These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy 73

I had my ear buds in my ears, dancing into Ali’s house. I was listening to “Cross My Heart” by Mariana’s Trench and singing along.

“And I do want to show you I will run to you, to you til I can’t stand on my own anymore. I cross my heart and hope to die!” I sang and danced around to. I stopped when I reached the living room. Of course, you would too if you found three people staring at you like you weren’t taking your Adderall. (Which, by the way, I’m not on.) I pulled out an ear bud and waved. “Hi!” I said smiling.

Ali face palmed and Craig shook his head. I think Max was staring at my chest. I looked at my chest before covering it up. “My boobies. No,” I said.

“Damn,” he said jokingly….I think. I recon. I hope.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to Ali. I plopped down on her lap and said, “Ello, Alikina.”

“Hi Chelzers. Not to be bitch, but can you get your ass off me?” she asked.

I sat down next to her on the couch as Nixon the puppy dog puppy ran over to me. “Hey Nixon,” I said petting him, “You’re such a pretty puppy dog. Yes, you are. Yes, you are!”

“What about me?” Max asked.

“You’re a pretty Max. You can’t be a puppy dog.”

He shrugged. “Oh well. I’m gonna go get laid. Later,” he said before leaving.

Ohhhhhhhhkay? I looked at Ali confused. “I’m lost, dazed, confused, and have lost faith in cookies and I don’t LIKE IT!” I said before pouting.

“He’s being a man whore,” she replied.

I sighed. “I’m going to kick him in the ass later,” I said.

Ali giggled. “So, how was your date with your boyfriend?” she asked.

Just then, Monte walked in. “You? Boyfriend?” he asked me.

I hesitantly nodded. “Who?” he asked.

Ali threw a paper wad at Monte, hitting him in the head. “Ow!” he said.

“Who do you think it is, dumbass?” Ali asked.

“I don’t remember!! That’s why I asked!” he replied.

“It’s Tom,” I replied.

He blinked at me. “Oh. Okay,” he said before walking out of the room.

I shook my head. “Monte’s strange,” I said.

“Yup,” Ali said.

I sprawled out on the floor and Nixon started licking. “No, Nixon, stop licking me. No, Nixon. Bad dog, no licking. ALI NIXON’S BEING A DILDO!” I said.

Ali shook her head and Craig walked in. “Okay, what the hell is going on?” he asked.

“Nixon’s being a dildo!” I replied.

Craig shook his head. “Come here, Nixon. Come on,” he said.

Nixon the puppy dog ran over to Craig and he picked the puppy up before carrying him into the kitchen.

I looked at Ali. “Is Craig PMS-ing?” I whispered.

Ali shrugged. “He bought four tickets to Mariana’s Trench and I had already made plans to hang out with Reid,” he whispered.

“When’s the concert?”

“September 12.”

Hmm…do I have anything planned for that day? Oh yeah! I’m getting Chelsea-napped by my brother and the guys to go someplace or the other. “How about this, k? You go and take Max, Craig, and Reid. Let your boyfriend meet you best guy friend.”

She shook her head. “I can’t. It’ll be a fucking sausage fest.”

I sighed. “I’m getting Chelsea-napped that day, anyways. Frank won’t tell me why, but I am. So I obviously couldn’t go with. Now listen to me or I’ll make Robert the proud Mexican tickle you until you do listen.”

She sighed. “Fine. I can make Craig happy and Reid happy and Max the manwhore happy.”

“What about what? Huh?” Craig asked walking in with Nixon the puppy.

“I’m getting Chelsea-napped the day of the Mariana’s Trench concert, so Ali’s still going with you and I’m forcing her to not ditch you to hang out with Reid by making her bring him along. Just so you know,” I replied.

Craig shrugged. “Alright. What about the fourth ticket?”

“Easy. Max the manwhore.”

Craig laughed. “Nice. Alright. That works,” he said.

I smiled wide. “Yay,” I said.

Just then, Leila walked down the stairs. “Chessy! Mommy!” she said little kid running over to us.

“Hey, Leila,” I said.

She wrapped her little kids arms around my neck and said, “I missed you oh so much, Chessy!”

“I missed you, too. Sorry I haven’t been around. I’ve been busy,” I replied hugging her.

She unwrapped her arms from my neck and went over to Ali, climbing onto the couch and into Ali’s lap. “Hi, Mommy,” she said.

“Hi, baby girl,” Ali said hugging Leila.

Leila smiled. Aw! So cute!
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Yeaaaaah. Kind of hyper writing this. Especially the beginning of this. Don't ask.

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