These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy 57

I was sitting on the floor in the kitchen eating an apple. Why? I don’t know. Felt like it. Sue me. I don’t care.

I had my iHome down and was listening to more Tokio Hotel. Bill had brought it over for me and let me listen to what all they have. I honestly like the German better than the English. But hey, that’s just me. Doesn’t mean the English stuff isn’t good. It’s actually really good. You can’t tell they’re German. *happy sigh* I sure do love them German boys.

I was listening to “Heilig” at full blast when Max walked into the kitchen. I looked up at him and waved before pausing my music. “Hey baby,” I said standing up.

“Hey yourself,” he said walking over to me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug, “I missed you.”

“I missed you, too. Heard things have been crazy over at your place,” I said hugging him back.

He sighed. “Yeah,” he said.

I looked at him. “Max? Are you okay?” I asked.

He nodded. “I feel awful though. Ali’s pissed at me.”

I sighed. “What did you do?”

“I don’t know why I’m doing it, but I keep telling her that Craig’s too old for her. But look here. I’m 23 and you’re nineteen,” he said.

“Eighteen Max. I won’t be nineteen until Halloween.”

He sighed. “I don’t know Chelsuh.”

I kissed his cheek. “Maxi-poo. You’re worrying over something you really don’t have to worry about. Craig and Ali are fine. Sure Ali and I are not twenty and still in high school, but that’s not the point baby. Ali and Craig love each other. Sure, he’s older than her, but I trust him not to hurt her. He does, I’ll kick his ass.”

He buried his face in my neck and I felt him smile against my skin. “You smell amazing,” he said.

“I told you Max, cotton candy body spray is amazing. I love it,” I said.

“Me, too. But not as much as I love you,” he said.

I smiled. “I love you, too.”

“Oh for the love of Buddha will you two get a room?! Jesus,” Frank said.

I looked over at him. “We’re just hugging Frankie. You can calm thyself bro,” I said.

“Whatever. I’m heading into town with Ray to look at guitars. I’ll see you later sis,” he said.

“Bye Frankie. Tell Ray-fro I said hey,” I said.

“Got it,” he said before leaving.

Max unburied his face from my neck when he planted a light kiss on my lips. “I need to go. I’ll call you later, okay?” he asked.

I nodded. “And don’t worry about Ali and Craig. They’ll be fine. He’s happy with her and she’s happy with him. Let them be happy, okay?” I asked.

“For you, I will,” he said before gently kissing me. He cupped my face in his hands and I kissed him back, my arms wrapping themselves around his neck. His right hand left my face and started traveling down to my hip when I heard foot steps.

“Whoa! Get some!” I heard a female voice not Ali say. Wait a minute.

I broke the kiss and saw the blond-headed girl standing in my entryway. “HAWEY!” I exclaimed.

I broke away from Max and ran over to Haley. I attacked hugged her and she said, “Chelsea! How’s it going? Where’s everyone? Who’s the guy you were sucking face with? AH! I missed you!”

I stopped hugging her and said, “It going good, Frank’s hanging out with Ray and Alikina’s with her man, and that’s Max, my super-sexy boyfriend.”

She looked from Max to me. “I approve,” she said.

I squee-ed and quickly hugged her again. “Dude, what are you doing here?” I asked.

“My grandma’s letting me visit. I would have told you, but someone doesn’t answer their home phone,” she replied.

“Dude, we don’t even have a home phone. You have my cell number silly. Unless you lost it. Again.”

I felt arms wrap themselves around my waist from behind me. I looked to see that it was Max. “Hi Max,” I said.

He kissed my cheek and said, “Hey baby. Who’s your friend?”

“Haley, Max. Max, Haley, one of the coolest girls you will ever meet ever,” I replied.

“Hey,” she said.

“Hello yourself,” Max said. He kissed my cheek again and said, “Well, I have to get heading. I’ll call you later, okay?”

I nodded and kissed him. “I love you,” I said.

“I love you, too,” he said before unwrapping his arms from around my waist and leaving.

“So, details!” she said.

“Was?” I asked.

She rolled her eyes at me. “How did you meet him? Wait a minute. Isn’t that Ali’s brother’s band mate?” she asked.

I nodded. “Dude, whatever happened to Ronnie? You guys were so cute together!”

I shuddered. “Uh-oh. I saw a shudder. What happened?”

I told her what all happened since she moved when Ronnie and I had just started dating. “Holy shit!” she said when I finished, “I’m going to kill him! Oh he’s gonna get it.”

“Well, you’re in line behind Frank, Max, Ali, and Tom,” I said.

She looked at me. “Tom? Who’s Tom?” she asked.

“New guy. You can meet him later. I was going to go over to his house to hang out with him and Bill.”

“Ah. Can’t wait. Is he cute?”

I smiled. “If I wasn’t dating Max, I would date Tom.”

“Aww! Ist cute!”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m texting Tom and seeing if we can go over there and hang out.”


I pulled out my phone and texted Tom.

Me: Tomi!! Can I come over and play w/ u & Bill and bring a friend u haven’t met please?

Tom: Play? *smirk*

Me: *realized that what I had sent sounded dirty* U kno wat I mean Tom.

Tom: I know. Yeah. We’re out by the pool. Bring something to swim in. unless you wanna swim in your bra and underwear… *smirk*

Me: *face-palm* We’ll be over in a bit. Tell Bill he gets 2 meet my friend he hasn’t met b4

Tom: just did. He’s excited and told me to tell you to hurry you arsch up now or else he is going to dunk you when you get here.

Me: tell him it’s on like Donkey Kong

Tom: Was? *confused*

Me: *shakes head* nvm. We’ll be over soon. Ich liebe mein Tomi und Billa

Tom: the feeling’s mutual.

Me: wow Tom. Such big word usage. *claps*

Tom: *shakes head* wow Chella. Wow.

Me: eh, ur stuck with me. u can deal w/ it

Tom: *sigh* I guess I will have to. See you in a little bit.

Me: ok. Bye Tomi!!!

Tom: Bye Chella.

“Wow. He’s odd. Slightly pervy too,” Haley said as I slid my phone closed.

“Yeah. But he and his twin brother are two of my best guy friends. Now, we need to get you something to swim in,” I said.

“Way ahead of you,” she said before showing the strap of her bikini, “I knew you had a pool, so I thought I’d dress accordingly.”

I nodded. “Let’s go then,” I said.

We started towards the door and Haley said, “Wait. What about you?”

“I don’t feel like swimming today,” I half-lied.

“Well, grab a swimsuit in case you do when we get there. I don’t wanna swim by myself.”

I sighed and rushed up to my room before grabbing my two piece. It was neon green with black stars all over it. I grabbed two towels from the bathroom and ran back downstairs. “Come on,” I said linking arms with her, “Let’s go.”

She nodded and we left my house and started towards Bill and Tom’s.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haley (new character) happens to be mine and Ali's awesome friend who is just freaking amazing.

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Well, i'm off to read/update more of the stories. Tschüss!!