Forever Lost . . .

Red Like Blood

*normal p.o.v's*
they where in the car on the way to Fays house,
and jay turned up the setreo and Like A Star, by Corrine Bailey Rae came on,
(if you havent heard it your a freak go listen to it, you have to go put it on it's what im listeing to while im writing so it'd be agood idea to put it on.)
after they reached fays house they saw another car out the front leaving. . . well it wasnt a car was a white van
i wonder who that is? said alex dully
who cares. said jay ading alex by the hand into the kitchen,
where Fays mother, and miley where,Fays mum was making a coffe for their Guest and the rest of them
alex eyed the lady,
she had red eye shadow, red ceeks, red lip stick, a red haed band,a red siute
and a black loud above her head,
she looekd liek a biusness woman,
who are you. I said i dint bother being polite
Jenna R. Lee,
head of the Jenna R. Lee's house for mentaly disturbed teenagers.
. . . . , everyone was quiet
WHAT! screamed alex,

*Fays p.o.v's*
Me, and alex and my mum, walked in to the waiting room
to the. . . . the. . . .the
i cant say it,
hello how may i help you? i asked the reseptionest at the desk
her lips where red.
like blood
her cheeks where rosy
like blood
her eye showdow was red
like blood
her here was red
like blood
her suit was red
like blood
and the desk AND chair she was red
like blood
ooo dont for get her head band guess what color it is!
oops no sorry i was wrong its
i hate this place
hi there we have a oppontmint with Dr. Charlie
but befoer i go in could you please tell me exatly what this place is about asked my mum politely
Well you see,this is a place for people who have tried to commit suicide,
and where here to help them get through the reason they tried!
now which one of you tried to see god? said teh red lady
i was about to puke, what is wrong with this lady!
is she high? do they give her drugs!
i hate this place
why the eff is she so happy for AND WHY THE HELL DOES EVERYTHING LOOK LIKE BLOOD!
these people are crazy
i hate this place
i hate this place


alex pointed to me,
the lady stood up walked around to me
she started at me fo a few seconds then gave me a hug,
i lookd at alex and mouthed
alex was trying to hold the laughter in,
i scoweld and lightly patted the ladys back
she was scaring me,
she let me go and held me at arms lanth and examend me
she is scary and i hate this place,
all right then follow me and i'll show you to Dr.charlie, she said showing me a smile that swear had bloood coverd teeth
she led m by the hand,
she is scary and i hate this place
then she stopped in front of a . . .
she turned to my motehr and alex,
im sorry but do you mind waiting out here while she see's him?
no not at all
said my motehr and smiling
*mums p.o.v*
yes actaully you bitch i do mind
luckily its for Fay
i said yes
*back to Fays p.o.v's*
well bitch i mind if i go in alone!
dammit its for mum its for mum!

i let the crazy person drag me into the office
i looked at the guy behinde the
red desk
i hate this place
i really really hate this place
the guy looked up and smiled
Hello Fay.
I'm Dr.charlie
did he just call me Fay?
fayley; i said sitting down after renching my hand away from the crazy persons hand,
i stared blankley at the man behinde the desk he was smiling though
. . . a madmans smile
i started to get that gut renching feeling.
you know the one that you get when
somehtings wrong?
the guy took a deep breathe
i see you dont want to be here Fay
Fayley, i said again
but, You need help
and thats why im here
i dont want your help i said flatly
annoyence flickerd in his eyes for a second then vanished
he got up and looked out the window
oh did i forget
we where in a sky skraper or soething and like you know those biuldings where like o of the walls are just windows, yea like that
he then turned around to face me,
I need something from you,
in return
for what i'm going to give you,
i stared at him, i wasnt going to ask i wasnt going to give him the satasfation
the annoyance flickerd once more in his eyes,

i want
to adopt you,

i asked dumbfounded

i charlie danial willson
wants to adopt you
Fayley Drea Mellows

. . .
No. i said and turned around and started to walk towards the door
when the crazy lady person slash blood addicted overly drugged
must be high bitch person grabbed me by the shirt and pushed me to the ground and mounted me
i tried to push her off
no good
Fay, i will have you as my duaghter one way or another let me adopt you
was these people crazy!
i felt like screaming but it would be no good considering how the crazy lady person slash blood addicted overly drugged
must be high bitch person
had coverd my mouth and was smiling glee fully at me
so i evily painfully as hard as i could and of course happily
dug my elbows above her knee's
she screamed in pain and i quickly flipped her off and ran for the door,
i ran out and into the waiting room looking around for my mum and alex,
they where there but
ahah! we have ye know wench
i turned around to see Dr.charlie and the crazy lady person slash blood addicted overly drugged
must be high bitch person
dressed like red cowboys
looked around and noticed everything was red, i started to run for the door but everything was in slow motion!
then the word
came out of my mouth when i tried to say it,
omg it happend again
the words came right out of my mouth and this time the O's looked like drawed boobs
red. . .
like blood. i said
i cant take this anymore!.i said
i will die. i remeber
im sorry. i remeber
i want you. he said
forgive me Fay. he said
dear Fayley. he wrote
i love you.he lied
im leaving.
he promised

i sat bolt upright in my bed
it had been one day since i had gotten out of the hospital
and i just had teh craziest dreams
double you, tee, eff
i said slowly making sure the words didnt come out of my mouth and sighed,
i stood up and went to go have a shower
that was a wack dream!
it was the day after i had gotten out of the hospital,
mum and alex where coming with me ot the Docters
tomorrow . . .
but today i needed to go for a walk.
at 9:30 i went to go for a walk in town
♠ ♠ ♠
WHOA! TO REALLY WIERD THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!