I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Ten

''Thanks so much guys! I'll have the prints to you by next week!'' Carrie the skanky photographer called as we left the studio.

''B-'' I accidentally shoved Tom into the car before he could return her sentiment.

When I slammed the door and he furrowed his eyebrows at me, I shrugged as if to say it was an accident.

''What is up your ass?'' Tom asked when I got in.

''Nothing why?'' I asked as if I hadn't just forced him into the car and away from the photographer.

''Why do you hate her so much?''

''Hate her? I don't even know her.'' I laughed, lying through my teeth. I couldn't stand her.

''Are you jealous?'' Tom narrowed his eyes.

''Why would I be jealous?'' I asked innocently.

''Hmm, maybe because she managed to get me out of my shirt about an hour after meeting me.'' he replied.

''And I managed to get your tongue down my throat two minutes after meeting you. Why would I be jealous?'' I asked, smirking a bit.

''I knew I wasn't the only one who thought about that.'' Tom said after laughing a bit. ''I figured as much though, I'm quite a good kisser.''

''Meh, top ten maybe.'' I replied casually.

''Top ten?'' he asked, looking rather flabbergasted.

''Top ten.'' I confirmed. It was a total lie Top ten my ass. I had never kissed anyone who could do the things Tom could do with his tongue.

Tom folded his arms and I could see him wallowing in his broken ego as he stared out the window with furrowed eyebrows.

''If I'm such a horrible kisser, then why did you fight for me earlier?'' he asked, the cockiness returning to his face.

''I didn't 'fight' for you.'' I told him matter-of-factly.

''Come on, you practically threw her across the room!''

''Hardly! I pushed her out of the way so I could give you a clean shirt.''

''Are you sure that's the only reason?'' he probed.

''Positive.'' I replied.

''I can't figure you out.'' He said, looking at me thoughtfully. ''One minute, you've got your tongue down my throat and the next you want my tongue to have nothing to do with your throat.''

''Oh the profound thinkings of a rock star. What are you ever going to do?'' I teased.

''You'll see.'' He winked. We were at his building and he hopped out of my car. ''See you tomorrow.''

I waved as he closed the door and then took off the minute he was safely inside his building.

An uncontrollable shiver ran up my spine as I drove back to my apartment. I hated but loved at the same time that Tom had that effect on me. One wink and my pants were practically taking themselves off. I wondered if he had that effect on many girls. He must have, you don't get a reputation like his for having no game.

It was hard enough to keep myself together when he was like that and I was thankful for my ability to keep my head in difficult situations. If I was one of those girls who ran on impulse and had no willpower whatsoever, I would have fallen helpless to Tom's charm every time and we'd be screwing each other by now.

Another shiver ran through me at that thought. Though I had teased him about being some kind of sex god on my first day, I had read up on him and apparently he was some kind of sex god. There was a slight tightening in the pit of my stomach at the thought of what I had read.

I had told Michael about Tom, and all the passes he made at me. Michael was Michael about it and told me to get on that. I laughed and told him there was no chance of that. My fiancé was well aware of the fact that my new boss wanted desperately in my pants. What he wasn't so aware of was the fast that I wanted desperately in my new boss' pants.
Even though Michael was always telling me to 'go for it' when it came to other guys, I didn't think it was exactly appropriate to tell him that while we were having the odd night of married sex because we weren't allowed to fuck anyone else, I'd be thinking of Tom. Michael was amazingly good looking, but Tom was just…better.

Tom Kaulitz more than obviously wanted in my pants and I was sure that most everyone knew that.

I secretly wanted in Tom Kaulitz's pants, but no one ever needed to know that.