These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy four

The movie began and Chelsea was going on and on about her new cell phone. I looked over at Mikey seeing him trying to pay attention to the movie. I gently brought my hand to his thigh and ran it upward. He jumped abit but then I saw the smile come across his face. Thank god Chelsea shut off the lights because knowing Gerard he would have so saw that.

Mikey wrapped his arm around me, and I heard Chelsea sigh.

"What Chels, it's not like we are fucking right in front of you," Mikey said.

"Yeah, But it's dark somethings prolly going on right now between you two," She said and I could tell by the sound in her voice she rolled her eyes at some point.

I felt Mikey's hand reach down my pants, "Um no," I whispered in his ear and pulling his hand out.

"Fine," he whispered back before lifting my chin up and kissing me.

"I love you," I said resting my head on his chest.

"I love you too," he said messing with my hair.

"Shut up," Gerard yelled.

"Jeez, your just jealous cause your little brother can get action and you can't" Mikey said standing up.

"Oh I could get laid if i wanted to trust me."

"Oh, god Chelsea here we go," I said looking over at her.

"Jeez why do they always start this?" Chelsea said.

"Oh so Ali is your booty call now?' Gerard yelled.

"She is not my booty call," Mikey shot back angrily. They were both up in each others faces and I was getting scared.

"Guys seriously," I said getting in the middle of it.

"Get out of this," They both yelled at me.

"Excuse me?!"

"You heard me," they shot back.

"AH!" I said walking into the kitchen and Chelsea soon followed. She didn't say anything just watched me pace up and down. I mean every time we were having a good time Gerard had to get jealous or Mikey had to make him like that.

"Girl its fine they will get over it," she said re-assuring me, but it didn't work. I continued pacing and listening to the guys fight in the other room. I stopped pacing when I heard silence.

"Babe, I am sorry," Mikey said walking in the kitchen.

"I'm going in the living room," I heard Chelsea say.

"Mikey, just I can't handle you and Gerard fighting," I said.

"Okay, Babe, for you I will stop."

"Michael," I said looking up at him.

"I promise. I will try," he said before kissing me.

"Pinkie promise," I said holding out my pinkie.

"Yes," he said wrapping his around mine.

"Uhm Chelsea me and Mikey are gonna go I'm pretty tired," I said yawning.

"Yeah uh uh thats what you say. But, remember wrap it before you slap it," I heard Chelsea yell.

As we ran out the door Mikey slapped my ass, "What the fuck?" I asked opening the car door.

"My house or yours?" he asked opening his car door.

"Yours," I said smiling and getting in the car.

"Good," he said starting the engine. It was quiet till we got to the lawn of his house. I bolted for his bedroom. He started to take off my shirt as I did his. I undid the button on his pants and eased them down.

"I love you," he whispered in my ear and his voice sent shivers down my spine and I began to breathe faster.

"Dammit you better," I said smiling. He reached down the front of my pants, "Already wet I see or should I say feel," he said smiling and pulling his hand out.

"You know I love watching you and Gerard fight," I said wrapping my arms around his neck. We were sitting on the edge of his bed and I was stradling his hips. He laid back and I followed him. he was undoing my bra and right when he got it off the door swung open.

"No sex between you two while I am home," Gerard said.

"You are such a moment killer god dammit," I yelled.

"Cock block," Mikey yelled.

"Oh well I guess I will see you tomorrow," I said grabbing all my clothes.

"No stay with me," Mikey said grabbing my hand.

I followed him as he pulled me into bed with him.

"Fine," I said laying down.

"I love you," Mikey said wrapping his arms around me a kissing my forehead.

"I love you too," I said cuddling up to him.


"So they were about to fuck and you stopped them?" I heard Chelsea say.

"Yeah thats about how it went down," Gerars sighed.

"Why wouldnt you just leave them alone?"

"Because i just dont trust Ali sometimes. She is like one of my best chick friends and I don't want Mikey to hurt her, at all."

I was happy Gerard was looking out for me but I ignored it and went back to sleep in Mikey's arms.
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