Forever Lost . . .

I Fly Like Paper

WARNING! there is alot of swearing in this chapter and probably will be with the coming chapters, but if you find these words offensivelet me now,
or just dont read it,

hahaha! that movie was awesome!
said alex dumping her bag on the chair by the front door,
they had just gotten back from the movies, after htey had gone to teh movies they had seen another one ad then another one so all in all three movies at once,I know right! said jay walking into the kitchen,what time is it? asked alex going in to the bathroom,um. . . .6:30,said jay waling intot the bedroom,Shit! i was met to see Fay at 5 i beter give her a call,

Ring. . . Ring. . .Ring. . .

HI! sorry i'm not in right now!

and if i dont get back to you with in. . .five minutes that probably means im dead

*gasps* hahaha leave a message after the beeps! love youuuuu!,

*beep. . . beep*

thats stange. . ., said alex
whats weird? asked jay walking out of the bathroom in a towel,Fay always picks up,
alex began to feel strang,imma go over to her place and see if shes feeling better,said alex walking down stairs,Ok, said jaysee ya later, said alex walking out the door,on the way to Fays house (which is about twenty minutes away)
alex unconesly went over the speed limit, the feeling in her stomache was getting worse,

she stareted to think about the convsation on the phone this morning
alex was in a bit of a panick, she pulled over quickly knowing she couldnt drive like this it was only a five minute walke from here a two minute run,but before anything,
she flipped her phone open,


hi miley quickly get over to Fays place-

you feel it too?

y-yea hurry up miley i have a really bad-

feeling me to im in the car already see you there

then miley hung up and alex started to run/walk down the street,

everythings is fine she's probably upset nothing is wrong so stop freaking out alex!

alexs mind was at war with its self bt she finally broke into a run tears streaming down her face she nearly fell over a few times and people where staring at her as she ran past but then she felt it in her gut, Fay wasnt at her house,
but then why would Fay want her to come,why didnt i go to her the this morning!
the tears where uncontrollable
what the hell has Fay done!
dammt Fay!
alex finally got to her house there was one light one, but she knew she wast there
miley pulled up just as alex tried to open the door,miley jumped out she had tears to,they both grabbed the spare key fom under, the rug,alex opend the door and ran upstairs sobbing,Fay! she called knowing there would be no answer,
miley was a wreck, then alex saw a note on the bed
the note was on the back of a picture of Fay from when she had her first dance class,
but she didnt look at that she just read the note

Hi alex and miley,
. . .im not quite sure what to say
but last night. . .i snapped something inside of me, i dunno it just . . fell apart
my wall fell to the ground
im not sure if i want to rebuild it. . .
i love you guys so, so, so, so much,
i really dont know how to say this
but because im to much of a coward i coulndt tell you this myself
I'm Not Coming Back
I Never Will Be
i left at 10:30 am,
i left my house and went down fat ducks road,
i went past the beaches past the high way, and went to the end of the road,
i went downt the trail you'll see it my Ute would have left its own trail
but i went down there to an old feild none of you know about it exept myself,
i will stop at the pattock and then
some how
i wil find a way
to die
I'm not sick of life or hate it,
i just feel. . . .
like theres nothing here for me anymore,
and the pain of evreyday life is. . .to much to bare
i miss my unborn child,
i miss my grand parents
i miss. . .,
feeling happy,
i will miss you
say goodbye to evryone for me ok
mum and dad,
let them know it had nothing to do with them
i love you.

alex threw the note across the room, she started screaming and breaking htings
miley was on the ground, crying aswell, clutching her chest, crying and whispering
this isnt happening this isnt happening this isnt happening
alex was down stairs she threw a lamp at the wall and was screaming
miley upstairs had her mobile out and was calling jay to come get alex,
then she called her boyfriend and asked him ot get her,

after fifteen minutes alex was still screaming and jay was trying to calm her down,
mileys boyfriend had already taken her home and was calling the police,

alex! alex just calm down its ok!
jay just grabbed alex and gave her a hug, alex broke down in jays arms,
he comfeterd her as much as she could, alex looked up at him,
w-w-what time is it
we have to go find her
jay I need to find Fay right now
ok lets go
♠ ♠ ♠
um. . . .
comments=pdates . .. *smiles*
heheheh. . . .