These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy 43

I had no clue where I was. All I know is that it was dark and that I was tied up in only my bra and underwear. I scooted towards a corner and tried to hide myself in a corner when the door started opening. A tall figure walked in and closed the door. “Hello?” I quietly asked, “Max? Is that you?”

“Last time I checked, nope,” I heard him reply. I heard him walk forward when a pain erupted in my side. I fell down onto my side and heard him laughed. “Wow baby doll. Wow. You never cease to amaze me. You’re dating my best friend now. Kind of makes you a slut now, right?”

“Do. Not. Call. Me. Baby doll,” I told him, “I am not a slut. I’ve only kissed him. If it weren’t for you, I may have had the courage to do more. But no Ronnie. Since you did what you did, I’m scared to even get close to someone in case they turn out like you.”

I could see the outline of his angry face before his fist collided with my face, causing me to fall flat on my face. “You know, it’s time to forget the seriousness and start the fun. Well, maybe not for you. I, on the other hand, am going to have so much fun,” he said before untying me and dragging me behind him.


“Frank! Come on man! We have to get moving!” I heard Max yell.

I broke out of my trance when I felt pain on my body. Ouch. What the hell?

“Frank? You okay?” Monte asked.

I shook my head. “No. I hurt for some reason,” I replied.

“Didn’t this happen when Chelsea and Ronnie were together?” Monte asked.

I nodded when I glared at the ground. “I swear if he’s hurting her I’m going to kill him. And I get first dibs since she’s my sister,” I said.

Monte patted me on the back before walking over to Max.

Alright, you might be confused. And that’s fine. Someone (*coughChelseaorAlicough*) should have explained it. But, seeing as Ali’s in the hospital and Chelsea’s…well, I don’t even want to think about it, I guess I have to. See, Ali and Chelsea have been friends for, like, forever, okay? Well, seeing as Ali’s brother’s Monte, that means that Escape the Fate’s been apart of our lives since forever. Chelsea really liked Ronnie back when he was still singing for the band and, eventually, they started dating.

Everything was fine in the beginning. Then Chelsea became distant from everyone. And I mean everyone. Even Ali. Which never ever ever happens. Than I started feeling different pains all over. One day it would be my face and the next my chest or my stomach. Chelsea was missing school a lot. I thought she was sick.

Then I was hanging out with Gerard and Bob at my house one night. We were in the den watching movies when he heard something hit the floor. We didn’t know what it was. So, being the nosey people we were, we went upstairs to see what it was. We reached the stairs that lead to our bedrooms when we heard the thump again. I automatically assumed that it was Chelsea jumping around to music. Except I didn’t hear music. I started to turn back to the den when I heard a loud whimper. I looked over at Gerard and Bob before walking up the stairs. When I reached the top, I listened to hear that the noise was coming from Chelsea’s room. I walked over to her door and opened it.

And let me tell you, I am so glad I did. That fucker was beating up my little sister. She looked awful and Ronnie tried to leave, swaying and slurring as he did so, drunk as hell. Chelsea was curled up in a little ball on the floor, crying her eyes out. Her body was violently shaking and she looked like she was going to pass out. I tried to get him out of her room without beating the shit out of him myself, but he zapped my last nerve by kicking my little sister. In the stomach. In front of me. It took Gerard and Bob to get me off of him and prevent me from beating the shit out of him.

She was in the hospital for a long while. That’s why she’s so apprehensive about guys. She’s afraid of getting hurt again or them turning out like Ronnie. Everyone thinks he went to jail just for possession of heroin. Yeah, that was part of it, but we wouldn't tell their fans what Ronnie did to Chelsea.

“Frank hurry up! You stopped walking! The more time we waste the more likely he’s going to hurt her again damn it!” Tom yelled, getting my attention. Yeah, I had to fill in Bill and Tom on what happened.

“Yeah! What Dreads said,” Max said.

“It’s Tom,” Tom said.

“I know that. But Dreads popped in my head and I’m calling you Dreads from now on. Or I could call you Snakes. Which ever one works for you,” Max said.

I could practically hear Tom rolling his eyes. “Just not Dready. I don’t care what you call me,” he said, “You just can’t call me Dready.”

“Why not?” Max asked as I caught up.

“Because that’s Chelsea’s nick name for me and she dubbed me Dready whether I like it or not. And every time I think of her, I imagine what that bastard could be doing to her.”

“I know what you mean man. I could just kill Ronnie for taking her from me.”

“You know, I wanna kill him as well. Can I help you?”


“I get first dibs though,” I said, “You guys can have what’s left.”

Tom and Max sighed. “Fine,” they said at the same time.

“Good,” I said.

“Tom?” I heard Bill ask. He’s been quiet. Really quiet.

“Yeah Billa?” Tom asked when we saw Bill. He looked miserable.

Bill just shook his head and attacked Tom with an attack hug, not letting go of him. His entire body was shaking and he was talking quiet, rapid German. Damn not taking German when I had the chance. Tom was hugging him back and comforting him in German. I looked at Max and motioned walking ahead with everyone else as Tom and Bill had their private moment.

“Hey, is Bill okay?” Monte asked.

I shook my head. “He’s worried about Chelsea. I don’t blame him either. We’re all worried about her,” I replied.

“Yeah. I just wish we had some idea on where he took her. It’s so frustrating not knowing where she is. Plus he hurt Ali. He’s never hurt her before!” he said balling his hands into fists.

“Come on. We’re lollygagging. Let’s go,” Bob said. Wow. He’s been really quiet. Nothing out of the ordinary, but still.

I heard a sniffle behind me and Bill ask, “Frank?”

I turned around to see Bill and Tom had caught up. “Yeah Bill?” I asked.

“What’s ‘lollygagging?’” he asked.

“An American way of saying that we’re being fucking slow,” Max replied.

Bill nodded and said, “Well, let’s go get Chelsea. And soon.”

I nodded as a pain erupted on my legs and we continued walking around, trying to think of where Ronnie took my sister and not thinking about what he’s doing to her.
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Did you expect the point of view change? No? Didn't thnk so.

So yeah, here you go. It probably won't be in Chelsea's point of view for a few chapters. I have no clue who's point of view it'll be in next. I may switch between two per chapter so you get a feel on how everyone is reacting to the kidnapping.