Forever Lost . . .

With These Tears falling and Death calling


FayS P.O.V'S
I couldnt take this anymore i needed to get away.I needed and excape, anything,
i felt some what bad for doing what i was about to do but i couldnt handle it,
thinking about the past brought back old urges. like the need for an aswer to something i barley new the question to,
or and urge and emotion i was going to give in to,
plus if i didnt i would have gone all . .

and alex and miley would start talking to me
and then they would have pryed out what i had keepen hidden from them,
I had been driving for an hour and a half, i had done alot of thinking, i had said that i was going to the beach, but i went right past the road to go to the beach.
i had gone past all the exit roads to the high way or anywhere like that
when i came to the, end of the road.
i kept driving, what people didnt see there was a hidden track that no one new of,

thats why i liked it,
thast what i needed
it was my excape,

but know it would be something more
no one knew about this place, i found it when i was little i saw a water fall by one of the beach's and when i got older serched for it and one day i found an old track i followed it, it led to the back of a beach, but also the water fall, no one new of it because it was coverdit remined me of narnia in a way, i had a five seater Ute with new 4WD wheels so i didnt need to worry about what tarrain i was on

the animals had to look out though, i wouldnt dilberty hit one but if it ran in front of the car there was no where to quickly vere to the side, unless i wanted to hit a tree or something like that, i kept driving for another twenty minutes when i decided to put the radio on,
Eyes On Fire By Blue Foundation came on

i was a good song to listen to before i got t the end of the raod, it was one of my all time favorites i smiled ot myself and turned it up it wasnt dark but when the would find me it would be so i tried to hury, after i came to a small round feild of flowers, i turned the car off, and but not the stereo.
Vertige By Camille was on and i kept it on repeat

i jumped out and began walking across the flower feild to where there was a creek that led ot a water fall,it went quiet a ways down,
this will do. . . i said quietly
there where tears spilling from my eyes,
i looked around, this place was beautiful, purple, red, blue and yellow flowers where every were and there was sun rays coming through the tree's there where birds calling to one another, there sweet pure sounds filling the air,there was a butterfly it went from floweer to flower,it fluttereed up to me and landed on my finger, i walked to the waters edge and looked down the water fall it was way more then ten feet down, it fell in to a pool that had a small, small trail of its water. leading past the grass and out to the beach, but i could see that the pool at the base of the water floor was shallow and the rock underneath of it i could see,

whith a hurting heart
and a burning laugh
with my tears falling,
and death calling,
I jumped,
I loved you
♠ ♠ ♠
. . . . .
um . . . . .
comments=updates :D. . . :). . . :| . . . :( . . . T^T
imma just leave. . . . . and let that sink in. .. . .