These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy 59

I was sitting in a lounge chair in long shorts and a t-shirt over my swimsuit as everyone swam. Ali, Max, and Craig were trying to get Leila to swim, Haley was talking to Robert about something, and Bill and Tom were splashing each other in the face. I shook my head at the two twins when I noticed to bodies sit by me. I looked to see that it was Georg and Gustav. “Ah! My two G’s!” I said hugging them both, “I missed you!”

“We missed you, too Chelsea. How are you doing?” Gustav asked. You know, you wouldn’t think that he talked a lot, but give him a minute and he’ll start talking your ear off. Shocking, I know.

I shrugged. “As well as I can,” I replied when Haley swam over to the side of the pool.

“Chelsea Michelle Iero get your butt in this pool now,” she said.

I shook my head. “I’m fine,” I told her, “I’m tanning.”

“Well, then tan properly and take off the long shorts and t-shirt damn it!” she said.

I shook my head. “I don’t like how I look with my swimsuit,” I said.

“You look hott now listen to the girl!” Max shouted from across the pool.

“There are still bruises though!” I replied.

“Bruises?” Haley asked. Ah scheisse. I forgot to tell her about the recent events.

I sighed. “Yeah. I had a little run in with the ex,” I replied.

Her jaw dropped and she said, “That fucking asshole! What the hell?! What did he do to you?!”

“Oh normal abuse stuff. Beat, torture, neglect, beat some more,” I replied.

She shook her head. “I’m not sure the bruises are that bad,” she said.

I sighed before taking my shirt off, instantly regretting it. Haley gasped and hopped out of the pool before rushing over to me. “I’m going to kill him Chels. I am so killing him,” she said examining the damage. I’m still bruised and I have a few fading scars.

“Remember, you’re in line,” I said, “Now, can I please put my shirt back on?”

“No, you need to tan and get some sun girl. Shorts off. Now,” she said before diving in the pool gracefully.

I sighed and slid my long shorts off, revealing more bruises that suggested things I’d rather not talk about. Get what I mean? Yeah? Good.

“Chelsea! There’s even on your legs! What the hell?” Haley asked. Fuck me!

“Haley, I’ll explain later. Not right now,” I said before putting my Walmart sunglasses on and relaxing. I looked around when Georg (after being Gustav quiet…if that’s even possible) muttered, “Wow.”

I looked at him confused. “Wow what?” I asked.

He motioned to my leg. I looked to see and hand-shaped bruise. I shuddered and went to grab for my shorts when a slender, manicured hand snatched them from me. “Bill Kaulitz give me back my shorts now,” I said.

I looked up and he shook his wet head. “Nope,” he said.

“Pah-lease Billa?” I asked innocently.

He shook his head before walking off with them. “Billa! Be nice and give it back or I’m not giving you anything ever again!” I said.

“You don’t give me any anyway,” he said smirking. Whoa. Did he just act pervy-ish?

I rolled my eyes when he threw my shorts in the water. “Bill!” I said shocked.

“Whoa. You never scream my name like that,” he said. Yep. He’s being pervy.

“Wow Bill. This whole time I thought you were so innocent. Well, I was so wrong. You can actually be a perv. Creepy man, I’m not going to lie,” I said.

He shrugged. “I know,” he said before diving in. He surfaced and said, “Now come on and swim.”

I shook my head. “Nein,” I said.

He rolled his eyes. I went back to relaxing when I was picked up by Georg. “Georg,” I said warningly, “just what do you think you’re doing?”

He smirked before tossing me into the water. I surfaced and shook my head. “GEORG MORTIZ HAGEN LISTING I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!” I exclaimed.

Gustav started laughing. “Nice Georg,” he said.

“You’re dead as well Gustav Klaus Wolfgang Schäfer!” I exclaimed. Yeah, I recently learned their middle names.

I heard Bill laugh. I turned to him and said, “I’m going to get you for stealing my shorts Bill I’m-going-to-learn-your-middle-name Kaulitz.”

“Don’t have one,” he said.

“Chelzers! Smile! Maxi-pad loves you!” Ali said.

“How many times must I tell you to not call me Maxi-pad?!” Max asked.

I smiled. “Aw! Look Meckie! She’s smiling!” Ali said.

Bill sighed. “Don’t call me Meckie,” he said.

“Meckie? I’m calling you Meckie from now on Meckie,” I said.

Bill--err--Meckie sighed. “I’m not fond of you right now,” he said.

“Feeling’s mutual,” I said.

“Hey! That’s my line,” Tom said, “No stealing my line!”

I rolled my eyes and swam over to the edge. I was about to pull myself out of the water when arms wrapped themselves around my waist and stopped me. I turned around to see that it was Max. “Max,” I pouted, “let me go. I don’t wanna swim. I look awful.”

He rolled his eyes and kissed me. “Stop it. You look beautiful. Breath-taking even. Don’t worry about the bruises. They’re going away. Now come on and swim. You need to have fun baby,” he said.

I nodded and hugged him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tom’s face slightly drop before he was splashed in the face (again) by Meckie and the two of them had another water fight.


Ali, Haley, Craig, Leila, and Max all left a little bit ago to hang out. Haley told me she would be back later. Robert headed back to the house because Monte was bored and wanted someone to play Guitar Hero: World Tour with. So it was me, the twins, and the Gs hanging out in the living room watching something on the big ass screen TV. I remember the first time I came over here and stared at the TV for five minutes straight before Meckie slapped be back to reality. Oh, and speaking of Meckie, since he threw my shorts in the pool, he lent me a pair of PJ pants and one of Tom’s ridiculously huge shirts. I mean, seriously! How can he wear such baggie clothes?! He would look fine in clothes that actually fit him. Even his swim trunks are big on him! Good thing he doesn’t wear a shirt when he swims because a) it would be huge as well b) he could drown, and c) it would be covering up his amazing bo--

Whoa. Stop it. You have Max. Emphasis on the Max part. He’s good to you. He cares about you. I mean, not that Tom doesn’t. He took blows to the head for me. Got me away from Ronnie. Well, with the help of Ali. *shudder* I do not want to think about that. But back to my point. You have Max Chelsea. You’re boyfriend who loves you and cares about you damn it!

I sighed and rested my head in my hands. “Chelsea?” Bill--err--Meckie asked, “Are you okay?”

I nodded. “I’m fine Meckie. Just really tired and confused,” I replied.

Meckie sighed at the use of his nickname. “If you want to head back, that would be fine with us. You look exhausted,” Tom said.

I nodded and stood up. “Wait, where are my clothes at?” I asked.

Meckie and Tom shook their heads. “Just bring those back the next time you come over,” Meckie said.

I nodded and hugged the twins and Gs before walking out of the house and towards my car.

(Later that night…)

“Come on Bill! I have to take a shower!” I said. I swear Bill was so slow when it came to the bathroom.

“I’ll be out in five minutes Tom. Calm down,” Bill said from the other side of the door.

I sighed and started towards my room before my cell phone rang. I grabbed it and saw that it was Ali calling. I flipped it open and asked, “Hallo?”

I heard sniffling and crying. “T-T-Tomi?” she asked.

“Ali? Was ist falsch?” I asked, “Bist du o.k.?”

She started crying. “No,” she asked.

“What is it?” I asked worried.

“It’s…it’s Chelzers!” she replied before crying harder.

My jaw dropped. “What happened? Is she okay? Where is she? What happened?” I asked. Yes I asked what happened twice. Tell me something I don’t know.

The phone shuffled and a female voice asked, “Tom, right?”

“Yes. Who is this?” I asked.

“It’s Haley. Sorry. Ali’s crying too hard to speak,” she replied, her voice cracking as she spoke.

“What’s wrong with Chelsea?” I asked worried.

Haley took an uneven breath. “She…she was in a car wreck on the way home. She got hit by a drunk driver in the intersection. We’re at the hospital right now. The doctors are looking over her right now. I’m not going to lie. She looks awful,” she replied shakily.

Okay, that shower isn’t so important anymore. “I’m on my way there. Anything else I need to be prepared about?” I asked.

“Yeah. I have to actually ask you something,” she said.

“What is it?”

“Do you know if Chelsea’s had sex with Max?”

“No she hasn’t. She’s been apprehensive about that kind of thing as long as I’ve known her. Why?”

“That’s brings me to another question. When Ronnie abducted her, do you know if he raped her at any point?”

I shuddered, knowing he did. “Yeah. Why?”

She sighed in frustration. “I’m going to kill him. I so am killing him.”

“What does that have to do with what’s wrong with Chelsea?”

“The fucker got her pregnant. She lost the baby in the wreck.”

I felt my body lean against the wall and slide down to the floor. “I’ll be over there as soon as I can. Who all’s there?”

“Everyone. Only Ali and I know about what I just told you.”

“That, and you’re the only ones who know Ronnie’s raped her. I’ll be there shortly. I just have to throw on pants and a shirt. I was actually getting ready for bed when Ali called. I’m no where near tired anymore.”

“Okay. See you soon.”



I hung up my phone when I saw my brother standing by the bathroom door in pajama pants and a loose t-shirt. “Tomi, was ist falsch?” he asked worried.

I stood up. “Get shoes on. As soon as I get dressed, we have to leave,” I replied.

“What’s going on?” he asked as he followed me to my room.

I walked in and grabbed a pair of pants and a shirt. After throwing them on, I replied, “Chelsea’s in the hospital. She was in an accident.”

Bill’s jaw dropped and his eyes watered up. “Was? Wie? Wenn? Warum?!” he asked.

I slipped on house shoes and replied, “I’ll explain on the way there. Now come on.”

He nodded and the two of us left my room. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a piece of paper and pen.

“Went to the hospital. Chelsea was in an accident. Call when you read this. Love, Tom and Bill,” I wrote before leaving on the table. I looked to see that there were water splotches on it. I looked back at Bill and he enveloped me in a hug.

“Come on Tomi. We need to head out,” Bill said.

I nodded and hugged him back before we stopped hugging and left the house.
♠ ♠ ♠
*cue lightning and creepy organ music*

Sorry to be mean to Chelsea. (I seem to alway be mean to her. First getting her heart broken by Tom. Next you all find out about Ronnie beating her. Then she gets abducted by Ronnie, beaten and all that awful stuff. Then you find out she's been raped by Ronnie. Then she's being tortured by wondering who she cares about more between Max and Tom, breaking Tom's heart (yes it's possible to break the player's heart) in the process. And now THIS!!) If you all are starting to hate me for this (plus her going to Max and not Tom) don't worry. It'll get better. I promise. I think. I hope...*shifty eyes*

So anyways, comments are loved like the Kaulitz twins (ich) and Craig Mabbitt (Alikina). Plus we love to hear what you have to say.