These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy Fifty-Eight

“I WANT TO GO!” I screamed into the phone.

“Chill,” Chelsea said.

“Let me get Leila and Craig and I will be there! Well and Robert he needs to get out,” I said hanging up the phone.

“What’s going on?” Craig asked as I was jumping up and down with excitement and a smirk went a across his face.

“Stop staring at my boobs,” I said kissing him, “We are going to Tom’s house and going swimming because I was to.”

“Who is this ‘we’?”

“You, Robert, Leila and I,” I said running over to my dresser and grabbing my swimsuit.

“I would love to go,” he said.

“Sweet,” I said throwing him his trunks.

After we all changed Craig grabbed Leila and I pulled Robert along as we went to Tom and Bill’s. When we got in their house I stopped in front of the big screen to stare for a bit.

“Ali, you can watch the game on it with Craig and everybody one day,” a German voice said.

“Tom!” I yelled running over and hugging him.

“I missed you,” I said backing up and smiling.

“Lets go swim,” he paused leading me and everybody out the door to the pool, “Chelsea and Haley are here.” He said after I picked up Leila.

“HALEY!” I screamed looking over the railing.

“Hey,” she said looking up at me.

“Slide?” Leila said tugging on my swim suit top.

“Yes slide,” I said walking her over and sliding down with her. When we got above water Leila coughed, “You okay?” I said brushing the hair out of her face.

“Yes mommy,” she said shaking her head.

“Woah, Mommy?” Hayley said walking over to me.

I shook my head as Craig came up and wrapped his arms around me.

“Daddy!” Leila said reaching back for him.

“What did I miss?” Haley asked looking back at Chelsea.

“A lot,” Chelsea said shrugging.

“Well thanks for filling me in you guys,” Hayley said with heavy sarcasm.

“Shut up,” I said as Craig was being a little to lovey for my liking and kissing up and down my neck. Hopefully Chelsea would catch on and save me.

“They had a huge fight last night,” Chelsea said to Haley.

“How do you know?” Haley asked looking at her.

“Because of how he is acting,” she answered pointing at Craig.

“You were there Chelsea,” Craig said looking up at her.

“And look how you are acting,” Chelsea said before he moved his hands.

“Whatever,” he said getting pissy.

“Thank you but don’t get him all pissy next time,” I said looking over at him and Robert talking.

“You owe me,” she said before Max stole her from me and Haley.

“Well um,” Haley began.

“Yes well,” I said looking down as she did.

“I missed you!” we both screamed hugging each other smashing Leila in the middle.

“Mommy!” Leila screamed.

“Sorry baby,” I said letting go of Haley and fixing Leila back on my side.

“Well how did this thing come to be?” seeing as Haley hates kids.

“It’s Craig’s and his ex-girlfriends,” I said explaining it.

“Ah,” she said.
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Sorry it isnt that long