Rapunzel and the 7 Dwarfs

Once upon a time

Once upon a time, in a land where beauty was everything, lived a queen. She was the most ugliest thing you have ever seen. Greasy black Hair
, oily, warty skin. She thought that she was the most beautiful of the village.
The queen had a Stepdaughter , who was fairly beautiful , her name was Snow white. She had coal black hair, Snow white skin and bloody red lips.
A couple of days later, A package came for the queen. It was an enchanted mirror, a mirror that would tell her the honest truth about her beauty.
The Queen had her servants nail the mirror above the vanity table. She sat in front of it and muttered the words to summon the spirit that was implanted inside.
“One. Two. Three. Tell thy how beauty be” she said waiting for the mirror to activate.
A couple of seconds later the face of a young man appeared in the mirror. . His face displayed a look of surprise , at what ugliness sat in front or him. The queen flashed her yellow , horrid teeth.
“ Mirror , Mirror , on the wall who`s the fairest one of all “ The queen chanted.
The man in the mirror gulped. How was he going to say this nicely without getting smashed.
“ There are uglier then you, Oh but who do we have here , some one new? Some one prettier then you.”He said bracing him self for any inanimate flying objects. None came
He opened his eyes and saw that the queens were closed. He muscles were tense and she was sat up straight as a board. You could almost see the smoke coming out of her ears. She stood abruptly.
“ Th-The Castle Do-down Th-the R-r-Road” Replied the mirror man, stuttering in fear.
“Thank you” Was all she said before she left the castle.

While this was occurring , over at the end of this road , Beautiful Rapunzel was settling into Her new castle.
She was brushing her extremely long hair at her vanity, at her vanity. Her hair was blond and dragged on the floor while she walked. She heard a knock Echo off her bare castle walls.
“ My who could that be?” She asked herself.
She walked over to the door and hauled it opened. There stood a petite with coal black hair .
“ Hello , My name is Snow White. I came here to warn you about my evil Stepmother.”She said quickly.
“ I`m Rapunzel, And i`m sure your evil stepmother will be of no trouble to me”Rapunzel Said confidently.
“No! You have to see, That if any girl is prettier then her, she will maim them “ Snow White said Frantically.
“ Thank you , for warning me and calling me pretty, But I must go , Good Bye” Rapunzel said This while closing the door. She knew it was rude but she didn’t want to deal with this tonight.
She rolled her eyes and went back to her vanity and sat down. She picked her brush up and continued to brush her golden locks. She was about to put on her night gown when another knock came at her door.
“Oh my . I told her it was fine” Rapunzel sighed.
She walked to the door and pulled it opened . There stood the ugliest person she ever seen.
“Hello , How can I help you” Rapunzel asked timidly. She had a bad feeling about this.
The person never said anything, But just pushed Rapunzel inside and slammed the door behind her.
“ What do you want.” Rapunzel said more boldly.
“ You see you are more beautiful Then I . But we can not have that. You won’t be like it for long” The witch said.
Rapunzel couldn’t respond , for the old hag brought her razor sharp nails down on rapunzels face. Leaving ugly nail marks down her face. The witch looked in the pockets for something.
“ I seem to have left my magic scissors at home. I have to go retrieve them. I will be back soon. Don`t go anywhere deary, or I`ll kill you” The witch said . She then disappeared into a puff of smoke.
“Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair” Came a course of voices. She looked out her window to see 7 dwarfs and snow white standing there.
“Rapuzel , let us climb up your hair , We`ll save you from my Evil stepmother” Snow white said.
She let her hair hang out the second story window. The dwarfs and snow white climbed up and stood in front of her. Snow white took a gun from her boot and loaded it.
The witch showed up in a puff of smoke , With a pair of scissors in her hands. But before she could do anything snow white pulled the trigger and shot her stepmother
The queen/witch lay dead at their feet as they danced around.
“Ding , dong, the wicked witch is dead” Sang Snow white. Her and rapunzel shared a hug and became best friends. And they all lived happily ever after.

The end.
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I did this for school , and I cbf to edit it and all my other stories have been deleted so this is what i put up.
Get it . Got it? good.