These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy Forty-Two

Leila and I were sitting on the couch and I was tickling her and we were watching Spiderman, too. I saw Craig smiling out of the corner of my eye with a toothbrush in his mouth.

“Ali, stop,” Leila laughed out.

“What do you say?” I said still tickling her.

“Mommy please,” she said that and I just sat up and froze, “Ali are you okay?” Leila said getting up and looking at me.

“Yeah I am fine,” I said shaking my head. I can’t believe she called me mommy. I was shocked nobody has ever called me that unless it was a joke.

“I love you Ali,” Leila said wrapping her little arms around my neck.

“I love you too,” I said hugging her back.

“Is it okay I call you Mommy,” she said sitting on my lap, “Daddy said I had to ask first, I forgot,” she laughed.

“Yeah you can call me almost anything you want,” I said smiling. I say Leila yawn before looking at the clock, it was eight, “Do you want to go to bed?” I asked picking her up off my lap and standing up.

She yawned before saying, “Yes please,” she rubbed her eyes, she was so cute. I fixed my shirt, which was exposing my stomach, and picked up Leila.

“Babe, I am taking her to bed and I will be back down,” I said before kissing Craig.

“Okay darling,” he said to me, “and night to you too munchkin,” he said kissing Leila.

I walked up the stair to my room, and like I argued it was huge, I had a California king size bed, and a small toddler one for Leila, a desk and computer, bathroom attached to my room, and a balcony. Monte’s was the same and our rooms connect by the balcony like it went from his room to mine. He was usually to scare to go on it so it was mine.

“Can I sleep here?” she asked jumping on my bed.

“Yeah,” I said walking over to the TV and turning it on Spongebob.

“Thank you Mommy,” she said kissing my cheek when I walked back over to her.

“You are welcome,” I smiled, “I’m going to go talk to your Daddy and I will be back okay?”

“I will be fine go talk to Daddy as long as you want,” she smiled getting under the covers.

I walked out the door turned to shut it right when I turned around Craig’s lips crashed into mine, “I want you,” he said before picking one of my legs up and wrapping it around him. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck before the door bell rang.

“To bad,” I laughed, “Chelsea is here,” I said trying to get away from him. I felt his hand graze across my chest and I got goose bumps at his touch, “Coming,” I got out while walking down the stairs.

“I love you,” I heard Craig say before walking in my room.

I opened the door to see Chelsea standing there, “Max is in his room upstairs,” I said pointing to his room.

“If you don’t mind I’m going to hang with him tonight,’ she said smiling.

“Yeah that’s fine,” I said as she walked in, “We can hang out tomorrow,” I said escorting her tom Max’s room, “Max,” I said opening the door to see him jacking off, I quickly shut it.

“Learn to knock!” I heard him yell.

“Learn to lock a fucking door!” I screamed back.

“What happened?” Chelsea asked.

“Put it this way,” I paused, “I saw your boyfriend’s wiener before you did,” I said almost throwing up.

“Is it big!?” she asked getting all excited.

“Chelsea!” I yelled at her, “What is the rule?!”

“If somebody sees a guy’s wiener don’t ask unless they saw it during sex,” she said looking down.

“That’s right,” I said crossing my arms.

“Well, I’m probably staying the night so later,” Chelsea said walking into Max’s room.

“Night,” I said walking over to my room to see Craig changing, “Damn I keep walking in on everybody today,” I said as he pulled up his boxers.

“I don’t mind it,” Craig said as I walked over to him.

“I love you,” I said kissing him.

“I love you more,” he said pulling me a close as he could to him.

“I just want to sleep,” I said yawning and walking over to the bed.

“Okay,” he said laying down avoiding waking up Leila. I fell fast asleep and it was only ten o’clock. I had the weirdest dream Ronnie came over drunk and beat the shit out of me. Last thing I remember is everything in my dream going black then I heard a huge crash snapping me out of my sleep. I didn’t know if it was real or not.

I slowly got out of bed and walked downstairs trying not to make any noise. I got down to the front door before seeing Ronnie standing there with a small brown paper bag and backpack, “Ronnie what are you doing here?” I asked standing in the doorway.

“I wanted to come see you,” he smiled before giving me a hug and playing with my hair. I looked up at his face and he gave me a quick kiss on the lips and I smelled the alcohol on his breath, “and plus I heard my lovely Chelsea was here,” I felt him grab my hair really tight before throwing me on the ground. I banged my head on the door on my fall down, “Oh Chelsea,” I heard him say before taking a drink of his liquor again.

“Ronnie, stop,” I said trying to get up.

“Stupid slut, don’t tell me what to do,” he said kicking me in the stomach. I wanted to be pissed at him but I couldn’t I knew he was like this just because he was drunk. I knew he was always the nicest guy until you threw alcohol at him. I laid there on the floor for a second before trying to get up again, “Stay the fuck down,” I heard him slur out before kicking me again.

“Ronnie fucking stop!” I yelled sitting up.

“Where is Chelsea!?” he yelled picking me up by the collar of my shirt.

“I don’t know,” I said beginning to cry.

“Frank said she was here,” he said taking another drink.

“Why were you talking to Frank?” I choked out.

“I want my baby doll again,” he said grinning and throwing me down on the floor again.

“Mommy,” I hear Leila whine from upstairs.

“Who is that?” Ronnie said taking another drink.

“Don’t touch her,” I said through my teeth.

Ronnie had his eyes locked on me, “So this is your soft spot now,” he said pointing up to my room. Then I saw Chelsea walk out of Max’s room rubbing her eyes and my facial expression completely changed from pissed to sad and hurt. Ronnie turned his head to look up the stairs and saw Chelsea standing there, “I found what I am looking for,” he said before kicking me again the stomach. I screamed in pain I saw Chelsea run down the stairs trying to run past Ronnie before he grabbed her around her waist.

“Ronnie stop!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

“Shut your bitch ass face,” he said before kicking me repeatedly while still having hold on Chelsea.

“Let go of me!” I heard Chelsea scream at the top of her lungs.

“What the hell is going on?!” I heard Monte yell. I take it he saw Ronnie, “Get the fuck out of my house!” he screamed as I finally got myself to sit up.

“Monte don’t yell at him you know why he is like this right now!” I yelled defending him.

“Shut your face,” Ronnie yelled grabbing me by my hair causing me to scream.

“Mommy!” I heard Leila yell before seeing Craig out in the hallway.

“Ronnie, stop this!” Monte yelled.

“I got my baby doll again so I will leave,” he said kissing Chelsea on the cheek.

“Ronnie let go of me,” I cried out, “And Chelsea,” I said before he threw my head into the door. I screamed in pain I laid there in silence before hearing a car engine start, “Chelsea!” I screamed out, “Chelsea!” I screamed again and again before I was crying so much I couldn’t talk.

Last thing I remember was Craig running to my side and yelling, “Max call 911,” and Leila walking down the stairs as fast as she could screaming, “mommy!”

I laughed at that sight before saying, “Craig I am fine.”

“No you are not you are bruised all over your stomach,” he said lifting up my shirt showing me all the purple and blue spots.

I poked on of the spots and hissed in pain, “ow.”

“Yeah dumbass,” he laughed at me, “And you have a huge knot on your head you are going to the hospital.”

I heard the sirens and the guys came in and got me. Craig rode in the ambulance with me. We got there and they gave me X-rays and stuff and told me and had four bruised ribs. I didn’t care I was more worried about Chelsea I didn’t know what would happen to her and I wanted to know before it was too late.

“We are going to look for Chelsea,” Monte said walking in the room with Mikey, Frank Gerard, Robert, Craig, Bob, Max, Bill, Tom, and Leila, “Leila, Mikey and Gerard are going to stay here to make sure you don’t do anything stupid.”

“I didn’t want to come her in the first place,” I said crossing my arms.

“To bad,” he said setting Leila on my bed with me and leaving.

“Mommy,” she said hugging my neck.

“Baby that hurts mommy,” I said pushing her back a bit.

“Sorry mommy,” she said kissing my cheek, “all better,” she smiled.

“Since when, are you a mommy?” Gerard and Mikey asked.

“Since I got together with Craig,” I sighed.

“Have you two done anything yet?” Mikey asked.

“No,” I said ignoring them, “I am going to sleep,” I said trying not to remember anything that happened today. I just wanted sleep and to escape everything that happened for a bit.

“I love you mommy,” I heard Leila say before lying down by me. And to think everything was going better.
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I went over this with Chelsea before a long and she wanted to put it in now so I did :) I actually like some of it and another and Chelsea love Ronnie to death but you know some people do change alot when the are drunk....some people can be funny why others can be completely psycho