Let's Start Over


I sat upright in my bed breathing heavily. Thank god it was just a dream.

I must have dosed off whilst unpacking my things. I got up from the bed and looked at myself from the mirror. I had become pail from not feeding, bags under my eyes and i basically looked like crap. I re-did my eyeliner and brushed the knots out of my hair.
Somebody knocked on my door and my dad walked in.

''Your finally awake, i came in about 5 times to see if you had woken up but you were sound asleep'' he said

''The flight probably took my energy'' i said

''Yeah, anyways were off to Star-bucks you coming?'' he asked

''Yeah, i need coffee'' i said

''Well were setting off in about 15 minutes'' he said

''Okay'' i said
I went downstairs to see Matt and Johnny on the x box Jimmy and Brian outside near the pool and my dad was in the kitchen doing god knows what.
There was a knock on the door and i looked at them to see who was going to answer it, but when none of them moved i sighed and went to the door.
I opened it to see the mail man holding a parcel.

''Sign here please'' he said handing me a clip bored with a form on it.

I took it from him and started to write my signature when a gust of wind made his scent fill my senses and before i could stop myself i attacked him. I knocked him to the ground and tilted his head back and was going to sink my fangs into him when i was viciously ripped away from him. I felt my fangs go back into my gums so i turned to see Matt and Johnny holding my arms and pulling me away from him.

The guy got up from the floor and ran down the street away from me.

''What was that about?'' asked my dad

''I thought it was this guy i despise'' i said lying through my back teeth.

They gave me disbelieving looks and let me go, i ran outside to see the mail man still running.

''SORRY'' i screamed to him, he just looked back and ran faster.

''Can we go get coffee now?'' i asked feeling embarrased and wanting the ground to open up and swallow me, but to my disapointment that will never happen.

I grabbed my shoes and put them on then got in the car with the guys.

The whole ride there Jimmy was talking about what he wanted and was stuck with choices.

''Why don't you get a chocolate frappucino?'' i asked

''Good idea'' he said patting my head.

I laughed and looked out of the window looking at the beach.
We finally pulled up and went inside and got what we wanted. We sat at a table and began random conversations. I looked around to see a girl staring at Brian .

She was like a human Barbie. Dyed blonde hair, a denim Minni skirt and a white tank top.
She looked at them all then looked at me and glared. She got up and strutted toward us.

''Could i have a picture with you guys, well not her because she's not famous'' she said glaring at me.
''Sure'' said Brian rolling his eyes at how rude she was.
''Be useful and take the picture'' she said shoving the camera in my hands.
They all posed and i took the picture, she snatched it from my hands and sat back with her friends. No please and no thank you's, what an awsome person.....not.
I sat and watched her until she got up and went into th bathroom. i had an idea.

''Guys, i need to use the bathroom'' i said getting up and making my way to the bathroom.

Once in there i made sure it was just me and her and locked the door so nobody would be able to get in and she wouldn't be able to escape.

She was stood in front of the mirror putting loads of lip gloss on then she noticed me.

''What the fuck are you looking at freak?'' she sneered

I simply laughed and grabbed her throat and covered her mouth with my other hand.

''As Jimmy would say ' Shh be quiet you might piss somebody off''' i said letting out a laugh after. I pulled her head back exposing her neck, i could feel the pulse running through her veins and that made my fangs come out. I sank my fangs into her neck making sure to press my hand hard against her mouth to muffle her screams. Her blood filled my mouth and i drank every single bit of it. When her body went limp i released my poison into her and dropped her to the ground. After about a minute her body decayed and she was gone. I wiped the blood from around my mouth and made my way back to the table.
I felt much better than before.

''You look better'' said Johnny
''I feel it too'' i said sipping away at my drink happily.

I could here the girls friends talking behind me with panic in their voices so i decide to listen.

''She's been in there for 10 minutes, I'm going to go look for her'' said one girl getting up and making her way to the bathrooms.

She came back about 2 minutes later with a bracelet in her hands.

''She's not in there but she left her bracelet'' she said

''But she never goes any were without it'' said the other
''Thats what worries me'' she said

They both looked at me accusingly like they new what i had done to her.

''Well that girl over there went in the bathroom after her, lets ask her if she knows'' she said

They got up and made there way over to me.

This cant be good.
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