These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy 67

Meckie, Tom, and I walked into my house. Frank was in the living room with Ray playing Guitar Hero and Mom was in the kitchen. “Hi Mommy!” I said as we walked in.

“Hello Chelsea,” Mom said when she saw Meckie and Tom, “Hello boys.”

“Hello Mama Linda,” they said.

“So how was your day?” Mom asked as we sat down.

I leaned my crutches against the table. “Good. We went to the mall with everyone and then we went back to their house and watched TV,” I replied. I’d tell her about Tom and I when I had the chance. Meaning when we were alone.

“That sounds like fun,” Mom said as Frank and Ray walked in.

“Hey sis,” Frank said walking over to me.

He kissed my cheek and I exclaimed, “Incest!”

Frank and Ray rolled their eyes. “Sure sis. I’ve got Jamia,” Frank said.

“Wow. You’re still with her?!” I asked.

“Yep. Unlike some people, she actually likes my hyper ass,” Frank replied.

“Frank. Language,” Mom said.

“Sorry Mommy,” Frank said.

“Frank, you are the biggest loser I’ve ever met,” Ray said.

“I agree. And I live with him!” I said.

“You guys are so mean!” Frank pouted.

I kissed his cheek. “I love you, bubby,” I said.

He shook his head. “I love you, too, sis,” he said, “Now, Ray and I are going to go and do man things. Like shop for guitars. Later!”

I laughed as the two of them left. “Wow. ‘Man things?’ Nice bro. Nice,” I said shaking my head.

“That’s Frank for you,” Mom said, “Wouldn’t have him any other way. But I could kill him for that scorpion tattoo on his neck.”

I rolled my eyes. “Mom, you know all he wants to do is be a musician. I mean, look at these two,” I said jabbing my thumbs in Meckie and Tom’s direction, “The best thing to come out of Germany since David Hasselhoff and schnitzel. Although I’ve never had schnitzel. Not the point.”

She looked at the twins confused. “Let me put this in old people language: these two losers are famous in Germany. Like, rockstar famous,” I said.

Mom threw her towel at me and my smart-ass remark. “You don’t say,” Mom said.

“Oh, I do say. Meckie here sings and Tomi here playing the guitar,” I replied before looking at them, “Right?”

They nodded. “Good,” I said, “I hate being wrong.”

“Like you were last week?” Tom asked.

“What happened last week?” I asked.

“Yeah. What happened last week?” Meckie asked.

Tom sat there and thought for a moment. “I do not know,” he replied when my phone rang.

Lifestyles of the rich and famous. They’re always complaining. Always complaining…

I grabbed my phone. “Yes Fugatory?” I asked.

“What cha doing?” she asked.

“Hanging out with Meckie, Tomi-san, and Mommy,” I replied, “You?”

“Waiting for Frank to get here,” she replied.

“Where are you?”

“Guitar Center.”

Well, no wonder Frank wanted to go guitar shopping. Wait, what about Jamia? “Really? That’s cool. Hey, did he tell you if he was single?” I asked.

“Euhm, I think so,” she replied.

I sighed. “Can I call you back in a sec?”

“Yeah. Bye Chelsius Decimus!”

“Bye Fugatory.”

I hung up my phone and called Frank. “Hello, who is this, and what do you want?” Frank asked.

“Listen here mister, you are not leading Haley on when you’re still with Jamia. Either be just friends with Haley or break up with Jamia if you want to go out with Haley so bad. I will not let you cheat on Jamia with my best friend,” I said annoyed before hanging up.

“Is everything okay?” Mom asked.

“Frank needs to make up his mind,” I replied shaking my head at my brother.

“Ah,” Mom said, “Well, you guys probably want to hang out. I’ve got to get some groceries. I’ll be back in a bit. Call if you need anything, okay?”

We nodded. She kissed my forehead before leaving. “To the den. Away!” I said before grabbing both boys’ hands and dragging them downstairs.
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comments are loved like the twins (ich) and Craig (Ali).