These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy 5

Ah school. The place of torture, rumors, and boredom. I hate this place. The jocks, minus Bob, are throwing footballs around, a group of cheerleaders were messing with their hair, and Tom was talking to Kat Summers, who was talking back.

Whoa, wait a minute! She’s talking to him?! She never talks to new guys! This should be interesting.

“Chelzers, what cha doing?” Ali asked.

“Look,” I said motioning over to where I was looking.

She looked over and her jaw dropped. “What the hell?! She never talks to new guys!” she said, “I mean, Tom’s a very good-looking guy, but he doesn’t seem to be her type.”

“Ich weiss,” I said when Tom handed her a piece of paper and said something to her. She nodded and smiled her little bitch smile before walking off.

Tom smiled and saw Ali and I. He walked over to us and said, “I have a date tonight!”

“I’m surprised she actually talked to you,” Ali said.

“I know. She just walked over to me and started talking,” he said.

“Really?!” I asked, “She never does that.”

He shrugged. “Oh well. I have a date tonight,” he said.

“Congrats,” Ali said.

“Yeah. What she said,” I said when I really wanted to say, “She’s no good for you.” Why? I have no clue.

He smiled, his lip ring glistening in the sunlight. “Thanks. Well, we should be getting to Anatomy. Bill’s meeting us there,” he said.

Ali and I nodded before following him to class. We were walking slowly behind him when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out to see that it was a text from Ali.

Ali: Ur not happy.

Me: wat gives u the idea?

Ali: you don’t like the fact that he’s gonna go on a date w/ her.

Me: so? She’s a bitch. She screwed Gee over and I don’t want that to happen to Tom.

Ali: or maybe u want to be w/ him instead of her being w/ him

I looked over at Ali as soon as we walked into Anatomy. “Psh. Yeah right,” I said to her.

She rolled her eyes. “You say that now. But when you realize it, I’ll be there to say I told you so,” she said.

“Whatever you say Alikina,” I said before sitting down between her and Bob.

“I know because I’m right,” she said.

“Psh,” Bob said.

“Eh shush,” Ali said.

“What are you guys talking about?” Bill asked.

“I just said what I said because Ali said that she was right about something,” Bob replied.

“What are you guys talking about then?” Bill asked.

“Nothing,” we said at the same time.

“Riiiiight,” Ray said, “And I’m related to Obama.”

“Dude! You’re part black?!” I asked.

He face palmed himself. “You know what I mean Chelsea,” he said.

“We were talking girl stuff. You guys wouldn’t understand with your testosterone and your dicks,” I said.

Ray and Bob face palmed themselves. “Wow Chelsea. Wow,” Bob said.

“Eh, you guys love me,” I said before Mrs. Rob walked in and started talking. I looked over to see Tom whispering to Kat. He said something and she giggled at him. I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen before writing the first thing that popped into my head, the song that’s my text message noise.

I got to the chorus when I felt someone poke me. I looked up and saw Bill. “What?” I asked.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Writing,” I replied.

“What are you writing?” he asked.

I handed him the paper and let him read it. He read two lines before saying, “Es ist Heilig. How do you know this song?”

“I heard it on a friend’s iPod. I don’t know what the band looks like, but I love the song,” I replied.

“I know that song, too. In fact, we’re good friends with the band,” Bill said.

“No way! Do you have anymore of their music?” I asked.

He nodded. “I’ll bring some by tonight. Are we all still hanging out at your house?”

I nodded. “Tom’s going on a date tonight with Kat Summers, so he won’t be there,” I said.

He nodded. “Does that bother you?” he asked.

“No,” I replied defensively, “Why would it? I mean, really. If he was to be with that two-timing…” I took a deep breath. “Like I said, it doesn’t bother me.”

“Riiiiight,” he said, “But by the look on you face when you said he was going on a date, you looked bummed about it.”

“I’m fine with it. Let him be with the two-timing, back-stabbing…” I stopped. “I’m gonna be good. I’m a good girl. Although some people beg to differ,” I said looking at Ray and Bob.

Bill nodded. He turned around in his seat and I looked over at Tom, who’s hand was on Kat’s thigh, before going back to was I was doing.


“Okay. What should we watch?” I Ali asked. We were all in my den (again) and trying to figure out what to watch. Well, except Tom. He was on his date. Fucking two-timing, back-stabbing bitch.

“I say we watch something where a lot of people die in it.” I replied nonchalantly.

Everyone looked at each other. “Chelzers? You okay?” Ali asked.

I nodded. “I’m gonna get the snack-age,” I said, “I’ll be back.”

I got up and left the room. I walked into the kitchen when I heard Bob say, “You’re not getting the snack-age.”

“What the hell gives you that idea?” I asked.

“Um, because the snacks are already down there,” he replied.

“Oh,” I said before sitting on the granite countertop.

Bob sat next to me and asked, “What’s on your mind?”

I shrugged and sighed. “Is there a reason why Tom going on that date’s bothering me?”

“Maybe it’s because it’s with the girl who screwed Gerard over.”

“I don’t think it is. If it was anyone else on that date with her, I wouldn’t care. But…” I sighed. “I don’t know Bob. I’m all confused and I don’t like it.”

He hugged me. “It’ll be fine. You just need a good night’s sleep. Watching a movie where a lot of people die won’t do that for you,” he said.

I hugged back. “But I was gonna imagine everyone being her. It sounded like a good idea at the time.”

We stopped hugging and he sighed. “I wonder about you.”

“Eh, everyone does. But you know you guys love me,” I said getting off the counter, “Now, let’s go watch whatever movie those losers we call our friends picked out, k?”

He nodded and the two of us walked back to the den to see Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning playing.
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