These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy Thirty-Four

You know those days were all you want to do is stay in bed because you feel so shitty about yourself? Yeah I was having that day. Craig had to do running, and Monte and Michael were going to see girls. Max was shoved up Chelsea’s ass and Robert was well Robert not as fun as all the other guys. I rolled out of bed and dragged myself down the stairs to the kitchen.

“Today sucks,” I said and I echoed throughout the house. Nobody was home and it sucked major ass. Everyone around this stupid ole town has a pool. But, me. Damn Monte’s choice. Then I had an Idea to go swimming.

I texted Tom and Mikey: can I come over and swim?

Mikey: Nope I have to clean it.

Tom: Sure some on over.

Me: Thanks Tom be there fifteen.

Tom: Can’t wait (:

I ran upstairs and changed into my two piece and my dress towel thingy before running out the door.

I walked up to the front door and knock. Tom was standing there in his trunks, “ I figured I would swim with you,” he said smiling.

I stared for a second before snapping to my senses, “Yeah that’s fine,” Man did that kid have a body on him. I smiled as he gave me a quick tour of the house.

“This is the living room,” The walls were a dark green with Brown suede furniture. There were black and white pictures up on the walls and a huge big screen TV.

“I don’t need to see anymore I love this room already,” I smiled.

“Why do you love it?” he laughed.

“You have a big screen,” I grinned walking over to it, “It is perfect for Football games,” I said trying to hug the television.

“Hey you are wearing the ring,” He smiled removing me from the TV.

“Yeah,” I smiled, “I really like it.”

“Lets go swim,” he said escorting me to the deck, “And this is the pool.” It was almost like the one from the Playboy mansion, “Ready to swim?” He said showing me a water slide that start at the deck and ended up in the pool.

“Hell yes!” I said kicking off my shoes, throwing off my dress towel thingy and setting my purse down.

“Here,” he said sitting at the top of the slide motioning me to sit in between his legs to slide down with him. I walked over there and sat down. He wrapped his arms around my waist and we went down the slide, “So why did you come over here?” he asked when I came up out of the water.

“Because one: I haven’t hung out with you in forever. Two: Chelsea and Max were swimming and it made me want to swim badly,” I said truthfully.

“What do you think of Chelsea and Max?” he asked picking me up and carrying me around the pool.

“Eh? She is stuck up his ass but I was with Craig so I just got time to hang with my friends.”

“Do you trust me?” he said quickly changing subjects.

“Yes why?”

“Hold your breath and take my hand just follow me,” I shook my head and did as he said. There was this little grotto just like in the playboy mansion pool. I came up at the other end and was amazed.

“Shit its like a whole other room,” I said shivering.

“Yeah the water fall is right above us and this room goes around the whole pool.” He said getting out of the water.

“This is amazing,” I said he was pulling me up out of the water.

“I know. Nobody knows about this place but me you and Bill,” He said grabbing my hand and walking me through the room, “This is where I do all my thinking,” he paused, “About Chelsea mainly,” I looked up at him, “I can’t get her out of my head,” dropping my hand and walking slowly forward.

“Um Tom,” he stopped me.

“I love Chelsea to death but,” he stopped.

“But what?”

“Kat is just amazing in bed,” he smiled.

“Tom, you are so shallow,” I said walking back to the water.

“Ali,” he said grabbing my hand, “Don’t be made at me you know how I am.”

“Yeah but I thought you changed,” I smirked before yanking my hand back.

“Ali I would bang you right now,” he laughed.

“I have a boyfriend,” I said continuing to walk.

“I’m sorry Ali,” He said looking down, “I mean it okay.”

“Fine but I swear to god,” I said walking up to him putting my finger in his face, “If you try and have sex with me, You won’t be able to stick that thing anywhere.”

“Fine, Deal,” he said extending his hand. I shook it saying we had a deal.

“Good,” I said smiling, “Now can we get out of here I need to check my phone.”

He grabbed my hand and we left the same way we came in. I walked up the deck to my phone I had three text messages.

Cragie: Baby, where are you? I came back to your house and you weren’t there.

Cragie: I want to see you I haven’t all day.

Max: I am making dinner tonight what do you want?

Me: Craig darling I am at Tom’s house swimming I will be home at six

As I looked to see it was five-thirty.

Me: Maxiepussy(Max-eat-pussy) I want food for dinner.

Craige: I will see you then, I love you.

Me: I love you too.

Max: No Dip shitface what type of food.

Me: The kind you eat (:

Max shitface!

Me: Maxiepussy!

Max: Tell me what to make for dinner!


Max: Shitface I hate making that.

Me: Do it for me???*sadface*

Max: Fine.

Me: that’s right bitch now go make babies (:

Max: Bye now.

“Tom I have to go,” I said grabbing my stuff. I was interrupted when he kissed me.

“Sorry I had to see if I felt anything,’ he grinned.

“Uh well bye,” I said hugging him and walking out the door.

“Bye,” I heard him say smiling while leaning on the doorway.

I walked up to the door of my house to see Craig lounging on the couch in his boxers, “Craigie!” I said running over and sitting on him, I was straddling his hips.

“Baby girl,” he said hugging me.

“I love you,” I said leaning down and kissing him.

“I love you too. Where have you been?” he laughed noticing my wet hair.

“I was swimming with Tom,” I said laughing.

“What happened with that?” he laughed, “You didn’t have sex with him did you?” he joked.

“No I love you way to much,” I said hugging him.

“So what happened?”

“He kissed me because he thought he might like me. But, when he kissed me he didn’t feel anything,” I shrugged.

“I don’t see how he didn’t,” he said kissing me, “I love kissing you,” he grinned.

“I love kissing you too,” when I heard the door open, “Mikey!” I yelled jumping up from the couch and hugging him.

“Hey Craig I’m Mikey,” I knew this was going to go bad, “I stole your girlfriends virginity.”

“Really?” Craig said looking at me, “This is the only other guy you have slept with?” I shook my head yes as he walked over to me, “I don’t have a lot of work to do to impress you then,” he said before throwing me over his shoulder and running up the stairs. We got to my room and I heard the front door slam. Craig basically ripped of my pants.

“Craig you don’t have to impress me,” I said sitting up.

“Ali, lay back,” he grinned, “You have seen what my tongue can do in your mouth,” he said kissing me, “Just lay back and enjoy it.” He said as he was on his knees on the floor.