I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Twenty-one

The article that the photo shoot was done for wouldn't be running for about three months. I didn't quite understand why there was all that rush, but then again, I was just a body guard. I thought it was better that the article wouldn't be run for a while though because, hopefully, by then all the hype from the scandal regarding Tom and I would be over.

The past two days had been eventful to say the least and I was looking forward to my night off. The boys, Michael, and I were going to the bar we'd gone to the other night when we'd gotten then news about the pictures of Tom and me. I was excited. Drinking, dancing, and a little bit of pot made Jules a fun girl. Plus, the looks I got when I rolled up with all those guys were quite priceless.

So I was in my room, getting all dressed up when Michael walked in without knocking.

''Whoa, sorry.'' He said, starting to turn around.

''It's ok, you can come in.'' I said as I did up the button on my pants. ''I just need a belt.''

''Nice boots.'' Michael said, looking at my white cowboy boots.

''Thanks.'' I laughed. ''What do you think?''

''You're hot. Hoping to get some?'' Michael said and I laughed again.

''I'm not allowed to get some.''

''But dressed like that you will.''

Tonight I was sporting black short shorts, white cowboy boots and a white, cut off, low v-neck t-shirt. It was a little whorish, but I was feeling it all the same.

''And so will you stud.'' I winked exaggeratedly and Michael laughed.

He was wearing a tight t-shirt, dark jeans and a belt with a huge buckle like mine. His hair was hanging slightly over his eyes the way only his hair could and if he wasn't my best friend, I would have tried to get on that.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I opened it to find a message from Tyler.

''Let's go!'' it read.

''They're here.'' I told Michael.

I checked myself once more in the mirror before we left our apartment.

When we got to the bar, the five of us stood in the parking lot between Tyler's car and a van to share a joint. We didn't have to work tomorrow and we were dead set on getting smashed. It was poor Tyler's turn to be the designated driver. Sucks to be him.

We went inside, all of us quite buzzed, and ordered shots. All thee single girls at the bar turned when they saw all the guys and I could see them trying to figure out who's girlfriend I was.

The bar was far louder tonight than it was the other night as it was Friday and there were a lot more people there.
Two or three shots later and I was ready to dance.

''Come on Tyler! This song makes me want to dance like a stripper and there's no chance of you taking anyone other than us home so come dance with me!'' I said happily and Tyler laughed as he followed me to the small dance floor.

He spun me around wildly and I proceeded to dance like a stripper, turning a few heads, until I was completely out of breath.
We went back to the booth where the other guys were and sat down.

''Thanks!'' I said as I stole Michael's shot.

''I didn't want it anyways.'' He laughed. ''I'm going to the bathroom.'' He slid out and left.

''Oh shit, I think my phone fell out in the car. I have to go get it.'' I said after reaching into my empty pocket. ''Brb yo.'' I laughed as I got up.

I swayed my hips to the music until I was in the parking lot and couldn't hear it.
When I got there, I saw a very familiar looking car parked beside Tyler's, but couldn't place it until the driver got out.

''Tom?'' I said, slurring a bit.

''Jules?'' he replied, raising one eyebrow.

''What are you doing here?'' I asked, walking over to him.

''I was going to have a drink and find a little date.'' He told me. ''What are you doing here?''

''I am drinking and dancing like a stripper. I may also be a little high.'' I informed him. ''You can't stay.

''And why not?''

''Because my inhibitions are very low,'' I stopped to laugh at the way I dragged out the word 'low'. ''At the moment.''

''And you think I might take advantage of you?''

''Maybe, but also, I might-'' I stopped mid sentence and kissed him. He had been looking unbearably attractive since he got out of the car and my 'just say no' device was temporarily out of service. ''See what happens?''

''I don't mind.'' Tom said and then reattached his lips to mine.