These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy Six

I walked into school eating my ice cream, by myself I stopped at my locker to get some things when Tom came running up to me, "Guess what?!" he said before noticing my ice cream, "oh I want some," he said pointing at it.

"Oh-Kay what?" I asked handing him the ice cream and grabbing a soda from my back pack.

"Kat is my girlfriend," he said jumping up and down.

"No really, what?" I laughed.

"I'm serious. Why aren't you happy?"

"Um, I am but I know some one who isn't going to be even if she doesn't want to admit it," i shrugged.

"Well let's go to English class. You are the only friend I got in there," he said linking arms with me.

"Um, thats not a good idea," i said taking my arm back.

"Why your my friend and I'm yours, there is nothing wrong," he said taking my arm again.

"There is the girlfriend factor."

"Yes but you have a boyfriend so that cancels my girlfriend factor."

"Whatever why would it matter?"

Tom and I walked into English together and i got dirty looks by the preps. ah shit look what i got my self into, I thought.

Tom sat down by me and class started. We got to the last five minutes of class and we were aloud to talk.

"So what do you think of my girlfriend?" Tom asked.

"My opinion doesn't matter," I said.

"Yes, it does to me. You and Chelsea are my only girl friends here."

"I don't like her," I said taking a drink of my soda.

"It's because I am famous."

"Um Hun you are in this Lil town everybody is famous," I laughed.

"No no, I am from Tokio Hotel." when he said those words i realized where i had heard his voice.

"Holy shit," I yelled and everyone looked at me, thank god the teacher was gone.

"Yes tis true."

"Okay don't tell Chelsea i want to see how long it takes her to figure out."

"Okay but you got to promise me something."

"Okay what?"

"I want you to go to a concert with me and Kat."

"Um oh-Kay?"

"And Mikey of course."

"I don't know?" he gave me the puppy dog eyes, "I will try, oh-Kay," I said kissing his cheek as i do all my other guy friends and then the bell rang. Tom and I walked out of the room linking arms and laughing.

"What do we have next?" he asked.

"Um Anatomy wit Chelsea and the crew."

"Sweet can I put my English book in your locker?" he said leaning against the one by mine.

"Yeah," I said taking it.

"Thank you, Ali. I'M going to go get Kat I will see you in class," he sad smiling.

"Hey, Al," Chelsea said walking up to me.

"Oh hey girl," I said.

"So what were you and Tom talking about," she said grinning but a tad irritated.

"Nothing ,really," I shrugged, "Lets just go to class."

"Um, okay girl."

Wow um i have to tell her about Tom sometime but, she has to find out by herself and I will act like i never kne.