I'm Not Running Away.

We've Proven Our Love.

Six months later:
"Daddy!" Charly-Bri runs up to her father, grinning from ear to ear at the sight of him.
"Hey, beautiful girl, how was your day?" He asks as he lifts her up.
"It was fun, me and Mama went to look for my dress for the party, and we dressed up!" She giggles.
"Aw, that sounds great sweetie, did you find a dress then?" He asks, tapping her nose with his finger.
"I did! It's so pwiddy it's white and blue and it's pwiddy!" She blurts proudly.
"I'm glad you like it, princess," he replies, shifting her to his hip and walking over to me, "hey, sugar, how was your day?"
I smile, and kiss him quickly on the lips, "it was actually very fun, thanks, Charly was adorable trying on the different dresses, and everyone just fell in love with her. How were things at the studio?"
Charly wriggles out of Brian's arms, sensing a change in the conversation, and runs off to play with her Barbie dolls.
"They were okay, the manager's being a bit of an ass, though, he wants us to do another country-wide tour soon, which is like 50 dates or something just as crazy, even though he knows I'm busy with wedding stuff and 'you-know-what.'" Brian tells me, sitting down in a chair at the table.
"We should tell soon, you know," I say casually, turning around to make some tea, "do you want a cup? Some coffee, maybe?"
"Coffee, please, Kitty, and I know we should, but I'm still not finished yet, and I want it to be perfect."
"Yeah, I know you do, but we'll have to hurry it up if you're going on tour, you'll want to be able to sell it, won't you?" I ask, reaching for the coffee.
"Yeah, but the designs aren't finalised, and I'm not sure if we'll even have a person to be in charge of selling them." He replies.
I smile to myself, my daydream playing out, "me and Luce could do it."
"But you guys have to work, I don't think Dan will let his two best dancers disappear for goodness knows how long, do you?" He replies.
I turn around to face him, grinning, "I, uh, I actually already spoke to him about it, and he said it's fine. One a couple of conditions, but they're easy ones."
He stands up, wrapping his arms around the small of my back, "and what would they be?"
"We have to get photo's of us dancing on stage as publicity for the club, and we have to try and pick up a few bar-girls." I reply simply.
"Picking up girls? You should leave that to the Berry Bro's, they're just swell at that."
I laugh, nodding my head in agreement.
"And who said anything about dancing on stage?" He growls.
"Lucy did last time, and apparantly she went down a storm, what's so different now?" I ask.
"Lucy wasn't engaged, and you didn't have a child." He replies protectively.
"We have to dance, though, baby, you don't have anyone else," I plead, fluttering my eyelashes.
"Well, I'm not sure I like the idea of all those big, burly men seeing you like that, but I'll talk to the guys and see how they feel about it." He sighs.
"You silly man, I do this for a living, I'm always dancing for big, burly guys, remember?" I laugh.
"You never dance for me anymore." He replies sulkily.
"You never ask!" I grin at him.
He licks his lips, "how about now then?"
I jerk my head over to Charly-Bri, sitting on the kitchen floor, playing with her dolls, "I can't now."
"Let's call a babysitter then," he smirks at me, pleased at the thought, and lightly traces the shape of my back with his fingertips.
"You're so naughty!" I whisper.
He moves in to kiss my neck in the spot only he knows about, making me sigh, "okay! I'll call Lucy, just give me a minute."
He grins, and lets me go.
"Hey, bubba, do you want to go to Aunty Lucy's for little while?" I ask Charly.
"Yeah, yeah Mamma!" She jumps up quickly, running into the hallway to get her coat.
Picking up the phone, I pretend to glare at Brian.
"Hey, what was that for?" He asks in a mock-hurt voice.
"Banishing your daughter!" I reply, "oh, hey Luce, how are you? .... Ha ha yeah, um, listen, I was just wondering, would you be able to have Charly over for a few hours please? .... Yeah, Brian just got home and- .... Well how did you guess that? ..... Haha, we know each other too well! ... Anyway, thanks, Lucy, you're a darl, I'll send her over know. ..... yeah love you too, bye."
I hang up, and turn back around to Brian, "will you take her please, I need to get changed."
He wiggles his eyebrows before giving me a quick kiss and walks out into the hallway, "come on, princess, let's go to Lucy's."
"Yay!" I hear my daughter exclaim.
Pretty soon, the door shuts, and I run upstairs to change into some pretty lingerie. Satisfied with the result, I throw on a t-shirt and some jeans, and spray myself with some Chanel perfume.
I walk downstairs, and wait for Brian to arrive.