafer.”

“Later Ali,” he said before kissing her cheek, “Later Chelsea.”

Max kissed me on the cheek again before the two of them got into their car and drove off. Ali and I made out way up to the school when a couple of girls walked up to us. “Was that Max Green and Craig Mabbitt from Escape the Fate?” one of them asked.

Ali and I looked at each other, looked back at them, shrugged, and walked off. I heard the two girls start talking animatedly as we walked to our separate first period classes.


Wow. I’m so glad it’s lunch now. Ali, Bill, and I were walking to our table when we saw a couple people by it. I reached the table and was about to ask who they were when I saw that it was Max and Craig. I smiled and hugged Max as Ali hugged Craig. I looked to see that Mikey didn’t look like he was PMS-ing anymore. Good Mikey.

“Hey Max,” I said.

“Hey hun. Who’s school been?” he asked as he sat down and pulled me onto his lap.

I shrugged. “Could have been better. What are you guys doing here?” I asked.

“Felt like visiting our girls,” Craig replied sitting down and pulling Ali onto his lap.

“Shweet!” Ali and I said at the same time.

“Are you two sure you aren’t twins?” Bill asked.

I shook my head. “Nope Billy-bean. Ali and Michael are twins and Frankie-poo and I are twins,” I replied.

“Yeah. What Chelzers said,” Ali added.

“Although we do act alike,” I told her.

“Yes we do,” she said facing me on Craig’s lap.

I turned to face her as Max slid his arms around my waist. I’m glad he came up with this idea to show Tom I didn’t need him. Doesn’t mean I don’t want Tom. But that’s not the point.

“So, what are the plans for after your last day of school?” Craig asked.

“What? Last day of school?” Bob asked, “Fuck yeah! Sleeping until three in the afternoon!”

“No sleepy so late!” I said, “You have to hang out with me because I said so. So there. Suck it.”

Bob glowered at me. “You’re no fun,” he said.

“Eh, you’re just jealous of the percussionist you big, bad, quiet-as-hell quarterback.”

“Psh. You wish.”

“I know these things Bobert. And besides, I’m right and you’re wrong.”

“And why’s that?”

“Because I have the vag. I make the rules.”

“Nice Chelzers,” Ali said before hi-fiving me.

Bob shook his head and Max and Craig laughed. “I wonder about you,” Craig said.

“I know,” I said.

Max kissed the exposed skin on my neck. “Don’t change, okay?” he asked.

“Got it Maxi,” I said smiling.

We were talking and eating when Bill cringed. “Was ist es Bill?” I asked.

He jerked his head to the side. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw the Tom looked…well, I couldn’t tell. He was either mad, shocked, angry, annoyed, or, dare I say it, hurt. I looked back at Bill and said, “Ah. Ich sehe.”

“You know,” Max whispered in my ear, “Even though I only see you as a sister who’s not related to me in any way, you do sound so cute when you speak German.”

I felt myself blush. “Danke Max,” I said smiling.

“Anytime babe,” he said before kissing my cheek.

“Aw!” Ali said, “So cute! Where’s my Dsi?”

“I don’t know,” I replied when she pulled it out of her bag and took a picture of Max and I. I squeaked and hid my face in Max’s shoulder.

“Aw! Chelsea squeaked!” Frank said.

“Fickst dich du arschloch,” I told him.

“Ehm, no. That’s incest and I don’t think Max would appreciate it ,” Frank said.

I rolled my eyes when Max shocked me and kissed me on the lips. “Oh yeah!” Ali said, “Get some!”

I broke the kiss and said, “Thank you Hopper,” just as Hopper walked by. He looked at us, shook his head, and continued walking.

“Okay,” Ali said, “Awkward.”

I nodded and Max pecked me on the lips. “Okay, I know you two like each other, but could you please not kiss in front of me?” Frank asked.

I sighed. “Fine,” I said smiling.

Just then, the bell rang. I whined. “Ah man. Now I have to go back to learning. Okay, maybe on actually learning. But still,” I said crossing my arms.

Max kissed my cheek and said, “Don’t worry. Craig and I are picking you and Ali up at three. How does that sound?”

“Good.” We stood up and I said, “Well, I guess I’ll see you guys at three. Bye guys.”

They both said bye and Max kissed me again. “Later Chelsea,” he whispered, his lips brushing against mine.

“Later Max,” I said before Ali grabbed my hand and dragged me away.