These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy Fifty-Two

“Tell me why,” I said laughing at Craig as he laid by me in the on-call room.

“I don’t like Mondays,” he said running a hand on the side of my face.

“You are not Brenda Ann Spencer,” I laughed, as he started playing with the top hem of my shirt, “What?” I laughed as he laid there in just his boxers.

“You wear so much when you go to sleep,” he said still playing with the hem on my shirt, “I would like to see some stuff off of you,” he said looking at my face.

“Craig,” I laughed setting my hands on his chest, “you know I hate how I look.”

“I have only seen your bottom half naked,” he laughed.

“I know this,” I said messing with his boxers.

“Please,” he said pulling on the bottom hem of my shirt.

“Craigie,” I laughed.

“Is that a yes?” he asked getting a huge smile on his face. I nodded my head yes and he basically tore my shirt off.

“Craig,” I said as he ran his hands up and down my sides.

“What?” he said looking up at me.

“That tickles,” I said as he ran his hand across my stomach.

“You like it,” he said kissing my neck.

“Don’t tease me like this,” I laughed pushing him back.

“Baby,” he looked up at me, “I am not teasing you,” he said pulling down his boxer and kissing me again.

“Craigie,” I began, “I can’t do this,” I said regretting it at it came out.

“Why!?” he said getting aggravated.

I had no reasons, “I’m scared,” I said looking up at him.

“Why?” he said a little calmer.

I thought for a second before saying, “I have only been with Mikey,” I said looking down, “and all this stress,” I finished off and I couldn’t believe I was denying sex from him.

“Fine,” he said looking down at my boobs, I think.

Wait what am I doing?! I thought before kissing him deeply, “I changed my mind,” I said reaching down and un-doing my pants

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I woke up before Craig, and I went to check my phone. Gerard texted me

Gerard: I am at the hospital meet me for coffee about 8

I look over at the clock and it was 7:50.

Me: Yeah I will see in ten Gerard love you.

Gerard: I love you too.

“Craigie,” I said walking back to the bed and shaking him.

“Mmm,” he said rolling over.

“I’m going to get coffee with Gerard. I will see you when I get back,” I said kissing him.

“I love you,” he said smiling.

“I love you too,” I smiled.

“You are beautiful,” he said as I walked out the door.

I walked straight down to the Starbucks in the hospital to see Gerard with two drinks sitting in front of him. I walked over to him and kissed his cheek, “Hey kid,” I said sitting in front of him.

“How are you today?” he asked handing me a drink.

“Good,” I said running a hand through my hair.

“You look beautiful,” he said looking at his coffee and smiling.

“Thank you Gerard,” I said smiling.

“I mean it,” he said looking up with that smile still on his face.

“I know you do,” I said smiling still.

“You have the cutest smile,” he said blushing, “And the softest lips.”

“Gerard you don’t have to compliment me this whole time,” I laughed.

“But I want to,” he said and then smile left his face.

“Thank you though,” I said leaning over the table and kissing his cheek. What sucked was I always had feeling for Gerard and still do.

“Anytime Ali,” he said smiling again.

“How is Mikey? Where is he?” I asked. Woah why am I asking about Mikey? I know he is fine and I know he went home last night.

“Um with his new friend,” Gerard smirked.

“What friend? All of his friends are here with Chelsea,” I laughed.

“Not all of them,” Gerard said as I saw Mikey walked through the sliding doors to me.

“Hey Cutie,” I said waving to Mikey when I got a dirty look fro the new growth on his arm, “I see what you mean now Gerard,” I said as my hand slowly fell to my coffee cup.

“Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner,” he looked down, “Mikey told me not to.”

“It’s not your fault Gerard,” I said messing with my straw. I saw Mikey’s shadow come over me and my eyes began to water. He was the first guy I truly loved with all my heart, the first guy that broke my heart and the first guy I thought would always be there. I began to cry at those thoughts.

“Ali, you okay?” Mikey said lifting my face so I had to look at him.

“It doesn’t matter.” I said getting up to leave.

“Yeah it does,” he began, “To me.”

I looked down then back up at him and I was about to talk before I said hisslut girlfriend roll her eyes.

“Please tell me,” he begged.

“I’m going to check on Chelsea,” I said turning to walk away when I bumped into the nurse that I smarted off to.

“Aw the abuse victim isn’t so strong now isn’t she,” she said mocking me. I she shrugged it off and kept on walking till I got far enough I could break down.

I leaned against the nearest wall and just started crying more. I mean how could he not tell me or anything. I began thinking more and more. I sat on the ground and just cried till I heard a voice.

“Where is your mommy?” A female asked.

“I don’t know. Probably with my daddy,” I heard Leila’s voice say, “Mommy!” I heard her yell and I knew she saw me.

“Hey baby,” I said looking up as she came running to me.

“Can I go see uncle Gee?” she asked hugging me.

“Yeah,” I said before looking up at who found her, “Thank you,” I said as I had stopped crying.

“No problem,” she said whipping my eyes.

“What’s your name?” I asked not seeing her name tag.

“Elliot Reid,” she smiled.

“You were my doctor a couple days ago,” I said realizing who she was.

“Yes you are the one Carla called a major bitch after you left.”

“Really, I was just trying to get out of the hospital to help my friend Chelsea,” I said shrugging.

“Oh her!” she said as her eyes got wide, “Yeah that’s J.D.’s patient,” she said pointing at J.D.

“Hey it’s the Munchkin!” he said walking up to Leila, “Turk check this out,” he said as a black guy in green scrubs walked over, “This tyke is the daughter of this girl,” he said pointing to Leila then me.

“Aren’t you a little young?” he laughed, “You look fifteen.”

“I am eighteen thank you very much,” I said getting a little smart, “And she is my boyfriend’s kid.”

“Well your boyfriend makes really cute kids,” Elliot said smiling.

“Thank you,” Craig said walking up behind me.

“And he is very cute too,” she added.

“I got very lucky,” I said smiling finally.

“Damn, screw that he got lucky,” Turk said, “I mean you look like a young version of my Carla.”

“I know,” Craig said slapping my ass.

I looked back at him in disgust before turning back to them and saying, “Well I have to go talk to Gerard again I said walking off holding Leila's hand, “Hope to see you guys soon.

“You aren’t mad at me are you?” Craig said following me.

“No baby,” I said as I walked back into the Starbucks.

Mikey’s girlfriend was on his lap and I was holding Leila’s hand with Craig's arms wrapped around my waist.

“Gerard,” I said walking over to him, “Leila wants to see you,” I said letting go of her hand.

“Hey Munchkin,” Gerard said picking her up.

“GEE!” she screamed hugging his neck.

“Hey I thought mommy was going to see Chessy?” he said looking at me.

“Detour,” I said kissing his cheek.

“I will go with you guys,” Gerard said looking at me then Leila.

“Yeah!” she said hugging him again.

“Yeah,” he said grabbing his drink and walking off with us.

“Let me have a drink,” I said leaning over to Gerard’s cup and taking the straw in my mouth.

“You could have let me answer first,” he said pulling the cup away before I could get a sip.

“Can I please Gee?” I said pouting.

“Yeah,” he said putting the straw in my mouth.

“Thank you,” I grinned.

“I love that smile,” Craig whispered in my ear rubbing the side of his face on my neck.

“I love a lot of things about you,” I said looking back at him for a second and he kissed me.

“You taste like heaven but god knows you’re built for sin,” he said before we reached Chelsea’s hospital room.

“That was proven to you last night,” I said walking into Chelsea’s room.

“Yeah it was,” he said fallowing me.

“You two look happy,” Tom said before Max Busted out laughing.

“What?” I said looking back and forth between Craig and Max.

“Nothing,” he laughed out.

“No tell me,” I said confused.

“He has the smile,” he said pointing at Craig.

“Dude, shut up,” he said getting serious.

“What smile?” I asked.

“Nothing,” he said laughing still.

“Chelsea wants to know!” Chelsea yelled and max leaned over and whispered in her ear, “Was it good?” Chelsea asked looking at Craig who just grinned extremely big.

“Ali caught on!” I said jumping up and down.

“So was it,” Max laughed.

“Well,” I said biting my lower lip.

Gerard laughed and didn’t get all jealous. I guess he was happy that I was happy and I liked that.

“What color was her bra?” Max asked.

“I took it off to fast I didn’t even notice,” they started joking around and I sat on the bed with Chelsea.

“So how was it?” she asked.

“Better than Mikey,” I said as Mikey walked in. Oh shit.