Status: Complete- for better or worse

Some Peope Would Love To Have A Rockstar As A Brother

Do You Have Any Idea How Much Trouble You Just Got

QUOTE OF THE DAY: "I dont need your sex, life screws me every chance it gets."

My sleep was not only fitful but I woke up with a dustpan in my face and a broomstick trying to stick itself up my nose, and to two pairs of footsteps running up and down the bus.

“give it back you douche!” one, who I think was Zacky said.

“haha yeah right! I only just got it! Why would I return it without having some fun first?” that was definitely Jimmy.

“ew, that’s just wrong Jimmy. Give it back and no one gets hurt.” He sounded a little too desperate to be giving demands.

Just then the bus pulled to a stop somewhere and I heard the doors open and a distressed scream from Zacky. Then a softer, as if they were farther away, call from Jimmy.

“oh Leana, guess what I found under your sweet Zacky’s bed this morning?” there was only a brief pause before there was a war cry from Zacky fallowed by a resounding thump, and laughter. A few more pairs of feet ran past my closet and out the door.

Wow, I missed the guys. But they couldn’t know I was here. When after 5 minutes no one had come back onto the bus I figured it was safe to make good my escape.

I opened my door quietly and snuck a look in both directions from my door, then fully exited my little cramped home for the past… wait what time is it? A quick lookie at the clock and I knew that it was 1:18.

I glanced out the window in time to see a few of the band members run past a window in the diner that we had stopped at, it looked like Matt was chasing Zacky around the place. Well at least I had some time before they came back.

I stepped toward the bunks and had gotten one bag out from under the bunk. Twoshot was looking at me with a mixture of amusement and glaring in his eyes. Then I heard a noise behind me.

I reacted without thinking, my self-preservation taking over as I twisted, rising from my crouch at the same time I was pulling my pocket knife from the back of my jeans.

We weren’t allowed to have them at the SBCC but I had smuggled one for a while now, and I was glad for it now.

I grabbed the guy’s arm and twisted it, stepping up and pinning him and his feet to the wall so I was in control of his movements and balance.

Then I realized that it was Jimmy whom I had pinned against the cabinets and fridge.
I immediately stepped back and started apologizing while he just sort of stood there watching me.

“oh shit, Jimmy I never meant to do that to you, I thought you were someone else. oh god, did I hurt you?” I gave him a once over and spotted a bit of blood running down his forehead.
I quickly grabbed a towel and started to dab at it, it was about then that he got some semblance of sanity together.

“Who the hell are you?! And why the fuck are you on our bus?!” so I think I might have forgotten to say something here. I left WAY before he was getting together with the guys enough for them to know who I was. They might have known that Johnny had a sister, but I doubt it.

“uhh… look Jimmy, I know this looks a tad bit suspicious but umm. Fuck.” I heard muffled laughter coming from under the bunk and I kicked it. Stupid captives never know when to shut up, do they?

“What was that?” I think Jimmy’s brain was about to overload. What the fuck was I going to do?

Then Jimmy had dropped to his knees and was looking under the bed, SHIT! I wrapped my arms around his waist and tried to stop him from looking but his eyes got huge and I knew I was too late.

“MATT! BRIAN! JOHNNY! GIRLS!” his shout scream echoed in the bus and I knew that I had a short amount of time before they all came rushing back in.

“Jimmy you have no idea that amount of trouble you just got me into…” I groaned.
Knowing that I had no time to make an escape because they were already out of the store by that time I just sat on the counter and waited for them all to scramble onto the bus, my head leaning back on my cabinets.

“what the…?”

“Who is that Jimmy?”

“Whats going on?”

“what the fuck?!”

Several people were talking at once but I just let them calm down and shout themselves out. Suddenly Johnny, who had been stuck at the back pushed himself to the front and froze.

A small smile made its way onto my face. He looked to healthy and grown up. He was finally the man that he had always wanted to be.

“Hi, Johnny, long time no see.” My voice was small and soft: I was terrified and my heart started to beat erratically and fast in my chest. What if’s were flying around my head like a hurricane. A cold sweat broke out on the back of my neck and upper lip. Nervously wiping it off, I waited for his response. *

“J-Jessica. I… it really was you.” He seemed shocked at first, then his face flushed and I grew wary. “What the fuck are you doing here?! Aren’t you supposed to be at some correctional facility? You think you can just waltz back in here? What the fuck do you think you are doing anywhere near those people?!” with each new accusation he threw at me my temper surprisingly sizzled out. Instead I felt a great and bitter disappointment.

A laugh, smothered and snorting came from under the bunk and everyone’s attention snapped to it. Suddenly my anger flared out. It was his fucking fault that I was in this position.

I kicked out at him and growled through my teeth at him.

“Shut up Twoshot, I got enough from you a couple of years ago, and I still owe you a few good black eyes so I’d quiet down if I were you.” He bit through the last of his gag that he had obviously been working at all last night to retort.

“you’ve gotten yourself into this one Sweetshot, if you weren’t so idiotic and just let me do my job we wouldn’t be in this position, but you know, I don’t think that you treated me fairly last time we met. I’ll offer you a deal: you come back with me and become a bigger part of our little family and I’ll let you become my partner… maybe even a few times in bed huh?” he winked at me and I was surprised that it wasn’t just me who kicked him that time.

Another foot came out of nowhere and kicked him in the ribs while I got him a good one in the side of the head and knocked him out.

“What the fuck did you say to my little sister?!” too bad he was already unconscious, I would
have loved to hear his response to that.

*you have no idea how tempted i was to stop here and just let you all scream in tourture^^
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i know so mean of me. but i didnt so i guess the light wins out... this time.
the next chapter just might be dedicated to Teenagers by MCR cause thats what im listening to.

i dont particualryl LOVE them. but they're good. im thinking that i might put all my fav bands up on my Profile so if anyone wants some of the music i put up there you can ask me for it and i will e-mail it to you.