I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Seventeen

It turned out that the photo shoot this time was for an article about the band in a magazine. The article was about how fame had effected them as people and whatnot.

The studio was set up with a simple black backdrop and when we got there, I was a little curious as to why a pretty female model was being primped by a few stylists. She wasn't the usual pretty you saw splashed across magazine covers though. This model was pretty in a I-just-might-snap-your-neck kind of way.

''Who's she?'' I asked Paul.

''Monique something or other.'' He told me. ''In all the pictures she'll be representing fame.''

''Fame?'' I asked.

''I don't know, the only reason I know that much is because I had to make sure she wasn't going to kill anyone.'' He said with a bit of a shrug.

We joined Owen and Tyler near the refreshment table so that we would be out of the way while the many stylists hovered around the boys. It was all rather chaotic but they seemed used to it.

Monique something or other sat in her chair while a bunch of stylists and makeup artists pulled on her hair and poked at her face with a million different brushed. She sat, unperturbed by the whole thing and I was glad I wasn't her. I didn't have the patience for that kind of thing, but she seemed to have the whole 'still as a statue' thing down to a science.

The photographer gave everyone a once over before saying that he was ready to start.

He began by taking a billion pictures of all the boys together and then in pairs and then individually. When he finished with those, he called for Monique. She walked so gracefully it was a little unnerving. She must have been a ballerina or something.

The photographer first placed her behind the band and told her to 'look like a predator'. The directions made me laugh a bit, but the look on her face when the camera started flashing quickly wiped my smile away. She looked like she was going to kill them.

He moved her closer and she kept up her intense predator face. The photographer told her to look at them individually with that hungry stare of hers. He told the band to act as though she wasn't there.

After about four billion more pictures of the boys as a group, the photographer started doing individual shots of the band members with Ms. Something-or-other. She was being draped across them every which way and I couldn't help but laugh at the uncomfortable look on Gustav's face when he heard that he was first.

Bill was next, the intensity of his looks almost matching Monique's. I noted to myself that they would be a most aesthetically pleasing couple.

While the one of the boys was having their pictures done, the others were left to relax and wait for their turn. So far they had kept to themselves, but when I returned from my quick trip to the bathroom, I found that the other members of the Tokio Hotel security team had decided to fraternize with the band members that weren't having their pictures taken. All but one. Three guesses as to who was standing at the refreshment table waiting for me.

''There's too many guys over there, that's why I came over here.'' Tom said when I joined him beside the table.

''Sure sure.'' I smirked. ''So are you eagerly awaiting your turn to go one on one with Ms. Fame?''

''You betcha.'' Tom replied, cracking his knuckles and I laughed.

''Why is it that guys are attracted to that kind of girl?'' I asked, making idle conversation.

''Because the ones like you say no too much.'' He told me and I smirked.

''But seriously, I mean, sure she looks like she would break your neck if you got to close, but I actually could.'' I said.

''Remind me not to cross you.'' Tom said lightly and I chuckled.

''Has she even smiled once since we got here?''

''Maybe she just doesn't like you.'' Tom nudged me lightly with his shoulder.

''Or maybe she doesn't like you.'' I replied, nudging him back.

It was a good thing that Mr. Henry was not on the premises because the mini fight that ensued between Tom and I was definitely not an example of good professional behaviour.
He pushed me, I pushed him, and he was rather surprised at just how far he went. Tom poked my side and I jumped a bit. I poked him in the same spot and he jumped back. Clearly I wasn't the only ticklish one.

No one could have foreseen the events that followed that innocent nudge with his shoulder. Everything came out of nowhere, including the guy with the water cooler.

Tom jumped back as I tried to poke him again and went right into the guy carrying the big blue jug set to be used as a refill for the water cooler at the far end of the table. By some miracle, the guy managed to trip forward and right in my direction, spilling half the contents of the jug all down my front.
It was a big jug though and it didn't matter that it hadn't been the whole thing. I was soaked.

''I'm so sorry!'' the guy apologized when he looked up to see what he had done.

''That's freezing!'' I said rather loudly as I looked down at my soaking shirt and rather wet pants.

''I just brought it in from the freezer around back.'' The guy said in a guilt-ridden voice.

''You have to take that shirt off, you'll catch hypothermia or something.'' Owen said, appearing out of nowhere and followed by Paul, Tyler, Georg, and Gustav.

''Yea, right.'' I said, my hands shaking from the cold, the air conditioning in the studio not helping. I was wearing an undershirt so I wasn't exactly concerned about taking off the white one that was part of my uniform.

I slipped off my suit jacket and grabbed the bottom of my shirt. When I had my shirt half way over my head, I heard a collective gasp and felt a rather cool breeze on my torso.

''Owen?'' I said from inside my shirt.


''My undershirt came up too didn't it.''


''Everyone in the room is looking at me aren't they?''

''Oh yea.''

''Then pull my goddamned shirt down!''

''Right!'' Owen said and I felt him grab my undershirt.

I pulled off my uniform shirt and dropped it with my wet jacket. My undershirt was a thin white tank top and, at the moment, was completely see through. Considering that I'd just flashed the whole room though, I wasn't too traumatized by the fact that everyone could see right through to my white sports bra.

''Why don't you take a picture?'' I asked bitterly when everyone continued to look at me. They quickly averted their eyes.

To my left I saw a flash go off and I shot Tyler a death glare.

''Ok, ok I'm deleting it!'' he laughed.

''Here, I'm wearing two, you can wear one of mine.'' Tom said, grabbing the bottom of one of his t-shirts and pulling it over his head.

''Thanks.'' I said a little hesitantly as I took it from him.

When I pulled Tom's shirt over my head, I saw that everyone was looking at me again.

''Don't you all have a photo shoot to be doing?'' I asked loudly and they all tried to make it look as though they'd been working the whole time.

I'd just flashed my best friends, the band I work for, a random photographer, about thirty studio assistants and stylists, a female model slash ballerina, and the guy who was trying his hardest to get in my pants.

Great. Just great.