I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Nineteen

I was at Tom's apartment by ten the next morning. We were on a tight schedule today. The photographer had said that he needed all the pictures taken and selected by three. I didn't think it would take that long but I'm just the security, what do I know?

''I thought you guys were supposed to go to bed early.'' I said when a very groggy guitarist opened the door.

''Two is early.'' Tom muttered, pushing his sunglasses up on his nose.

''Of course it is.'' I laughed.

When we got into my SUV I reached back and Tom's shirt from yesterday out of the back. I felt my shirt ride up and when I was back in my seat, I caught Tom quickly looking up.

''Here's your shirt. Thanks.'' I said as I handed him his shirt.

''You flashed me, I felt like I had to repay the favor.'' Tom replied with a smirk.

We got to the studio around the same time everyone else did. We met Georg and Paul in the parking lot and a few calm 'good morning's were exchanged.

It was when we got inside that the calmness of the early morning deteriorated.

''Well where is she?'' the photographer demanded loudly.

''I-I don't know. Her rep says-'' one of the studio assistants stammered but the photographer cut him off.

''I don't care what her rep says! Find me my model!''

''Yes sir.'' The assistant said and then returned to his phone.

''What's going on?'' Paul asked the photographer's main assistant.

''Monique. She hasn't shown and no one know where she is.'' The assistant told us as he adjusted his stylish green hat.

''I don't know. Those pictures have to be in by today, we might have to get a new model and re-shoot the whole thing.''

''Sucks to be them.'' I said quietly when the guy in the green hat had cleared off.

''Sir?'' the studio assistant from earlier said nervously.

''Did you find her?'' the photographer asked anxiously.

'''Not exactly.'' The assistant said and the whole room seemed to be holding their breath as they waited for him to continue. ''Apparently on the way home yesterday she had a life altering revelation while listening to the radio and flew off to Africa this morning to help build schools for children.''

''That selfish little brat!'' the photographer boomed. Selfish? Was he even listening to that guy?

''What are we going to do now?'' the assistant in the green hat asked.

''We need a new model.''

''No one is available on such short notice, no one good.'' His assistant said and the photographer thought before scanning the entire room with his eyes.

''You!'' he pointed at me. ''Hair, makeup, wardrobe!''

''Me? I'm just security.'' I said disbelievingly.

''And the most fierce looking female here. Hair, makeup- didn't I already say this? Hello!'' the photographer yelled and a thousand stylists suddenly ran at me.

''Help!'' I mouthed as I was dragged away from the guys.

They put me in a chair and started to pull and prod at my hair and face like they had done to Monique yesterday. Unlike her though, I wasn't used to being a statue while people painted me.

''Ow, stop that. Is that really necessary?'' I asked as they did a million things. I looked nowhere near as good as Monique and no amount of makeup was going to change that.

I could hear Owen and the boys laughing from where I had been standing before. I shot them I death glare.

''Keep it up and I'll break your legs!'' I shouted.

''Stop talking.'' One of the stylists instructed and the guys laughed harder.

Ten minutes of sitting in the chair of death and they let me get up. I thought I was finished. They said I needed to go to wardrobe.

They threw me into a changing stall and two women came in carrying a clothing bag. They helped my get dressed and then let me go. I felt pretty ridiculous in what they had me dressed in. It was a black top that would have been a cut off had it not been for the ribbons that crisscrossed across my torso and the top of the very low neck was adorned with lace accompanied by pants that were so tight they practically had to grease my legs to get me into them. Never would I have put something like that on in my life.

I was yet to look in a mirror though and when I did I was quite surprised to see that I looked pretty damn good.
I was sporting the same hair and makeup as Monique but my clothes were different. I thought I wasn’t that fierce. My reflection begged to differ.

''Perfect! Come come!'' the photographer said, dragging me from the wardrobe room.

''In the final edition, we'll use some of you and some of Monique. We have to make this catastrophe look somewhat intentional.'' The photographer explained. ''We'll use you for Bill and Tom and Monique for the rest so today you'll be posing with both twins. My name is Hugo by the way.''

''Jules.'' I replied.

We came back into the main part of the studio where everyone was and I suddenly felt a lot of eyes on me.
