I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Fifteen

After the rather raunchy fantasy that had appeared in my mind at Tom's door, I hadn't been able to look at him quite the same.
Every time I looked at his face, all I could see was his mouth, all I could think of was the wonders he was surely able to work with it. When I looked at his body, I saw him half naked and a part of me –the part that had no doubt come up with the fantasy- longed to know just what was under those baggy jeans.

But the evening went on all the same. We picked up Bill and met everyone else at the club. The boys got themselves a booth in the VIP section and promptly ordered drinks.

Tonight was different from the last time we had escorted the band to a club. Tonight, where last time I was a nameless security guard, I was the stupid bitch 'screwing' Tom Kaulitz and, by association, the most hated person in the building.
Every girl who flashed an alluring smile towards the band's table followed it with a death glare in my direction. It definitely didn't help that I had to follow Tom everywhere he went.

''How you holding up Twiggy?'' Paul's voice rang through my earpiece.

''Considering I'm the most hated person here and I haven't been attacked yet, pretty damn good.'' I said lightly.

''God! There's another one!'' Owen's voice chimed in. ''I feel sorry for the girl who Tom actually dates.''

''Yea really.'' I laughed.

''That's you Tyler.'' Paul said as Gustav got up, saying he was going to the bathroom.

Soon after, a group of girls came over and threw themselves at the boys' feet. It was quite pathetic.
They also seemed to be shooting me death glares.

I sighed. This was going to be a long night.

''Whoa, he's had quite a few.'' Owen said in my earpiece when Tom tripped over the flat floor.

''Yea, he doesn't seem to be doing so hot without that girl's ass to hang onto.'' I replied and Owen laughed.

''Maybe you should take him home.'' Paul suggested.

''I can't exactly be seen dragging him from the club. Do you know how much fuel that would add to the fire? It has to be his idea.'' I said.

''Hey Jules.'' Tom said, slurring a bit, when he walked over to me.

''Having fun?'' I asked.

''Everything is spinning.'' He told me, stumbling despite his current stationary position.

''Maybe you wont have to drag him out after all.'' Tyler laughed in my ear.

''Can you take me home? This hangover is going to be a bitch and I want to get a head start on sleeping it off.'' Tom said.

''Alright.'' I said to Tom and then spoke into my wrist mike. ''I'm taking your car Owen.''

Tom started to walk towards the exit of the club but stumbled again. I grabbed his arm, making as little contact as possible while still helping him stand.

There were a few camera flashes when we left the club and I quickly let go of Tom's arm, leaving him to fend for himself. I knew it didn't matter though, I was still being seen leaving the club with him.

I helped him into the back of Owen's SUV. When I drove him back to his apartment, I decided that I'd better walk him up. I didn't think he could exactly handle motor functions very well at the moment.

''You know what Jules? You're very attractive.'' Tom said as we exited the elevator.

''You're very attractive too.'' I laughed.

''From the minute I kissed you, I've wanted to do it again.'' he told me in a drunken honesty. He pulled his keys from his pocket and dropped them. I picked them up and unlocked the door for him.

''I don't think that's likely to happen.'' I said lightly as I opened the door.

When I turned around, Tom was right in front of me. I could feel his breath on my lips.

''What if it did?'' he asked, his voice low, his expression suddenly not one of stupid drunkenness.

Before I could respond, Tom's lips were on mine, his tongue probing deeply into my mouth. I froze at first, but willpower can only hold off so much.

I put one hand on the back of his neck and returned his deep kiss. His hands groped desperately at my lower back and one fell to my ass. The rush of feelings induced by that and what his tongue was currently doing to mine cause me to push my hips involuntarily toward his.

As if it had just woken up from a nap, my sense of right and wrong kicked my willpower in the face, waking it up too.

I dropped my hand from Tom's neck to his chest and pushed him back.

He looked at me and I looked at him, both of our eyes wide with the realization of what we had been doing. I cleared my throat.

''Good night Tom.'' I said, stepping out of his apartment.

I started down the half and when I heard the door close behind me, I slapped my forehead with my palm.

What the fuck did I just do?