It's Hard To Say I Was Wrong, Hard To Say I Miss You

Under Pressure: Pushing Down On Me

Zacky’s POV

No! No! No! This can’t be happening, why me? I haven’t seen her in 4 fuckin’ months, why now?
I know as a matter of fact: if I see her now, I will break down … AGAIN.

“Have you told Monike and the 4 J’s Matt?” Johnny asked bouncing on his sit, “Monike” her name was what snapped me from my thoughts.

“uhh I kinda forgot that” Matt said scratching the back of his neck.

“Let’s call them now, they’ll be so happy!” Michelle suggested smiling from ear to ear.

“Good idea” Matt chuckled, “Who wants to give them the good news?” he asked twirling his cell phone in his hand.

“ I will” Jimmy offered with the biggest grin ever.

“Please just someone snap me or something and wake me up” I mumbled under my breath, hoping no one would hear.

I’ve got such a bad luck, “did you said something Zach?” Brian asked.

“it was nothing” I said trying to stay awake, everything was getting dizzy.

“you sure? You look sick Zacky” Val said.

“I do?” I yawned.

“Actually yes” Johnny admitted.

“Man, you kinda look like a Frankenstein-Dracula combo” Jimmy said standing up and checking my face, “you sure you were not kidnapped yesterday by astro-zombies while you were sleeping? Cuz you really look like a sick greenish tone, you didn’t ate a frog or something, did ya?”

I swear jimmy can imagine a whole story in a matter of seconds, “Well thanks Jimmy and no I DID NOT ate a frog yesterday”

“Damn then the astro-zombies kidnapped you yesterday” he said scratching his chin, “Did they took you to Mars? Are they planning to conquer Earth? Are they green?”

Jimmy kept asking questions, but I wasn’t listening anymore, I started having nauseas and I felt like if I was about to throw up, everything started getting black and I could listen all the guys panicking and calling my name: “Zack, Zack” they called desperately, but I couldn’t speak.

And it did happen I broke down, and I haven’t even seen her, oh god.

Monike’s POV

“Jay, Jay!” I said between laughs, as I opened the front door and I saw him run.

“here she comes!” I heard little Jasper yell as Jull’s and Jer peck their heads through the
stairs, as soon as they saw me, they ran.

“here I come guys!” I chuckled following their little game.

I heard footsteps running through my room and a door slam, uh-oh, “come out, come out
wherever you are” I yelled through an empty hall.

“here you are!” I said trying to open my bedroom door, but it was locked.

“okay 4 J’s open the door, this is cheating you know? You cannot hide and lock the doors” I
said calmly.

“no” 4 voices answered and then burst out laughing.

“this is not fair” I pouted, I waited but I got no response.

“guys?” I asked, trying to open the door, again but all I could hear was laughter and Pantera blasting through my sound system, “ C’mon J’s open the door”

The only answer I got was the volume getting louder, if it was even possible, “please?” I begged, today wasn’t my day.

I waited patiently for about 20 minutes, then I lost my temper, “this isn’t funny anymore guys!” I yelled for the billionth time as I heard the nine year olds giggle.

I knew Jayden was the brain behind whatever their master plan was this time, he has always been their leader, just like Matt was with the guys, “Jayden I’m gonna open the door
at the count of three: one … two …thr”

“Happy B-daaaay!!!!!” Jayden Jasper, Jullian and Jeremy yelled as they opened my bedroom door, causing me to fall to the carpet.

“what?” I asked confused, my bed was covered in skittles which read: “Happy B-day Monike”

“today’s your b-day!” Jay yelled happily as the four of them climbed on top of me.

“what? No, today’s …” I couldn’t even remember which day or month we were at the time, sinceZacky, they left, I’m a mess.

“Today’s February 06, your b-day” Jull said excitedly.

“Wait, today’s not 06 Jay” I said confused as their smiles faded and they got off me.

I was still at the floor and they formed a circle around me “are you sure today’s 06?” I heard Jasper whispering to Jeremy.

“yeah, we’ve been counting for months, I’m sure today’s 06” I heard him answer.

They silently stared deeply at me, “I’m sorry guys” I admitted, I felt like shit, this four little guys had just planned a surprise for me and I totally ruined it, what’s wrong with me? I can’t even remember my b-day?

“shh, be quiet” I heard Jay whisper he was carrying me firmly against his well built chest, I could barely open my eyes, I saw the triplets following him, as we entered what I recognized as my room.

“ohh you’re awake” Jayden said as he placed me on my bed, and sent glares to the triplets, who smiled innocently.

“you did open your door” I said happily.

“I was not going to let you sleep at my door, you know?”

“sleep?” I asked confused.

“you fell asleep while you were waiting for him” Jeremy said as he sat next to me on my bed.


“yup” Jasper nodded.

“ wait, today’s not six right?” I asked remembering my dream, which actually did happen 6 years ago.

“no, today’s January 28, why?” Jullian told me as he checked his cell phone.

“ nevermind”

“The guys called” Jayden said ignoring my answer, I bet he was still lightly mad.

“really? What did they said?” I asked faking interest.

“They’re coming for a four month break” the four of them grinned and I fainted.
♠ ♠ ♠
yeah, I know, it's a filler ):
but it's an important filler haha
anyway comment's?
This chapter goes to: jaedeshadows6661

for the awesome comments :D

Credit for the title goes to: Queen - Under Pressure