Forever Lost . . .


i was walking past the bakery when i herd a honk i looed behinde me while still walking wich was stupid i imeddently bumped into some one
and stupidly fell on my ass,
i looked up and to my surprise it was Tien!
he was the dude who saved me,
(oddly enough i swear he is familair i dont know why though or where i would have seen him)

he looked down at me and smiled,
hey there fancey seein you here,
he said while holding a hand out for me i happily grabbed it and hoisted myself up
hahaha yea well i do live just a few blocks away,
oh really? came for an early morning walk? he said not letting go of my hand
its not that early but yea, i just needed to get out of the house,
yea i bet you must have alot going on if you would try an`kill yourself
i was so shocked i let my mouth drop open god im an idiot
oh sorry if i ofended you i-if its somehting you dont want to talk-
no, no! sorry i just well everyone kind of tries not talk about it
im glad that you can talk about it so freely i said
he sighed and smiled again,
wanna come for a walk with me? he said
i smiled
we walked for about two hours just talking about stuff,
joking, playing in the parks and going to the fish and chip shop.
then he walked me home,
before i knew it we had (sadly) reached my doorstep
would you like to come in for a drink? i asked him
nah i gotta get going, get to work,
oh ok what type of work do you do? i aksed
he seemed reluctent to answer
im a road worker file in pot holes and put out old pipes and the like
your a road work men?
yeap, kinda runs in the family i enjoy it though
i smiled
thats so cool i always wonderd what it would be like to work on a road fixing it and stuff,
really? haha your the first girl i've ever met who was intrested in me work, he said cheerfully
i smiled again
alright then Fays see you around,
see ya Tien! talk to you soon,
i said waving, after he left i ran inside i felt like dancing,
. . . which i actually did all the way into the kitchen where saw my mum, alex, miley, jay, they all seemed sad i was about to ask why when i saw . . . .
the crazy lady person slash blood addicted overly drugged
must be high bitch person. . .
they just had to ruin my day
You must be Fayley,
she said not at all happyily
The clouds suddently dissapred and out came the sun!
um, yes....w-who are you?
im jenna,
my mum started to cry
im here to take you to the house for mentally desturbed children
WHAT! i screamed
plaese calm down miss Fayley
my mother started to cry harder and so did miley, god im good at making people cry
theres nothing you can do just come quitly
and if you behave you might be able to leave in a few years,
i started to hyperlvate
this isnt happening this isnt happening this isnt happening THIS ISNT FUCKING HAPPENING!
i screamed then alex stood up and screamed at me,
and i ran for the door, but out of no where to big guys stepped out and blocked it,
i quickly skidded in a circle and ran upstairs to my bed room window,
why am i running?
becuase they are wrong

i jumped out the bedroom window and landed flat on my feet, and started down the street, but i saw a white van, it started speeding towards me and its side door had opend and two teeenage guys got ready to jump,
i ran as fast as i could and ran downhill
and thought randomly
damn im lucky im not a bear,
they where still running after me,
but hten to my surprise, joy,unexplainble delight,
a car skidded to a stop right next to the pathway,
and in the car
was Tien and
i smiled and jumped in the back as she waved at me to jump in,
despite the fact that i had people running after us trying ot get my in the nut house'
i smiled
run while looking cool now talk about uncool stuff later
said Andrea smiling into the review mirror
i smiled and nodded my head
but then here was a queastion i had to know,
Tien? how do you know Andrea?
im her nefew,
i knew you looked familar!
then all of a sudden we rounded a corner bringing me back to reality
why are they chasing me?
three reasons said Andrea,
number one bcuase stupid you tried to commit SUICIDE! of course there gonna try put you in the nut house
number two,bcuease whell fay you've made alot of money and when your in the nut house your gonna pay by giving htem thta moeny
number three, i have no idea
i'm stll confused
you are always confused fay. . . . , said Andrea sadly
I looked around we had lot the van and where now going donw a dirt road that seemed familar yet not. . .