Face Down

The Vicious cycle...AGAIN

Harmony groaned as she was shaken awake. It had been 5 months since she was brought home. Home, a word that use to mean so little to her. A word that would give her the creeps whenever it was said. But know whenever someone said home she couldn’t wait to get there.
Ronnie loved her as his own, and so did his fiance, which later Harmony found out about. Staci took Harmony in like her own, like Ronnie. Harmony felt complete for once, and she had learned how to love, but that love disappeared a little bit as her new dad shook her awake on a saturday morning.
“I don’t want to get up!” she snapped pulling the covers over her head.
“Your going to be late for therapy” Ronnie exclaimed. A
Ah yes, Ronnie did make her go. Harmony hated it, and had refused to talk, but Ronnie and her had made a deal, that she only goes for 3 months, and if all seemed better she could stop, and 3 months had been coming to an end, and even though she didn’t like to admit it, it had helped her.

Reluctantly she got up and went to her closet to get clothes and Ronnie went back down stairs. She threw on some jeans and a black v neck and went down stairs.
“Where’s Staci?” Harmony asked.
“She had to go into work early, on the way home we’ll stop bye Grandma and Grandpa Winters’? okay.”
“Yeah, sure.” Grandma and Grandpa Winters were Ronnie’s Grandparents. They had heard the full story when they returned home from Tour and welcomed Harmony with loving arms.

After therapy Harmony was feeling down, She had brought up the whole parent past, which she had worked so hard to push in the back of her mind. So when she got in the car Ronnie picked up something was wrong.
“What’s wrong baby girl?”
“She brought it up.” Ronnie looked pissed. One thing that they Therapist and they had agreed on is that was not to brought up unless Harmony had brought it up herself, Ronnie feared that this would begin the cycle again.
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only a couple of more chapters left....but im not geting any comments, so i don't know when it will be out. ;]