Infinite Reality

Trouble Arising

Emma’s POV
You've got me poppin' champagne
I'm at it again
Caught up in the moment
But not in the right way
I'm falling in between
Tearing up at the seams
We're just aiming to please
And aesthetics don't hurt one bit

As I sat at the concert, I realized how much those words quoted me. I was at am All Time Low concert with my boyfriend, Derek. He wasn’t necessarily my boyfriend, or at least I tried to forget he was. He was the rudest boy I had ever met. I didn’t want to be here. Don’t get me wrong, I love ATL, but he only dragged me here because he had no one else to go with. No else wanted to go with him, but they all made up excuses as to why they couldn’t go with him. So I got stuck going with the biggest jerk on the planet. There was a bright side though, I was at an ATL concert! How awesome is that?!

“Ugh, I really wish you hadn’t worn that, you stick out in the crowd now, people are staring,” Derek complained as people walking by gave me weird expressions. I was bright and neon in the crowd. I had on purple skinny jeans, a neon ATL shirt that had bright blue and bright green in it along with bright yellow. I wore my neon green converse along with that, it was true. I stuck out.

“Whatever Derek, don’t whine, just enjoy the concert,” I mumbled under my breath as I held my head up with my hand that was resting on the arm chair. I was the only person in the crowd sitting. Everyone else was standing up and screaming, singing along. Which made me stick out even more. A girl in bright neon green converse, the only one sitting down. I just wanted this day to be over, I was tired of being with Derek. I was moving to New York in about week, which meant being away from Derek. Yes, I would be away from my friends, but most of them weren’t like me. I stuck out at school too. No one was wild and crazy like me, except of course Erin, my best friend since kindergarten. We were exactly alike, and thankfully, she was moving with us. Her parents were alcoholics so they released her into my parents custody, which practically made us sisters. I huffed as Alex Gaskarth finished belting out the last line of ‘Poppin Champagne.’ Only a couple songs left, just calm down and it will all be over soon.

“Emma, go get me a drink,” Derek ordered. “Diet coke.” I sighed and got up from my chair, walking over to the concession stand. I didn’t want to be ordered around by him, but what else did I have to do? Sit there and not enjoy my favorite band? Its hard to enjoy your favorite band with someone like Derek around.

“One large diet coke, please,” I said as I slid up a five dollar bill.

“Sorry we’re out of diet coke, is coke fine?” the cashier asked. When I nodded, he picked up a cup and started filling it up with coke. “You know, I saw that guy order you around, why do you do what he says?” he asked.

“Because I have nothing better to do, he’ll be gone in a week though, I’m just dealing with him so he’ll stop bugging me,” I sighed as I grabbed the cup and my change and walked away, waving a hand at the employee behind the counter. “Here Derek, large coke. Are you happy now?” I asked as I handed Derek the drink.

He took a quick sip, “Ewwww, Emma I said DIET coke, not coke! Why didn’t you get me what I asked for?!” he screamed as he threw the cup on the floor, its contents exploding and flying everywhere.

“Because Derek, they didn’t have any, the world doesn’t revolve around you, you know!” I screamed back at him. By now, people were staring, including ATL members up on stage.

“I want a diet coke Emma, just because they don’t have any doesn’t mean you have to get me a coke. Use your brain next time, you dumb blonde,” He said as he turned to his side and folded his arms, his ‘attitude’ showing up. I had had enough.

“Listen Derek! I’ve had enough of you and your whininess, you and your ‘get me this Emma, get me that!’ ‘Emma, this isn’t what I asked for!’ I’m done with it Derek! I’m not even blonde, you retard! I’m a brunette, if you haven’t noticed. Get a new slacky, I’m not your personal slave, and I don’t follow your orders.”

“Excuse me? Did you just tell me your not gonna do what I say? I don’t think so Emma, that’s not the way things go.” There was a circle around us now. Derek’s face was fuming red. “Get over here, and let me teach you a lesson,” he said as he held up his hand and walked closer. I backed up and stumbled over my own feet, falling on my butt. “Oh you stupid whore, you cant even walk right,” he said as he laughed and inched closer to me.

“Excuse me asshole, but I really don’t think you should be threatening a lady like that,” someone behind Derek said. I couldn’t tell who it was. My eyes were blurry and full of tears. Derek turned around to a punch on the face, making him fall straight to the ground. Down with one hit. I looked up to see who it was that had helped me. My eyes still being blurry and watery, I wiped them and looked up to the eyes of savior who was know kneeling in front of me.
♠ ♠ ♠
all time low<333333
i love ATL.
they're amazing.
and i bet you can guess who beats up derek XD
oh how i love alex.
he's so adorable(:

oh and by the way,
erin is my real best friend,
she is AMAZING.
i love that chick.
and ive known her since kindergarten.<3