I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter One

Have you ever noticed how bright the colours are at night? Or how slow everything goes when you're not going anywhere? Or the way things change when you're not looking?
Because I have.

It is instilled in us our whole lives, right from elementary school, how bad drugs are and how if you do them you're going straight to hell. Not in so many words, but that's the jist of it. They show you horrible pictures and tell you gruesome stories of people who have ruined their lives because they used drugs just to keep you away from them.

But despite all the warnings and threats, people still do it, even if it's just once, just to try it.

I'm not an addict, I never have been and I never will be because smoking the odd joint at a party a few times a year –despite what they tell you in school- isn't going to get me hooked.

So that's where I was, outside the back of the club, smoking a joint.
I wasn't back there because I was ashamed of or trying to hide what I was doing; everyone knew where I was and what I was doing. They just didn't allow smoking inside the club.

I was out with a bunch of guys from work and we'd each rolled one. They smoked theirs when we got there but I decided that I wanted to eat something first and waited.

It was my understanding that the party they'd gotten us into was a relatively VIP affair.

You see, we worked for a security agency. We were bodyguards.
Apparently, the guy Paul was working for lately had the hook up and liked him enough to let him invite all of us. I was rather jealous.

I was barely twenty years old and had been working with H&J for almost a year and a half and I was still being assigned to the boring cases. Usually, they were old rich guys who needed escorting to fancy black-tie parties or someone to stand outside the bathroom door while they took a shower.
I hadn't even been given any permanent assignments yet! They were all month long jobs and when one was up, I moved on to the next. I was really getting sick of it.

There weren't many girls with the company, so it wasn't like there weren't enough decent assignments to go around, my boss just refused to give them to me. I would have complained but, despite the shitty assignments I got stuck with, I still loved my job. It was like being a cop without being a cop and I got to work with some colourful characters.

After my first month or so at H&J, I'd become one of the boys. The groups of guys I now called my best friends had sort of 'adopted' me when I started at the company. I didn't mind though because I knew that even though I was more than capable of taking care of myself, they had my back.

As I took another hit, the door beside me opened and someone came out. I dropped my hand to my side and exhaled slowly as I looked over this person who had come through the same door I had not two minutes ago.

It was a guy, he looked familiar but I couldn't place him. He had deep brown eyes and a nose that was shaped just so. He was sporting dirty blonde dreadlocks and a pair of pants so baggy I could have fit my whole body in one leg.

I wonder what that would feel like. I think it would feel like a worm. Maybe he would let me try…

''Hi there.'' I said and he jumped. He must not have seen me.

''Hey.'' He replied as he reached into his enormous pocket. I could have fit my whole head in there.
He produced a joint of his own, accompanied by a lighter. I raised mine to show him that I had one too. He was so cute

''Wanna share?'' I asked. ''I'm not in the mood to get totally shit-faced.'' He looked me up and down; flicking the lip ring I just noticed he had, before he put his joint back in his pocket.

''Sure. Thanks.'' I passed it to him and he took a hit.
He coughed a few times before taking another and passing it back.
I watched him exhale and cough a bit and I felt like I was a scientist watching TV.

''Do you fit worms in your pants? Wait, that's not my question.'' I said and my new pot buddy started to laugh. Seeing him laugh made me want to laugh. So I did.

As the pair of us giggled like idiots, I took another hit and handed it back to him. As I watched him exhale and then suck all the smoke back in –showing off I assumed- I cocked my head to the side, needing to see this from another angle.

He exhaled a second time and looked at me. I looked at him.

The next thing I knew, we were connected at the lips and kissing feverishly.

I threw my arms around his neck and he grabbed my waist. I could feel every taste that came with his tongue. There was pot, but it was also kind of limey.

When I touched his hair, I got a little shiver. It felt like tiny snakes in my hands and I wanted to squish them.

Limey snakes aside, he was a great kisser; I could feel it all the way down in my danger zone.

The door beside us opened and we both turned to look, our mouths making a funny sucking sound when they detached.

A man walked out to a dumpster, dropped a bag in and then went back inside.

I looked back at my new friend. He had such smooth curves on his face. I wanted to touch them. He was still looking at the door and looked back when I touched his cheek with my index finger. He was so soft.

''My friends are waiting. I gotta go.'' He said as he let go of me. He pecked my lips again quickly. ''Thanks.''

♠ ♠ ♠
And so commences yet another of my Kaulitz fan-fictions. How many of you were absolutely delighted by this interesting first chapter?

The rating is PG-13 thus far, butmay will go up later in the story.

Thanks to all my faithful readers who have carried over from my other story and any new readers who happened upon this story by chance. I look forward to sharing this with you.