I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Twenty

''What?'' I asked, though I had a pretty good idea what caused their reaction.

''What did you do with our Twiggy?'' Owen asked and I laughed.

''She's under all this paint.'' I assured him.

''You look good now go do something productive.'' Paul said lightly and I smiled.

I walked over to where the photographer was standing with Tom who was eyeing my hungrily.

''We'll use Monique's shots for the full group. So I just want you to pose here with Tom and I need you to look like you want him. Sexual want, hunger want, whatever you can do best. Tom, I need you to do the same but mirror her want. I can't have one of you looking hungry and the other looking turned on.'' Hugo said and I laughed a bit. For the huge prick he'd been about half an hour ago, he was really nice now that things were going his way.

Hugo put one of Tom's arms around my waist and told me to push my hips towards his. The photographer put one of my hands on the back of Tom's neck and the other on the side of his face. We were quite a sight.

''Nice outfit.'' Tom said, loud enough for only me to hear.

''I feel like a whore.'' I replied.

''That's not always a bad thing. When you drive me home after we could-''

''Shut up. You're not the one that gets to take this off.'' I teased.

''Remember! You want each other!'' Hugo called from behind the camera.

''How could I forget?'' Tom whispered and then the camera went off.

It wasn't exactly hard to make it look like I wanted Tom sexually. If anything, it was the easiest thing I'd done all day. It was pretty much just an exposé of how much Tom and I wanted each other.

After a few shots in the pose Hugo had put us in, Tom began to change poses and I followed suit.
Now that we were posing ourselves, they were a little closer to say the least. The one that stood out the most in my mind after all five billion pictures were taken was the one that my body had decided was decent.

One of my legs had been up around Tom's waist and he held it behind the knee with his left hand while his right stayed on my lower back. My hands were on either side of his face and I had pulled him so that he was mere centimeters from my lips. Like I said, my body was in control of that one.

''Great shots. Are you sure you've never done this before?'' Hugo asked.

''Positive.'' I told him.

''Acted then? It really looks like you want in his pants.'' He laughed.

How'd you know? ''Maybe in my next life time.'' I replied with a laugh of my own.

''Bill! You're up!'' Hugo called.

I was a little intimidated to be posing with Bill because I knew how intense he was and I didn't want him like I wanted Tom so I didn't know if I could match his intensity.

But Bill was pretty close to Tom when you looked close enough so once I started pretending he was his brother, it was easier to make it look like I wanted him.

''Sorry about my brother.'' Bill said quietly as Hugo changed his film. ''He wants anything with legs.''

''Don't worry about it.'' I like it.

''Are you sure? I know it's really unprofessional and I could rat him out to our mom.'' Bill said lightly and I laughed.

''I've worked with creepy old guys since I started at H&J, I'm pretty used to having passes made at me.'' I told him.

''Yea, my brother's a bit of a slut though. The other night at this club, before you started, he went out back for a smoke and made out with some random chick.'' Bill said, shaking his head slightly.

''He can't be all bad.'' I said, turning to look at Tom who was currently throwing ice at Georg.

''He can be a kid sometimes, but mostly he's just…Tom.''

''Was he always so out there? With girls I mean.''

''No actually, when you get past the whole badass rock star thing, he's a big teddy bear. He's a romantic like me but you just have to dig to find that part of him.'' Bill told me.

''Ok! Make like you want him!'' Hugo called from behind his camera.

As I pretended Bill was Tom and we posed, I thought about what Bill had just told me.

A romantic? Tom? No way. I never would have put a characteristic like that with someone like Tom. He was too…Tom.

Then again, Bill had been around Tom a hell of a lot longer than I had so I wasn't going to try and argue that point. Maybe Tom Kaulitz was a romantic teddy bear underneath it all.

And I had just made it my mission to find that side of him.
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I know, I know, I was off the map for a little while as far as posting goes, but now I've got the next few chapters written so for the next few days posting will be back to normal. I'm not positive if it will stay that way but my fingers are crossed because I like to make you guys happy.

As always, thanks for reading, subscribing, and/or commenting! I appreciate it!