These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy Thirty-Eight

“Ali,” I heard a voice whine.

“What?” I said standing in the kitchen peeking over to the living room where Leila and Craig were watching Finding Nemo.

“Daddy and I want to know, can we have a drink?” Leila said tugging on my shirt.

“Yeah, what do you want?” I said getting down to her level.

“Milk!” she said handing me her Sippy cup.

“What about daddy?” I asked standing up and walking over to the fridge.

“Um,” she said swaying side to side, “I don’t know,” she said shrugging.

“Lets go ask him,” I said before pouring the milk in her sippy cup, putting the lid on it, picking her up and walking to the living room.

“Daddy,” she said reaching for him.

“Babe what do you want to drink?” I asked setting Leila on his lap.

“Nothing I am good,” he smiled before kissing me.

“EWY!” Leila yelled covering her eyes.

“Sorry darling,” he said looking over a Leila kissing her on the cheek.

“Daddy,” she said pulling Craig by the hair closer to her.

“What?” he whispered.

“I have to tell you a secret,” she said pulling him closer.

“Tell me,” he said looking at Leila.

“She is pretty,” she said pointing to me.

“I know she is,” he said running the back of his hand on my face.

“Her hair is pretty,” Leila said grabbing my hand and pulling me to sit by her.

I sat down and she sat in my lap. She leaned back and I wrapped my arms around her little body, she was so cute.

“My two favorite girls in the world,” Craig said smiling before kissing me on the lips before Leila could see.

“I love you too,” I said opening my eyes, my eyes always close when I kiss him.

“Ali!” Leila said tugging on my hair.

“What Darling?” I said looking at her.

“Car you take me and daddy to the park?”

“Yes I can take you two,” I smiled I was going to let them have father daughter time.

“No I want you to go too,” she smiled.

“Okay,” I said picking her up and walking her to my car. Craig soon followed. We got to the park and were walking around Leila was in the middle and me a Craig were holding her hands. It was quite peaceful.

“Hey Ali,” Leila said looking up at me.

“What?” I said looking down at her.

“Can I ask you a question?” she asked sweetly.

“Yeah, anything,” I smiled.

“Daddy told me not to ask because you might cry but, where is your mommy and daddy?”

My eyes started to tear up, “Um I would rather not talk about it,” I looked over to see Craig hanging his head.

“Is it bad?” she said hugging me.

I stopped walking and got down to her level, “it is hun,” I stopped and she wiped a tear from my face.

“Kiss Daddy,” she smiled, “You always smile when you kiss daddy,” she said before whispering, “Don’t tell him but I saw you guys kiss.”

“You can’t look this time though,” I laughed at her.

“If you give me a kiss,” she said putting a finger to her cheek. I gave her a quick kiss before walking over to Craig and kissing him on the cheek.

I began to smile, “See I told you,” Leila said jumping up and down.

“Yes you did!” I said picking her up and spinning her around.

“See you love Daddy!” she said laughing as I stopped spinning around.

“Yes I do,” I said kissing her on the cheek again.

“Daddy, do you love Ali?” she said looking over at him. He simply shook his head yes, “If you really love her give her a kiss,” she said laughing.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek, “I’m sorry I really didn’t want her to ask you that. I feel bad now,” he whispered in my ear.

“Craig,” I said grabbing his face with a free hand to make him look at me, “It is fine, Babe”

“Are you sure?”

“Daddy if she wasn’t sure you would know,” Leila said putting her hands on her hips.

“You don’t know these things,” he said laughing and taking her from me. I laughed seeing how good he was with kids, “What?” he said noticing I was laughing.

“Nothing,” I said playing with my earring.

“Daddy has those too,” Leila said pointing to Craig's ear, “Daddy’s are huge!”

He laughed before saying, “Go to Ali I need to call Mommy to see if you can stay the night with me,” he smiled setting her down.

“Okay, Daddy,” she said walking over to me. Craig pulled out his cell phone and dialed Gab’s number, “You are pretty Ali, really,” she said smiling.

“Thank you Leila. You are too,” I said sitting on the ground in front of her.

“Do you like daddy?” she asked sitting in my lap.

“No,” I smiled.

“Then what do you think of my daddy?”

“I love him and I think he is amazing,” I said smiling and wrapping my arms around her tiny body pulling her close to me.

“Gab, She is my daughter too!” I heard Craig yell into the phone, “Who I date is my business,” I heard him, “I am keeping her over night and you can have her tomorrow,” I heard him get calmer, “It’s Ali Monte’s little sister,” I heard him sigh.

“Craigie!” I yelled motioning him over to me. He walked over to me and put his hand over the phone, “I need to get to work,” I grinned.

“You have a job?!” he said looking shocked.

“Yeah I just took leave to take care of school but now since school is out I got to start working again,” I said standing up and picking up Leila.

“Where at?”

“Target, now come on,” I said beginning to walk off.

“Gab I have to go Leila will be back in your arms tomorrow before three,” he said closing his phone, “I will drive,” Craig said catching up and kissing me on the neck.

“Okay,” I said helping Leila into her car seat and climbing in my seat.

I got nervous when Craig started the engine. I mean I was the only one who drove the car besides my dad. I sat in the passengers sear playing with Craig's free hand. Something I seemed to do when I was nervous.

“Calm down babe,” Craig said as we pulled up to a stop.

“Sorry,” I said as he kissed me on the cheek.

“Maybe you shouldn’t go to work,” he said looking at me, “You look pale.”

I have to admit I didn’t feel good but I was going to work anyways.