Burn My Halo, Take My Wings, Just Don't Take My Everything

A pretty girl named Angel is dating Matt Manning of From First To Last, but she leaves him because he drinks too much and she can't handle it. She goes to her brother, Josh Todd's house-Josh Todd, for all of you who don't know, is the lead singer of Buckcherry-to stay a little while because she's upset. A couple months later, she has her own appartment and she goes onto tour with Buckcherry, Avenged Sevenfold, Burn Halo, and Papa Roach. She and James(lead singer of Burn Halo) get feelings for each other. One day, Matt Good(lead singer of From First To Last) calls her to go back on tour with them. She gets there and Manning kisses her. Then, she finds out he cheated on her. Matt Good takes her back to James and they officially get together. Read and you'll find out more. :]
  1. 001
    Angel leaves Manning and goes to stay with Josh.
  2. 002
    Angel goes on tour with A7X, Buckcherry, Papa Roach, and Burn Halo.
  3. 003
    James and Angel go to the movies. Angel confesses something she's been wanting to tell James for quite a while and finds out the same from him.
  4. 004
    Gummybear-Angel's best friend-calls and tells her to come back on the FFTL tour. She does as she's told and problems arise when Manning sees her again.
  5. 005
    Angel meets up with FFTL and Gummybear. Gummy is very excited to see her. Manning begs her to come back, promising no more drinking. Then, Angel finds out his secret.
  6. 006
    Angel comes back to James and she explains everything. They have their first kiss and spend the night together.
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