These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy 31

We were hanging out at the set for “10 Miles Wide,” Ali and I were sitting on the ground texting each other. Yeah, we’re weird.

Ali: I’m surprised.

Me: why?

Ali: Max kissed you during lunch yesterday

Me: ich weiss. It shocked me.

Ali: I would be shocked as well! Question?

Me: yeah?

Ali: on a scale of one to ten, how would you rate him?

Me: *smiles and looks over at you with a what-do-you-think look*

Ali: ah. Really good I take it?

Me: yeah. He has really soft lips

Ali: and they’re yours

Me: to the public eye. We both know that Maxi-poo and I aren’t dating

Ali: …yet

Me: psh. You think that.

Ali: I know that. I’m just that good.

Me: that’s what he said.

Ali smacked herself in the face.

Ali: you are such a dork.

Me: Eh, u luv me

Ali: right. Let’s go with that

I looked over at her and shook my head as Max and Craig walked over to us. We stood up and Max walked over to me. “Hey Chelsea,” he said acting normal around me. Like a brother and not like my boyfriend.

“Hey Maxi-poo,” I said calling him by the nickname I gave him when I was fourteen. Yeah. I’m eighteen, almost nineteen, and I’ve known Max for what feels like forever.

He shook head and I saw Craig and Ali making out next to us. “Oh yeah! Get some!” I exclaimed.

They continued sucking face when Max said, “Well, I think this calls for a coffee break. Chelsea, would you like to join me and be my escort to Starbucks?”

He held out his arm for me to link with him and I giggled. “Sure Maxi,” I replied linking arms with him.

Just then Josh Todd from Buckcherry walked over to us. “Hey. Who’s the pretty lady?” he asked.

“I’m Chelsea, Max’s friend since I was fourteen,” I replied.

“Hi,” he said. He looked at Max and asked, “Where’s Craig?”

“Sucking face somewhere with my best friend numero uno Alejandra. But I call her Ali or Alikina,” I replied.

Max chuckled at me. “Come on Chelsea. Maybe we won’t go to Starbucks. You don’t sound like you need it,” he said.

My jaw dropped. “That’s a lie! Lie I tell you!” I said, “I so need the fru-fru coffee.”

He looked at Josh. “We’ll be back later. Say by to Josh now,” Max said to me like I was a child.

“Yes mom,” I said. I looked at Josh and said, “Buh-bye Josh.”

“Bye. See you guys when you get back,” he said.

I smiled and Max and I walked out and down to Starbucks. We walked in and Max asked, “So, what do you want?”

“I’m gonna get me a grande Double Chocolaty Chip Frap,” I replied.

“Okay,” he said as we walked up to the register still linking arms. He looked at the cashier and said, “I need a grande Caramel Frap and a grande Double Chocolaty Chip Frap please.”

“Maxi,” I said as he paid, “you didn’t have to pay for mine! I have money.”

“Well,” he said kissing my cheek, “you’re special to me, so you don’t have to pay for your drink. And don’t try to pay me back. I won’t accept it.”

We walked over to where we wait for the drinks and I said, “I am paying you back and you are going to like it regardless.”

Just then, he smirked. “Define “paying back,” he said.

I face palmed myself. “Ya know what I mean,” I said as our drinks came out.

I grabbed mine and he grabbed his before grabbing my free hand with his and dragging me to the plushy chairs. I went to sit down in one when I was pulled onto Max’s lap. I shook my head and giggled. “What?” he asked.

“You confuse me Max Green,” I said, “You have no idea.”

“Really?” he asked wrapping his arms around me, “How?”

I sighed before quietly saying, “In public…well, mostly around where we’d most likely see German-boy-whom-we-are-not-speaking-of, you act all lovey-dovey with me. When we’re with the crew, you act like a brother with me. And when we’re alone, you act like you do when we’re in public. You are a very confusing man Max. Just thought you ought to know.”

He nodded. “Sorry,” he said, “I don’t mean to confuse you.”

“Eh,” I said, “It’s fine. I’ll figure it out--” I was interrupted by Max’s lips on mine. I broke the kiss and asked, “Can I finish my sentence first? Sorry, I just hate being interrupted.”

“Yeah. Sorry. Forgot about that,” he said.

“Like I said, I’ll figure it out eventually,” I said.

“Okay. Are you finished?” he asked.

I nodded. “Good,” he replied before kissing me.

I kissed him back. We stayed like that for a moment when he broke the kiss and whispered, “I can stand not asking you anymore. Will you be my girlfriend?”

I looked at him and smiled before kissing him. “Is that a good enough answer?” I asked.

He nodded and smiled before pecking my lips. “Come on,” he said, “We have to head back to the music video shoot.”

I sighed and got off his lap and he stood up as well before the two of us left hand-in-hand from Starbucks.
♠ ♠ ♠
OH! what now?

sorry. the idea just popped into my head. don't ask why. i don't know.

now type Alikina!