These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy Seventy-Two

“Max!” I yelled from the kitchen.

“Ali!” he yelled back.

“What are you doing today?” I said slicing and apple.

“Sex?” he said laughing.

“With who?” I said walking to the cabinet.

“Some random chick most likely,” he said as I heard him walking around his room.

“Oh I wanted to see if you wanted to go to a show tonight but have fun,” I said grabbing the peanut butter.

“Nah I am going to try and get laid.” he said as I heard him walking down the stairs.

“Not even going to find a girlfriend first?” I ask questioning him.

“Nah I haven’t got the time,” he said handing me a plate and spoon.

“Okay you have fun then,” I said scooping out some peanut butter and putting it on a plate.

“Bye,” he said walking out the door.

“Bye I guess,” I said picking up my plate of apples and peanut butter and walking to the living room.

Honestly, Max has changed a lot. He doesn’t seem the same as he was. I don’t know what to do. All he seems to be after is sex. He isn’t normally like this or never has been. He tells me everything like we are best friends. I like it but how do I tell him he has changed without hurting him.

I heard k.Nixon barking in the other room and I laughed.

“Puppy,” I heard Craig say in his kid voice.

I laughed to myself before eating another apple.

“Oh my,” I heard him say.

“What?” I said with a mouth full of food.

“You,” he said leaning down with the puppy in his arms.

“The dog?” I said looking up at him.

“No you look gorgeous.”

“I look gorgeous in sweats and a tank top?” I said looking at myself.

“You look gorgeous in anything,” he paused, “Especially in my eyes.”

“You mean your pants?”

“That to.” he said laughing and sitting beside me.

“That’s good” I laughed as the dog crawled on top of me.

Cross my heart and hope to die

“Hello?” I laughed into the phone.

“Hey Alikina what’s up?” Chelsea said from where ever she was.

“Sitting on the couch with Craigie,” I began when he pulled me to lay on his lap, “well I am laying down now.”

“I don’t want to know,” she said laughing.

“Oh you know you do,” I said laughing at her.

“Actually no,” she said almost serious.

“Well do you want to come over?” I asked as Craig started playing with my hair.

“Fuck yes!” she screamed in my ear.

“Okay jeez come over here then,” I said pulling the phone away from my ear.

“I am on my way now,” I heard as she hung up the phone.

“Oh yeah I got you a present!” Craig said pulling out his wallet.

“What?!’ I asked sitting up.

“Four tickets to Mariana’s Trench!” I said pulling the tickets out.

I screamed before looking at them, “Thank you, thank you,” I said hugging him.

“No problem,” he said as I set back where I was.

My eyes rolled down to the tickets date, September 5th, “Craig I can’t go to this,” I said looking up at him and handing him the tickets.

“Why can’t you?” he said getting wide eyed.

“I promised Reid,” I began before I was cut off.

“Oh Reid,” he said rolling his eyes.

“What was that for?” I said getting aggravated.

“Nothing,” he said getting up from the couch.

“Craig,” I said not getting an answer, “Craig!” I repeated getting up with still no answer, “Craig!” I screamed seeing him at the top of the stairs.

“What?” he said mocking me.

“Why are you being like this?” I asked walking up the stairs.
“Because I thought I could have an amazing night with my girlfriend at the Mariana’s Trench concert with her friend and somebody else but now you are going to see Reid,” he said Reid’s name in a funny way.

“It’s just Reid,” I said walking away.

Just then Chelsea walked in the door.
♠ ♠ ♠

you ruined that night you stupid b!tch


you gotta tell David sorry for ruining his opportunity don't tell him what it was though tell him to ask me