These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy Sixty-Two

I kept sneezing and my eyes itched when I went outside.

I walked back into the hospital when J.D. walked up to me.

“Hey have you been doing any drugs?” he asked looking at my eyes, “You look stoned,” he laughed.

“Allergies,” I laughed as he began to write something.

“Take this,” he laughed, “you need it.”

“Thanks,” I smiled rubbing my eye.

“You can get it filled here and take it now if you like it’s just an antibiotic.”

“Where at?” I laughed feeling quite stupid.

“I will get it for you,” he said taking the paper, “I will bring it to Chelsea’s room.”

“Or you can text me,” I said giving him my number, “We are friends now. I mean I have been here enough,” I laughed.

“Yeah,” he smiled, “Friends,” he finished before walking off.

I walked over to Chelsea’s room before I felt arms around my waist and lips on my neck.

“Craig,” I laughed, “I didn’t take my birth control today,”

“That’s fine I want a risk,” Craig whispered in my ear.

“Are you sure?” I asked kind of wanting him.

“Oh I am positive,” he said leading me into the on call room once again.


“Hey Ali,” I heard Haley's voice yell at me as I walked down the hallway.

“Yo,” I said turning to her.

“So you want to go out and actually do something tonight?” she asked shrugging, “I mean give Chelsea a break from everybody and we can be stress free.”

“It sounds fun,” I smiled.

“The bar sound nice?” she laughed.

“I am not old enough,” I said looking down.

“Darn I forgot we are not in Lynnville or Elberfeld,” she said looking away then back at me.

“Looks like we aren’t doing anything,” I laughed.

“Oh well,” she said walking off.

I followed her till I heard what sounded like crying. Haley kept walking but me having that “mom” instinct I walked in to see what was wrong.

I opened the door to see Max sitting on an empty hospital bed curled up in a little ball, “Max?” I asked walking over to the bed.

“Go away,” he mumble looking over at me.

“Max,” I laughed walking over to the bed, “What's wrong?”

“Why should I tell you?”

“Because,” I began while getting up on the bed, “You are like my older brother and you should trust me.”

“What the fuck?! You wouldn’t tell me Chelsea was pregnant why should I trust you when you can’t trust me?”

“She told me not to tell you. She wanted to wait.”

“Till when? The thing was born?”

“How the fuck do you think she got the thing?” I said calling it the thing because that’s all it was to me. Ronnie’s dumbass can’t keep his dick away from Chelsea.

“Having sex,” he sighed, “And it sure as hell wasn’t me!”

“Well no dip Sherlock,” I said rolling my eyes.

“So she did cheat on me?” he questioned sitting up.

“Not by choice,” I mumbled to myself.

“What was that?” he asked getting aggravated.

“Nothing,” I said looking out the window.

“Fucking tell me!” he screamed grabbing my face and pulling it to look at him.

“No,” I calmly said.

“Tell me!” he screamed as the door swung open.

“No,” I said looking up at his face.

“Alejandra Rae Michelle Money,” he said calming down a bit, “Please tell me so I know you can trust me. That’s all I want,” he said shaking his head and looking down.

“Max,” I sighed, “Chelsea will tell you when she is ready. She just isn’t right now,” I said pulling him into a hug.

“But I want to know,” he said looking up at me like a little kid would.

“Max,” I sighed again, “no you don’t,” I said running my hand trough his hair.

“Can I have a hint?”

“No Max, just think about it you will understand.”

It was silent for a bit before something clicked in his head, “Ronnie?” he asked looking up at me. I shook my heard yes and began to cry, “I am a fucking asshole.”

“Max you didn’t know you just expected the worst.”

“I always screw everything up,” he said looking up at me again.

“No you don’t. You are just like me and expect the worst in everything. I promise it will be fine,” I said smiling at him.
“Well what should I do?” he asked pulling away.

“I have no idea,” I laughed.

“Thank you,” he said getting up and kissing my forehead, “I got to make this right,” he said running out the door as Leila came running in.

“I love you mommy,” she said pulling a chair over to the bed and climbing up.

“I love you too,” I said pulling her on my lap.

“My mommy is coming over next week,” she smiled.
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im happy