It's Hard To Say I Was Wrong, Hard To Say I Miss You

After All This Time I'm Coming Home ... To You

Zacky’s POV.

“Wake up Zach, we have to do sound check” Matt’s voice echoed around my bunk.

“What the ...” I said confused as I sat on my bunk and hit my head.

What a perfect way to start my fuckin’ day, “fast!” Matt’s voice ringed in my ears again.

“Christ I’m coming!” I said getting out of my bunk, just to find out Johnny and Jimmy making out, I bet you’re wondering if they’re still together, well yes they’re, after nine years, they’re still a couple, I guess that’s what real loves makes, but love is a word that Vengeance does not speaks.

“guys, no sex while I’m watching!” I reminded them for the billionth time this week.

Jimmy broke apart form his heated kiss, “Cover your eyes then” he said getting back to his issues.

“Asshole” I said walking to the bathroom just to find Brian was there, god he’s such a girl and takes all the day to get ready, I didn’t even bother on knockin’ I knew I would get the answer I always get, “I’m coming” but he would never get out, guess I’ll take a shower after the sound check .

I walked out of the bus just to find, Matt, Val, and Michelle standing there, having a cigarette and chatting: “Good morning sunshine!” Val greeted me as I hugged her, same with Michelle.

“Hey there guys” I answered aimlessly.

“Hungry Zee?” Matt asked me.

“Not really, you guys?”

“Well we were planning on going to have lunch but Brian here being is being a pussy and taking ages to get ready” Matt chuckled and Michelle punched him lightly in his arm.

“Okay, Brian may be a little bit a girl, but he always looks hot as hell” Michelle exclaimed as Brian walked out of the bus.

“I’m not a girl!” Brian complained fixing his fedora as he wrapped his strong arms around Michelle’s tiny waist and she blushed.

“Let’s go, Lovebirds!” Matt yelled opening the bus door and walking out of the lot to find his car.

“Coming” a very heated response was earned from both of them.

“Gross” I said walking away, following Michelle, Brian, Val, and Matt, and a few minutes later Johnny and Jimmy stormed out of the bus, fixing both of their shirts.

We arrived to the cars and all the lovebirds were riding together, Matt and Val, Brian and Michelle, Jimmy and Johnny, I was the only left out, I didn’t care though, I used to haveMonike, the love of my life, her.

But you know what? I’m a rockstar, I have thousands of nightstands and the best sex ever, why would I care ‘bout a girl, when I can have billions of them, I’m Zacky Fuckin’ Vengeance, and I don’t give a shit!

Who am I trying to fool? She’s my life and will always be, everybody knew that, I knew I was trying to convince myself otherwise, but it wouldn’t work, no matter how hard I tried, how much nightstands I would have, how drunk I would get, nothing of that seemed to matter, because even if I like it or not she was my everything.

I drove to the restaurant, and walked in following the three couples, as I sat alone at the end of the table, I will never understand why she broke up with me, she never gave me a reason, an explanation, never gave me anything, suicidal ideas pop up in my mind every once in a while, but I would be a coward if I commit suicide and it wouldn’t be fair, for the guys, for the fans.

By now, everyone had ordered lunch and we’re eating and chatting happily, me being my usual zombie self, was just peeking with my fork around my plate, until Matt broke the silence, “Okay guys” Matt spoke making a pause, “the reason why we are here is because I have big news!” he conclude excitedly.

Everyone stopped eating and dropped their forks to pay attention to Matt, “What is it Mattie?” Val asked.

“As we all know, this past years we’ve been busy as hell trying to get the band to be big” he made a pause, “and you know what? We made it!” he said excitedly.

Cheers erupted from all the table and everyone grinned, “you’re right Shads, we’re fuckin’ Sevenfold!” Brian said, gaining cheers again.

“okay, so let’s get to the point here”

“what is it?” Johnny asked impatiently, I swear to god he’s still a kid.

“I talked with the record, and guess what?” a smile curved his lips.

“Just say it Sanders!” Jimmy complained.

“Jesus Christ okay, we’re heading home for a 4 month break!” he yelled excitedly and everyone joined they were singing and laughing.

I was not laughing, smiling or celebrating, heading home would mean I would have to confront her, see her and live with her for four months!

I haven’t been home since the first time we went on tour! Everytime we would get a break I would find an excuse and travel around the world, but they were just short periods! But four months?! What in hell am I going to do?
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Second chapter (:
sorry it's so short it's juts that I have to update "Missing One Inside Of Me" too and it's getting hard to write haha
let me know what you think, a comment won't kill ya.

I bet you know the title credit, if don't then go search it, cuz I'm not writing something so obvious. (: