Burn My Halo, Take My Wings, Just Don't Take My Everything


I woke up to James snoring quietly. My eyes fluttered open and I stretched. I looked around blinking. Then I remembered the wonderful night we'd had. A big smile spread across my face. I got up gently and grabbed some fresh clothes then I went into the bathroom. I watched the steam rise around me and tilted my face into the steady stream of hot water. I didn't rush my shower today. I normally wanted to get in and out and start my day. Today, I savored everything. I massaged the shampoo in my hair for five minutes before I realized I'd been doing it for so long. I rinsed it out and did the same with the conditioner.
My face was very clean and pimple-free and my body smelled like my best body wash. James's favourite. I pulled the curtain back and grabbed my towel, wrapping it around my torso. I looked into the bedroom and James was still sound asleep. I smiled and went to lay with him. He stirred slight when I laid back down and he looked up at me. I smiled down at him. He immediately leaned up and kissed me. Soon enough, the towel was gone as were his boxers and we were making love all over again, but this time in our bed. We spent all day in bed together. Noone bothered us. We never once thought about where they might be. We talked and kissed. Our hands never left each other's skin.
My skin had everlasting goosebumps.
Time flew by that day. Neither of us got enough of each other. We never thought of food or drink or anything else. We were so wrapped up in each other and nothing else in the world mattered. Nobody could've torn us apart. We wouldn't have been paying attention anyway.
The next morning, I skipped downstairs extra early to fix breakfast for the house. I made everybody's favourites. I made eggs and biscuits and bacon and sausage and ham and hash browns and burritos and omelette's. By the time I was one minute away from being finished, I heard groggy voices and shuffling steps coming down the stairs. James picked me up from behind and swung me around, making me squeal and giggle. He kissed my cheek and started getting plates out for everyone.

'God, you must be a good cook,' Matt said.

'Why's that?'

'That amazing smell woke us all up. It's awesome,' Josh said, stretching and yawning.
James and I sat plates in front of everyone. I sat in his lap and we shared.
We had morning conversation, just like always. Noone mentioned the day before. It was all plans for the day.

'We're taking you shopping, Angel." I looked up at Jimmy.

'What for?' I asked anxiously, looking around at all their faces.

They all started chuckling. Oh. My. God. That drove me up the wall. I glared at Brian-I knew he'd crack. When he met my eyes, he stopped laughing.

'What?' he asked, sounding a bit scared.

'Why?' I nearly snarled.

He stared at me for a second. 'Because, well, we all saw how small your collection of CD's is and you also need a new iPod with more gigs and we were going to get you some shirts and pants and stuff at Hot Topic and just treat you today because you're always so good to us and we all wanted to repay you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. She was staring into my soul!" Brian covered his head before Matt and Jimmy whacked him. I looked at him in absolute adoration. He gave a small smile at me.

'Get up. All of you. Get up now.' I jumped up and they, all looking at each other confused, slowly stood up. I motioned for them all to come to me. They all stood around me, nervously glancing at one another. I hugged Brian and Matt, having to stand on my toes to do so. I reached for Johnny and Jimmy, too. They curled their arms as much as they could around me. Slowly, they all hugged me. I was crying by the time they were all huddled around me.
'You guys are so good to me,' I sobbed.
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