I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Thirteen

After telling the others about the picture that Vince had sent Paul, we all hightailed it out of there and went to the recording studio. Except for Michael, he offered to take my car home, feeling that he didn't need to be involved in the matter. He actually thought it was kind of funny.

So I rode with Tyler and Owen –who we had to surgically remove from the playboy blonde- and Paul drove on his own.

''I still don't see why I have to be here.'' Owen complained as we drove.

''Because we're a team Owen, we're in this together.'' I said.

''Not officially.'' He muttered and Tyler smacked him from the back seat.

''So what if we're not a team? We're all friends.'' Tyler said, putting an end to Owen's rant. ''Besides, if Jules is going to throw herself at Tom and get her picture taken four billion times, that's her business.'' He added with a smirk.

''Oh shut up Tyler! That girl leaped! I had to do something!''

''Yea and you were totally justified in pressing yourself against him.'' Owen said sarcastically. ''You know it's supposed to be back to front not front to front.''

''Yea, I'm going to wait for her to hit him while I turn around.'' I rolled my eyes.

''Come on Twiggy, you know you did it on purpose. You want him so bad it hurts me.'' Tyler said.

''Shut up, I did not and I do not.'' The first was true, I hadn't meant to flatten us together in such a way that our chests sandwiched and our faces were only inches apart. But the second was a blatant lie. I wanted him so bad it hurt Tyler.

When we got to the studio, there were an assortment of cars there and Paul was waiting for us.
We went inside as a group, me in the middle, looking very small.

Inside, the band and Vince, their manager, were waiting for us in the lounge. Vince was on the phone, speaking very fast to someone on the other end.

''No, she's just a security guard. She was doing her job, getting him out of the way; it's what she's paid to do! No, nothing romantic. Good bye.'' Vince said and then hung up.

''We are in shit up to here with the tabloids.'' Vince put his hand up to eye level.

''I'm so sorry.'' I apologized.

''It's not your fault; you were doing your job. If there's anyone to blame it's that crazy fan.''

''How do they even have the pictures? It's been what? Six hours?'' I asked.

''News travels fast when it comes to one of these guys having a girlfriend.'' Vince said, gesturing over his shoulder to the boys and reminding me that they were in the room.

It was only when I remembered that the boys were there that I realized that Tom's eyes were locked on me, though, not always on my face.

He was used to seeing me in my uniform, black jacket, white shirt, black pants, and barely any skin showing. Tonight, when I had gone home and gotten changed before going out with the guys, I had changed into a shallow v-neck cut off shirt and a pair of rather low jeans that I had grabbed off of the top of my laundry basket.

The gap between the top of my pants and the bottom of my shirt was a good three and a half inches and that's where Tom's eyes were most of the time.

The look in his eyes when they danced over that bit of exposed skin was hungry and I felt a desperate twinge for him in my nether regions.

If I was going to make it through this without ripping off all of his clothes off and taking him right there on the floor, I was going to have to stop him looking at me like that.

Paul had asked Vince something and so when I spoke to Owen, it was in a whisper.

''Give me your sweater.'' I pulled on his sleeve.

''Why?'' he asked.

''Cause.'' I replied. I widened my eyes as if hoping he would be able to read the reason in my irises. He glanced at Tom out of the corner of his eye and then smirked slightly.

''Oh that's why.'' Owen said as he unzipped his sweater and passed it to me.

''Thanks.'' I put on his sweater and pointedly did it up as high as it would go. It hung almost to my knees so Tom no longer had anything to feast his hungry eyes on. Thank god. My will power could only last so long.

''How long until all of this dies down?'' Paul asked Vince when I tuned back into the conversation.

''Only time will tell, hopefully soon, but until then, you'll be one of the most envied slash hated girls in Germany.'' Vince said and I sighed.
