I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Eleven

Hectic is the life of a rock star and I learned that when I started working for Tokio Hotel.

Not half a day after their photo shoot with the skanky photographer and the boys were doing a radio interview for one radio station or another. The host of the show they were interviewing on was a guy and I was rather pleased when I learned that.

The interview was at noon and then the band was going to be staying at the station for a signing in the lobby. I got a bad feeling about the latter part. It was a pretty small station and there would be a lot of fans.

The band had to be at the station an hour in advance and since none of the guys were 'morning people', it meant that I would be picking Tom up at his apartment again.

When I got to his door, I knocked and waited, half expecting some girl in last night's barely-there party dress to open the door on her way out. But that wasn't the case.

Instead, Tom Kaulitz, in a not-even-there shirt opened the door, a troubled look on his face.

''You do know you're going out in public right?'' I asked, looking pointedly at his bare torso.

''I don't know what to wear.'' He said, opening his door wider.

Tom turned and headed back to his bedroom and I followed, assuming that was what he wanted me to do.

''I don't know which one to wear.'' He said, gesturing to four different shirt option he had laid out on his bed. They all looked fine to me.

''Why not that one?'' I suggested, pointing to a black and white t-shirt mix. ''And that hat.''

''But then I had to change my pants.'' He said.

''So hurry up and change! We have to go!'' I told him and he nodded.
He started to undo his belt and then looked at me with one eyebrow cocked.

''I'll wait outside.'' I said, turning to leave his bedroom.

''You could have stayed.'' Tom said five minutes later when he emerged from his room, fully dressed.

''Seeing you almost naked would have been a little too much.''

''For your inhibitions?''

God yes. ''For my morals.''

''You and your morals.'' He chuckled.

''You just don't like them because they keep you out of my pants.'' I teased.

''Exactly.'' He grinned as he got in my car. I didn't open the door for him this time.

When we got to the radio station it was absolutely packed with fans. The second my SUV pulled into the lot, the screams and camera flashes started. It was practically blinding and we were inside the car.

We pulled up to the front door and I put on my sunglasses before going around to get Tom. Normally, I wouldn't have opened his door for him so not to bruise his masculinity again, but I didn't think he would mind this time.
Paul and Tyler came outside and crated a sloppy perimeter around Tom's side of the car before I opened the door. Even with them holding back the screaming fans, I still had to fight my way to the door, with Tom following close behind.

''Tom!'' one of the fangirls shrieked right in my ear and I damn near punched her.

We were right near the door when out of nowhere; another of the screaming fangirls miraculously made it around Tyler and, quite literally, leaped towards Tom.
My training took over and I pushed Tom out of the way and against the door with my body. Only later would I realize the mistake in my actions.

The girl hit the floor instead of Tom but quickly got up and started towards him again. I turned around and grabbed one of her arms, twisting it like I had done to the girl at the concert. Despite the inevitable pain in her arm, she continued to try and get to him. So I knocked her legs out from underneath her and lowered her to the ground.

''Paul! Get him inside already!'' I yelled and Paul quickly escorted a wide-eyed Tom inside the building.

I pulled the girl up from the ground and walked her off of the station's property. I told the station security not to let her back in before I headed inside.

When I got into the lounge-like room where the band was waiting, Tom was telling the rest of the guys what happened in some very fast German as Paul explained to Owen in much slower English.
When I walked in, they all looked at me, some looking shocked, others looking impressed.

''I told you I could handle myself.'' I said and everyone laughed lightly.

''Would you guys mind coming to the studio? We need to do a sound test.'' A studio technician said after poking his head through the door.

The band got up and shuffled towards the door in a mini-parade fashion. Tom came last in their parade.

Paul and Owen had gone at the front of the line and it was just Tyler and I left in the room when Tom passed me. He stopped and leaned into my ear.

''You have no idea how much that turned me on.'' He whispered, his lips almost brushing my ear and yet another Tom-induced shiver ran up my spine.
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I'm so monumentally sorry that I haven't posted in the last two days. After I managed to write wednesday's post, I thought I was out of my writer's block rut, but it seems that I fell back into it until today. To say that my posting was going back to normal wasn't exactly fair to you guys when I wasn't entirely sure that it was.
So, I am going to change what I said before and tell you that there is a very good chance that my posting is going back to normal, but no garuntees. I don't know why I'm like this, but I've pinned it to the fact that I dove into this story right after my last one and didn't take a bit of time to rest in between.
Normally I'm Miss. Consistency when it comes to posting and I feel like I've let you down by not posting as often as before, so again, I'm deeply sorry for that.

But as always, thanks for reading, subscribing, and/or commenting. I really appreciate it!