I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Twelve

The interview had been fun. Listening to the boys make cracks about each other and promote their new album as many times as possible was quite amusing.

The signing that followed had been as hectic as getting in the building had, minus the manhandling. There were a hundred girls all absolutely exploding with excitement as they waited anxiously to meet the band. Their music was good, but judging by the many low cut shirts and cleavage enhancing bras that I saw, I severely doubted that the music was the only reason the girls were there.
Every one of them was hoping desperately that one of the boys of Tokio Hotel would go chasing after her and ask her to come on tour with them just because he liked what he saw. Every one of them was hoping for all of the fan fiction they read to come true right then and there.

Afterwards I had dropped Tom off at his apartment and then headed home to shower and change. Michael and I were going out with Paul, Owen, and Tyler to make up for Michael's missed night at the club.

''So then, this girl leaps out of the crowd and towards Tom!'' I told Michael and the rest of the guys as we sat in our booth at a local bar. ''So I flatten Tom against the door, trying to get him out of the way and then grab this chick and twist her arm. But she's still trying to get to him, so I knocked her legs out from under her and put her on the ground. Then Paul takes Tom inside and I walk this girl off of the property.''

''Holy shit Jules.'' Michael laughed.

''And the whole time, this girl is practically in tears because she's so happy that she got that close to him.'' I said and all four guys chuckled.

''Bitches be crazy.'' Michael said.

''Welcome to the job.'' Owen laughed, lifting his beer. I laughed and we all clinked our glasses.

''Now if you'll all excuse me, there's some business I must attend to.'' Owen said after downing the last of his beer.

He got up and headed towards the bar where a blonde who looked like she had just stepped out of Playboy was nursing her second martini.

''He hasn't got a chance.'' Michael laughed, taking a drink.

''He's got a pretty good one actually.'' Tyler said casually.

''What? Look at her! You've got to drive your Ferrari through the bar and then drop your brand new Rolex in the trash because you've got ten more of each at home to have a chance with a girl like that.'' Michael said as if he couldn't believe what Tyler had just told him.

''Or, she has to be interested in you first.'' Paul told him.

''And she's been eyeing him since we got here.'' I added.

''I never even saw her look in this direction.'' Michael said.

''It's ok, you're just not as good at this as we are.'' I teased in a motherly voice.

''We get paid to see everything. After a while, you can't help but see everything whether you were looking or not.'' Paul said.

''It's second nature.'' Tyler added.

''You guys make me feel like such a noob, I'm not hanging out with you anymore.'' Michael muttered and we all laughed.

The song changed and the blonde dragged Owen out into the middle of the little dance floor where a few other drunken couples were swaying terribly off beat. Owen looked back at us and shrugged as if to say ''what can I say?'' and we chuckled.

''Come on Twiggy, let's show 'em how it's done.'' Paul said, getting up and grabbing my hand.

I gulped the last mouthful of my beer and then followed Paul to the dance floor. He twirled me a few times and I laughed wildly.

As Paul and I began to cut the rug to the best of our ability, back at the table, I could see that Tyler and Michael had picked up a conversation about something or other. I also could see the Playboy blonde beginning to feel horribly upstaged.

Owen glared at us, knowing that if we upstaged them too bad he wouldn't be getting any tonight. Paul simply shrugged das if to say ''what can I say?'' and that made me laugh.

''How bad do you think we have to make him look before she ditches him?'' Paul asked.

''Pretty bad.'' I laughed.

''I can do that.'' he said and then spun me again.

Just as we were about to give them the biggest ego bruise of their lives, the song changed and the tempo slowed. Owen looked thankful.

Paul took one of my hands in his and put the other on my waist as we danced to the slow song.

All of a sudden, I could feel a vibration against the side of my head and I looked up at Paul. He reached into his jacket and produced his blackberry.

''It's Vince, he says he needs us to come in ASAP.''

''Can't it wait? It's our night off.'' I said dejectedly.

''I don't think it can.'' Paul showed me the screen of his blackberry.

There was a picture of me sandwiching Tom against the wall from earlier. The caption underneath it read ''Tom Kaulitz Getting More Than Just Security?''

Oh shit.
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Is anyone else's My Mibba page freaking out tonight? My side bar has gone totally wonky and the only reason I got to this page was because it was in my history.
Either something's very wrong or Dujo's finally moving us to the new Mibba. Hope for the latter.

Thanks for reading!