These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy Sixty-Six

I decided to spend a day with Gerard since I haven’t seen him in forever. I mean lilke me and him time. Plus Craig was spending time with Leila and Gab, who was in town for a weekend.

“So what do you want to do?” Gerard asked walking into the kitchen with me.

“I don’t know but where are the cookies?” I asked opening the pantry door and looking around.

“Mikey’s room,” he said laughing.

“I will be back,” I said running up the stairs. I slowly opened the door to see Mikey pasted out on his bed, “Mikey?” I whispered sweetly walking over to his bed.

“Mmmm,” I heard him groan before rolling over a bit just enough to see who it was, “Hey Beautiful,” he smiled.

“Hey I just came up here to get the cookies then I’m going downstairs to hang out with Gerard,” I said sitting by his stomach.

“Oh well can I join or can it just be me and you,” he smiled placing a hand on my hip.

“Uh no,” I said moving his hand, “Me and Gerard are going to meet up with Gab, Craig and Leila in about an hour so I can meet Gab.”

“Ohkay,” he said sitting up, “Can I have a kiss?”

“Only on the cheek,” I said before kissing his cheek.

“Here are the cookies,” he said smiling and handing me the box.

“Thanks,” getting up and walking off.

“I love you Ali,” he said as I opened the door.

“Love you too Mikey,” I said looking back at him.

“You mean it?”

“I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t,” I said before sprinting out the door and down the stairs to Gerard.

“You’re back,” Gerard said as he was sitting on the couch watching Malcolm in the Middle.

“I love this show!” I said sitting on the couch by him. It was the episode where Francis runs away from the police academy thing and when Malcolm and Reese tell Stewie that there is a monster under his bed.

Him and I laughed forever till my phone began to ring.

“Yes?” I said answering the call.

“Where are you?” Craig asked a little worried.

“What's wrong?”

“Nothing, I’m just freaking out a little bit cause of the hospital nights.”

“Ah, I see,” I said rolling my eyes.

“Yeah but where are you?”

“The Way’s.”

“Do you want us to come get you?”

“No I drove over here I will be there in a second.”

“Okay I love you,” he said before blowing me a kiss.

“Love you too,” I said hanging up, “Are you coming?” I said looking over at Gerard.

“Yeah I want to meet Leila’s real Mommy,” he said standing up and fixing his pants, “No offence,” he said looking down at me still on the couch.

“None taken,” I laughed getting up and walking out to my car with Gerard linking arms with me.

We listened to an old Fall Out Boy CD on the way to my house singing almost every song. When we got to my house Craig was sitting on the porch smoking a cigarette while Leila was running around the yard with a dog, where did the dog come from, It was a little Yellow Labrador. It made my heart melt and I ran over to it.

“Where did this come from?” I asked sitting on the ground playing with it.

“It’s from Gab to you,” he said taking a hit of his cigarette and then looking at Gab who was behind him.

“Yeah,” she smiled, “Its kind of I’m sorry present that you have to put up with this goober,” she laughed playing with Craig’s hair.

“Mommy!” Leila yelled running over to me and the dog.

“Leila!” I said picking her up and setting her in my lap as the dog jumped up in her lap and started licking her.

“Mommy?” Gab said looking at me.

“Sorry she kind of just started calling her that,” Craig shrugged and Gerard sat by Craig and stole a hit of his cigarette.

“Sorry,” I said looking down at Leila and the dog.

“Mommy make it stop,” she cried.

I picked up the Lab and held it in my arms so it couldn’t lick her but she could still pet it.

“Thank you mommy,” she said standing up and running over to Gerard, “Uncle Gee!” she screamed.

“Leila!” Gerard yelled back as he picked her up.

“So where are we going?” I asked as I was playing with the little dog.

“Well I would rather just stay here,” Gab said sitting down by Craig.

“Oh-kay,” I said standing up and walking in the house as the dog followed.

“So Ali,” Gab said following me.

“Yeah,” I said turning to her.

“Craig thinks you might be pregnant,” she said confronting me since seeing as Craig wouldn’t do it.

“That’s crazy,” I laughed.

“Well he just thinks it so you might want to prove him wrong before he gets even more paranoid.”

“Okay,” I said nodding my head.

“Thanks,” she said before walking back outside.
“So what’s the dogs name going to be?” I asked following Gab back outside.

“No idea,” Craig shrugged.

“How about Nixon?” I asked picking him up.

“Why Nixon?” Gerard asked.

“Nixon from Framing Hanley,” I said setting him on the ground.

“It’s fine with me,” Craig said kissing my cheek.