I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Sixteen

''Another photo shoot? I swear they just did one like last week.'' I said when Paul told me where we'd be escorting the band to today.

''And Tom's hung over and slept in so you have to go get him.'' Paul added.

''Great.'' I said sarcastically.

No one but Tom and me knew what had happened last night. At least, I hadn't told anyone about our rather inappropriate but oh so enjoyable kiss at his apartment. I hoped he had done the same.

I was torn right down the middle when it came to how I felt about the kiss.

It had been amazing, every part of me wanted him with a desire so strong I was sure that other people could feel it radiating off of me. at the same time, I knew that it had been wrong; he was my boss, I worked for him. I would get in a fair bit of trouble from more than a few people if I were to become involved with Tom Kaulitz.
So why did that seem to make me want him even more? I was sure it had something to do with the forbidden fruit and it's sweetness.

As I drove to Tom's apartment, I went over a thousand possible scenarios that could take place when he opened the door. One or two of them ended in my death via a ninja. I wasn't counting on those ones though.

The ones I had deemed 'most probable' involved awkward silence between us for the next three days, an awkward attempt at a conversation, and a pact made not to talk about last night for the rest of our lives.

Under a category of it's own –that category being'most desired' 'least probable'- was the scenario where Tom was reminded of the night before with such intensity that it brought back his moment of weakness and he took me right there on the floor. Like I said, least probable.

As I rode the elevator up to Tom's apartment, the scenarios that may or may not take place when I got there raced violently through my head.

Much to my surprise, none of the extremely awkward or uncomfortable scenarios I had come up with took place when Tom opened his door.

''Morning.'' He muttered even though it was early afternoon.

''Good afternoon.'' I replied.

I was a little dumbfounded as to why exactly he hadn't led with a crack about last night until I realized that he must have been dealing with one hell of a hangover.

It didn't take long though for his Tylenol to start working because as soon as we had started to drive, Tom turned to me, a slight smirk on his lips.

''So what'd you think of round two?'' he asked, a cocky tone in his voice.

''I think there will not be a round three.'' I replied.

''Aw come on, the weakness in your knees should go away soon and you'll be alright.'' He said and I rolled my eyes.

''It's hardly my knees I'm worried about, more like my job. Unless you want me to get fired, you're going to have to refrain from getting smashed and shoving your tongue down my throat.''

''But if you were fired, there would be nothing to keep us from each other.'' He said, putting one hand lightly on my shoulder.

''I don't think you'd want me so bad if I wasn't saying no,'' I slapped his hand away. ''So much.''

''You wont be able to say no for much longer.'' He promised.

I know. ''Says you.'' I laughed.

Before Tom could say anything else, my phone started to ring. It was my mom. I hadn't heard from her since before the pictures of Tom and me were splashed across the internet. Great.

''Hallo?'' I answered.

''Was ist das Ich bin lesen?'' she demanded, very loud and very angry. ''Schlafen sie mit diesem jungen?''

Because of my fluent German, it sounded more like ''What is this I'm reading? Are you sleeping with this boy?''
Tyler and I were born and raised in Germany, it was for the benefit of Paul and Owen that we spoke English all the time.

''Nein mum. It's a misunderstanding.'' I told her.

''Are you lying to me?'' she barked, her English thick with her German accent.

''Nein mum.'' I replied.

''What does Michael say of this pictures?'' her English wasn't the best.

''He knows it's not true.''

''Hmm, surely he is upset! What does his mother say!''

''What will his mother say mum.'' I corrected her.

''Egal. Where are you?'' she jumped topics.

''At work.''

''Is that boy there? Make him sure you will not go to bed with him!'' she said and I laughed.

''I will mum, I have to go.''

''Be safe. Ich liebe dich.''

''Dich auch.'' I replied and then hung up.

''Mum?'' Tom said, questioning the entire conversation with one syllable.

''She wants you to know that I'm not going to bed with you.'' I said with a bit of a laugh.

''That's what you say now.'' He winked.
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I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a few days, but like I said before, I've been on a bad streak and I don't want to post crap for you. Even this chapter I wrote twice before it sounded right.
But, I've had a bit of luck today and managed to write two chapters so there will be another post tomorrow night at the regular time.

Thanks for reading!