These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy 39

I was sitting in my room listening to music and doodling when there was a knock on the door. “Come in!” I said turning down the music.

Frank walked in and said, “Hey Chels.”

“Hey Frankie. What’s up?”

He shrugged. “Wanna hang out? I know it’s been forever since it’s just been us two hanging out.”

I smiled and nodded before getting up. I slid on my shoes and grabbed my purse before saying, “Let’s go. Where to?”

He shrugged. “I don’t care. You wanna drive?” he asked tossing me the keys.

I caught them and said, “Hell yeah. Let’s go.”


We were driving down the highway in Frank’s Honda CR-V listening to Smashing Pumpkins when he asked, “So, how serious are you and Max?”

“We’ve only kissed. We haven’t done anything else. You know how apprehensive I am about that Frank,” I told him.

He nodded and we continued with our music when we heard what sounded like a gun shot. Next thing we saw was the tire on Frank’s side was falling apart. I quickly pulled over to the side of the road and started having trouble breathing.

“Chelsea, relax,” Frank said hitting the button for the hazard lights with one and rubbing my arm with the other hand, “It’s fine. We can replace it sis. It’s alright.”

I nodded, controlling my breathing as I did so. After I was calmed down, I grabbed my purse and pulled out my phone as Frank went to look for a jack and spare tire. I dialed Max’s number and it went to his voice mail after ringing. I called Ali, Gerard, Craig, Monte, Robert, Mikey, Ray, Bob, and Bill, all who didn’t answer. I guess it’s National Let’s Not Answer the Phone when Chelsea Calls Day. I hit my head against the head rest. “FUCK!” I yelled, “Why is no one answering?!” I asked annoyed.

“Who all did you call?” Frank asked.

I told him who I called. “Why not call Tom? He could help,” Frank said, “Maybe.”

I nodded and went to my contacts before calling him.

“Was ist es?” he asked annoyed.

“Tom? It’s Chelsea. Frank and I are in a pickle,” I told him.

He sighed. “What happened?” he asked.

“Front tire exploded while we were driving down the interstate. Can you come help us please?” I asked.

“Was?! Wie?! Are you two okay?!” he asked frantically.

“Tom, we’re fine. Can you just come and help us please?” I asked.

“Tell him we have a spare. Just no jack,” Frank said.

I looked at him. “Our jack got jacked? What the hell?!” I asked Frank.

“Was ist es?” Tom asked.

“Can you bring a car jack? Ours got taken,” I told him.

“Yeah. I’ll be there soon. Bye,” he said.

“Later,” I said before hanging up.

I sat back and turned the car off so we didn’t run the battery down. I looked over at Frank and he asked, “Are you okay Chels?”

I nodded. “Just hate being stuck out here, you know?” I asked.

He nodded and we sat there for a minute when I saw Tom’s Escalade pull up behind us. He turned his hazard lights on and stepped out of his SUV before walking over to my side. He opened my door and asked, “Chelsea? Are you okay?”

I nodded. “Did you bring the jack?” Frank asked.

Tom nodded. He looked at me and said, “Let’s get you in the Escalade so we can work on this, okay?”

I nodded and stepped out of the car. I immediately regretted it because I fell. Luckily, Tom caught me before I fell flat on my face. “Come on Chels. Let’s get you to the car,” Tom said.

“Okay,” I shakily said before we started towards his Escalade.

We walked towards the driver’s side when I just froze in my place. “Chelsea? What is it?” Tom asked.

I shook my head. “Come on. We’ll go to the passenger side, okay?” Tom asked.

I nodded and we walked over to the passenger side. He opened the door and I sat down. “Just yell for one of us if you need us, okay?” he asked.

I nodded and relaxed against the seat as Tom walked back over to Frank and the two of them started changing the tire. Cars and semis sped by as they changed the tire. After the fifth one passed by close to where Frank and Tom were, I stepped out of the car when Tom saw me. He ran over to me and asked, “What is it?”

“Please be careful. Those fucking semis are driving too damn close for my liking. It would be nice if they would go to the other lane,” I replied.

He nodded and said, “Just get back in the car and we’ll be done soon, okay?”

“Okay,” I said before I started walking back towards the Escalade. I had walked three steps when I was stopped. I turned around and received a hug from Tom. “You looked liked you needed it Chels,” he said.

I hugged him back, feeling better. “Thank you Tom,” I said before we stopped hugging and I walked back to the Escalade. I sat down in the passenger seat and watched Tom and Frank change the tire. After a while, the two of them stood up and Frank wiped his hands on his jeans. “Come on Chelsea,” Frank said walking towards me. He reached me and said, “Come on. Let’s continue to town.”

I just looked at him. “Chelsea? Are you okay? It wasn’t your fault. It’s fine sis,” he said.

I just sat there when Tom said, “You go on ahead Frank. I’ll run her back to your place, okay?”

Frank nodded and walked over to his car. Tom looked at me and said, “Come on Chelsea. Let’s get you home.”

I nodded and sat all the way in my seat as Tom closed the door. He walked over to his side of the car and got in before starting it. We drove what seemed like a half an hour when I noticed us pull into my driveway. I saw Tom look at me when he said, “You’re shaking.”

“N-no I’m not,” I said when I saw that I was.

He hugged me and said, “Go on in and get into something comfortable. Call if you need me, okay?”

I looked over at him before looking away. “I thought you weren’t supposed to talk to me. That’s what Kat said. You listened to her before,” I said before getting out and walking towards my house. I reached the door when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Tom. “What is it?” I asked.

He sighed. “We should hang out. You and me. I know I’ve said that before and didn’t exactly come through with it, but I mean it. We should. Just name the time and place. You can bring Max as well if you want. I want to meet the guy who makes you so happy even when I’m being a dick,” he said.

I smiled and said, “Come over tomorrow. Max is supposed to be coming over and all of us are watching movies. Like always. Hell, we may even go to the movie theater. I wanna see Angels and Demons. It looks really good. Plus, I know Ali wants to see you. And I know you guys have been talking.”

He looked down at his feet. “Look, I’m not mad. Sure I was upset as to why you were talking to her and not me. But then I remember that it was me you kissed and not her. Plus I don’t think Kat wants punched in the face again by Ali. Even though Kat was the one who started it,” I told him.

He looked up at me. “What? She told me it was Ali,” he said.

I laughed. “Ali doesn’t start shit. She finishes it. Total difference. Of course, Kat was asking for it threatening her.”

Tom shook his head. “I can’t believe this,” he muttered.

“Hey Tomi, don’t worry. Come over tomorrow. You can officially meet Max, Craig, Monte, and Robert and hang out with us like old times.”

He smiled. “Will do. I’ll bring Bill when he’s ready to come over.”


He smiled and hugged me again before going to his Escalade and getting it. He started the engine and pulled out of the driveway before driving back to his house.
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sorry sorry sorry sorry!!!!!