Status: Complete- for better or worse

Some Peope Would Love To Have A Rockstar As A Brother

Meet the Lieutenant Corporal

Don't call the doctors
cause they've seen it all before...
They'll say 'Just let her crash and burn -
she'll learn,
the attention just encourages her.' "

“Jessica Velna Seward, get up and get ready for school or you can’t go to your concert his weekend!” Thus begins the week at the happy and peaceful house of Jessie V. the terror of her local Santa Barbara correctional center high school. I thought sleepily.

Suddenly the nice, warm sheets were striped mercilessly from my bed. A groan escaped my lips as I looked up into the hard blue eyes of my ‘mentor’ also known as Lieutenant Corporal O’Hagan: nanny to the 24 hour surveillance ‘delinquent adolescence’ of SBCC High.

“Get up Seward.” There is little love lost between us; we both respect each other for our own reasons, but you wouldn’t get either of us to admit to it upon pain of death. O’Hagan moved on to the other double bed in the room, before leaving to wake up the next room of girls for Monday morning start of school.

I stretched my arms up towards the ceiling before plopping back down onto my pillow and closing my eyes tightly, hoping that she would forget this one day to check that we had gotten up…

“Seward! You have 20 minutes or you’re walking yourself over to school.” Ugh, why did she single me out? Well…maybe it had something to do with that I was always the last one into and out of bed.

With a sigh of defeat I swung my legs out of bed, and staggered from blood rush over to the bathroom door. I went to my sink and brushed my hair and teeth before taking a quick shower. Glancing at the clock above the kitchen sink I grabbed an apple and a pop tart taking a bite of each as I searched the living room for my backpack, finding it under the recliner I sprinted to the end of the driveway just in time to hop in the back of the van that O’Hagan drove us all to school in.

SBCC was a special school in that it had 24 hour care children, like me, and kids that had been expelled from previous schools but still lived with their parents.

“Jess the Menace! My babe, how’s it this wonderful Monday morning at the SBCC?” that was Kaleb, my amazing best friend who still lived with his parents.
I smiled down him: at 17 he may be older than me by a year, but at 5’11’ I was at least 5 inches taller than him.

“Kaleb… ” I shook my head as I took in his attire for the day: a pair of neon green skinny jeans, and an Atreyu band T. “you have outdone yourself in this. Were the pants really necessary? You look like you would glow in the dark.”

He shrugged and said with a smirk in his voice and on his face, “how else am I supposed to find my pants in the dark of the party I will be gracing with my presence tonight?”
I smiled and laughed at the antics of his eyebrows as they wiggled about on his forehead.

“Cocky as always Mr. Levino, now let’s get to class cause I want to be able go to my bro’s concert this weekend.”

A frown slowly appeared on his face,

“you still haven’t had contact with him have you?”

I had been going to my brother’s concerts for about 3 years now, ever since I found out he was in a band, but I still hadn’t had contact with him for 4 years, ever since I left home for this correctional facility…for reasons that are better left in their grave.

“I suppose we will see each other eventually, I mean I only have 2 more years left here, but I don’t think he’s ready to see me again, we didn’t exactly leave on the best of terms…”

“Well, I don’t have a say in it, I mean it’s not my life, do whatever the hell you think is best.” With a smile we both sprinted off to our first lesson of the day.
♠ ♠ ♠
i will make a valiant attampt to update often.
