It's Hard To Say I Was Wrong, Hard To Say I Miss You


Monike's POV

“Wakey-Wakey” 4 teen’s voices filled my room as they bounced on my bed.

“Saturday no work” I said covering my head with a pillow.

“no work” Jay said.

“but that means” Jasper and Jeremy said at the same time.

“Skittles, muffins and Starbucks!” Jullian yelled and I could see his grin through my pillow.

“ohh god you know what to do” I groaned pulling my pillow aside and sitting on my bed.

“but it’s difficult” Jeremy complained.

“but there’s four of you, find a way” I said falling into my bed again and covering myself with the blanket.

“buuut” Jasper pouted.

“C’mon Jas”

“Moniike pweaaaseeeee!” Jay begged with a childish voice putting those hazel puppy eyes, soon being followed by the triplets.

“okay okay, fine then” I said faking an angry tone and getting out of bed, but me and my riotness tripped over my messenger bag.

“whooa” Jullian said catching me, “watch your foot riot” he chuckled, as he stormed to the stairs following his brothers. I faked a smile, ohh god how I hated that nickname, it reminded me so much ofZacky, Jimmy.

I grabbed a hoodie and walked to the kitchen, it wasn’t really cold, but with the disease everything’s way too cold or way too hot, “there!” Jeremy yelled as he threw a bag of skittles, which I barely catch.

“where are Jas and Jay going ?” I asked as I heard a car pulled out of the driveway.

“Starbucks” 2 of the 3 triplets answer as they sat in the counter, which now looked small compared to them, who surely were the size of his brothers.

“I thought it was your turn Jer” I said taking a sip of apple juice.

“naah it’s Jas turn” he answered.

This little guys here were my life, well they weren’t so little now, considering they are now 15 and I’m 23, it’s been 9 years since what you now call “Avenged Sevenfold” left home, and well you know the story right, I don’t really want to talk about it cause it just hurts like a bitch.

The guys would come and make visits often, but I would refuse to see Zacky or find a excuse, just so I didn’t have to talk with him and make things any harder, I haven’t seen him in 9 years, and god do I miss him.

“Monike?” Jullian’s worried voice snapped me from my thoughts.

“Sorry Jull’s, what did you said?”

Jullian was the smallest of the 4, he was the last triplet to be born, and for a strange reason he was not as strong or big as his brothers, but that doesn’t mean he couldn’t kick your ass, he will kick your ass if necessary.

“he said Jas and Jay are ...” Jasper answered but was cut by the door swinging open.

“STARBUCKS!” Jayden and Jasper said as they ran to the kitchen table,the one where Zack was sitting his last day home, and set the precious warm liquid, before the skittles, I know weird combo but we don’t care.

Jullian and Jeremy ran to sit next to them and I went to the kitchen to get the muffins, I walked out side and as soon as I placed them onto the table they were almost gone, leaving just 2 for me.

“you guys were hungry, weren’t you? I chuckled.

I got a lot of different answers but I couldn’t catch any of them because it was almost impossible to understand 4 teen’s voices with a mouth full of food at the same time.

“what are we going to do now?” Jayden asked as he sat on the couch with all of us.

“Party!!” the triplets yelled without even thinking.

My smile fell, the last time I went to a party I went with the guys, when everything was alright, now I could not drink or smoke, and I’m glad because I broke the habit but I miss being in parties, like I used to.

“so? You up Monike?” Jeremy asked with that famous Berry smile, same as Matt’s, Jason’s, Jasper’s and Jullian’s.

“sorry guys, you know I’m not into that anymore” I sighed.

“Monike you’re 23 and you’re young, you need to live” Jayden said giving me the look.

“I don’t want to talk about it guys”

“but?” Jasper complained.
“not buts, if you want to party go ahead then, but I’m not going”

“if you want I will stay with you” Jullian offered.

“Nop Julls thanks, go have fun”

“Monike” Jayden trailed and I knew what he was about to say.

“Jay, please don’t make it any harder”

“you always do this!” he yelled and ran to his room.

The triplets just stared at me and I ran after Jayden, I stormed through the stairs finally reaching his room.

“Jay please” I begged from outside the door.

“Go away” he muttered.

“Jayden open the door so we can talk”

“We never talk anymore” he snap coldly.

“right! That’s what I meant to say! and you wanna hear the worst part! We were supposed to be “bestfriends” & now you don’t tell me anything! You just go & act like a psycho!”

“psycho? Psycho! Yes! We were supposed to be “bestfriends” but I don’t tell you anything anymore cuz you are always with your little boyfriend!”

“c’mon zack! Jimmy doesn’t have to do a thing with it”

“yes it has! Cuz you are always with him, you don’t even care if I live or die anymore!”

“how can you say that! I care about you more than you’ll ever figure out!”

“no you don’t! you’re not the same girl that used to be my bestfriend! You’re not the one who saved my life a hundred times! The one who was there for me!”

I didn’t knew what to say, it was as if Zacky’s scene was repeating itself again but now with Jayden, “c’mon Jay, please”

“You don’t care about us anymore, ever since they left you’ve become a zombie!”

Okay, I have to admit that did hurt, but I knew he was right, ever since the guys left I was a zombie, I was living like I didn’t wanted to live, my body was there, but my mind wasn’t, and needless to say my heart died the day he left.

“Jay please, let me in” I pleaded again, I swear this boys are my weakness.

He didn’t answer and I just sat in the floor, with my back facing his door, I knew he would soon give up, I was his weakness too, since we’re like a little family, we’ve only got each other, it was just the triplets, Jayden and me.
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First Chapter