He's the Composer and She's the Author

Him and Her

Destiny woke up to the whines of her younger sister. Here was another day of full recording and interviews.

“Cosmic, wake up!” her 16 year old sister, Fate Tala (known as Tala to her friends), woke her up.
“What time is it?” Destiny groaned. She put her head up and looked at her alarm clock/radio/CD player.

The bright orange numbers glared at her—5: 56 AM. She stood up, shooed out her sister from the room, and went for a shower. Once she got out, it was already 6:15 AM. She changed into black skinny jeans, a black graphic tee and red hoodie. She tied her hair up into a messy bun and headed downstairs for her breakfast.

“Morning, mom!” she greeted her mom making pancakes. She sat down at her usual place and poured herself a glass of milk as her mom put a plate of pancakes in front of her.
“Good morning, Destiny. Did you have a good sleep last night?” her mom sat down at her place beside Tala.
“Yep, I did. I am so excited to meet our new composer!” Destiny said, bouncing in her chair. Her mother chuckled as she daintily put a slice of pancake into her mouth.
“Why are you always so hyper in the morning?” Tala groaned as she sipped her hot chocolate.
“I am a morning person, unlike you!” Destiny stuck her tongue out at her sister. Tala just rolled her eyes and went back to eating her food. Destiny did the same and they ate quietly.

They finished cleaning up at 7:00 AM and Tala was picked up by the school bus and their mom was off to work. Destiny sat in her room upstairs in front of her computer, typing away chapters that still needed to be in her future best-selling novel.

“She never felt this way before, yet she knew that he was the one. The one who’ll make her feel complete…” she trailed off, typing the words that poured out of her mouth. She continued typing and she jumped when she heard her phone rang.

She was on her way to Mars, when she ran into a star-

“Hello, would you like to order?” she said into her phone.
“Yeah, I’d like a spaghetti Bolognese.” A deep, husky voice said in the other line.
“Yo, Strummer, wassup?” she went back to typing her story. It was just Sean.
“We’d be there in five!” he said.
“Okie dokie, I’ll left the door open for ye!” she said and then hung up.

She continued typing, and then she felt a tap on her shoulder. She jumped and closed her laptop hurriedly.

“Sean! Do not scare me like that!” she exclaimed as she grabbed her purse and put on lip gloss. Sean’s eyes narrowed into slits.
“You never call me Sean unless you’re hiding something…” he said and let it go. He turned around in a huff and walked out of her room, with Destiny tailing after him.
“So did the composer come yet?” she asked him, desperate to change the subject.
“Yeah, he’s at the studio right now, waiting for us. We’re gonna let you sing one of his compositions and see if it works.” Sean said, getting into his black Mustang. Destiny was already seated in the passengers’ seat with her purse.

He was sat down on one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs in the recording studio. Michael Fields, an aspiring composer, was actually chosen to make a whole album for the band ‘Cosmic Star!’ of blooming stardom. His palms were sweating uncontrollably and he was running his songs in his head, waiting for the band to come so he could get this over with.

The doors to the room opened, and in walked a tall guy with blonde hair in spikes, along with a slightly shorter guy who had black hair with blue streaks. They looked around and gave a high five and low five to the guy with brown hair who was sitting next to Michael all along.

“Hey, are you Michael Fields?” they asked in unison. Michael nodded, afraid of the tall guys in front of him. He was tall himself, but there was something about each of them that was protective and domineering.
“Y-Yes…” he stuttered. Nice going, Michael.
“Hello, I am the guitarist of Cosmic Star! And my name is Sean.” the guy who had brown hair shook Michael’s hand.
“I am the Bassist, do vocals and my name is Max.” the guy with spiky blonde hair shook Michael’s hand.
“My name is Avery, and I am the drummer.” The guy with black hair and blue streaks shook hands with Michael.
“We’d like to hear some of your songs, please.” Sean said to Michael. He hurriedly sat on the piano stool in the middle of the room and started to play a few notes.

Sean leaned over to his friends and whispered something. All of them nodded and he left, mumbling something about a singer. So this is an all-boy group, then.

Destiny got out of the car with Sean and they walked into the building together. She went straight to the recording studio, ready to burst in and start singing. She changed her mind when she heard music coming from the other side. She opened the door cautiously, crept in without anyone noticing her and saw that there was a handsome guy playing on the piano. She stepped up behind him, her friends Max and Avery finally noticing her. She signaled for them to stay quiet and she read the notes and lyrics on the music sheet in front of the guy.

“Every time I close my eyes,
All I can see is your face,
Gazing at me,
Lovingly and softly,
Your eyes are filled with laughter,
But it ain’t coz of her…”
she stopped singing as the guy who was playing the piano stopped and looked at her.

She was beautiful in his eyes. She had black hair with blonde and pink streaks and had dark green eyes--simply beautiful. Michael had stopped playing because he needed to see the face that heavenly voice was coming from—to find out if it was as beautiful as her. It turns out that it was more beautiful.

She smiled bashfully at him, not sure what to do. She stuck out her hand and Michael shook her soft, silky hands.

“Hey, I’m Destiny ‘Cosmic’ the lead singer of Cosmic Star.” She smiled.
“Hello, I’m Michael Fields.” He let go of her hand.
“So are you our new composer?” she asked him.
“Actually, Destiny, he is our new composer. His songs just match your voice perfectly.” Avery said, putting a hand on Michael’s shoulder.

Michael grinned and said thank you. He finally got a major project.

“We’ll need a song by tomorrow.” Max spoke up.
“Shall I give you some of my music now?” Michael asked them, pulling out some more music sheets from his bag.
“No, we need fresh new songs. Make it up-beat, please. That’s how our songs go.” Max scoffed and walked away. Michael stood there, holding the music sheets in his hand and gazing at Max’s shadow walking away.
“I am so sorry he’s like that.” Destiny apologized for Max. Michael just nodded and put back his music sheets into his bag, brainstorming what songs will be good for this band.
“He’s usually cranky at this time of day.” Avery said, looking over at his friends.

Destiny and Sean nodded at Avery’s remark, since they have known each other for years.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not really long, but you get the point ;)

Hope you like it, guys!! Three comments before I update!!!

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