I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died

Chapter Twenty-two

I woke up with a pounding headache to find that there was another body underneath mine. Oh shit.

Last night was a bit fuzzy but the last thing I remembered clearly was Tom in the parking lot. Oh shit.

I reached down and felt my backside. I still had underwear on, which was definitely a good thing. I had to bite the bullet at some point though and so I slowly opened my eyes.

I was in my apartment, in Michael's room. Oh shit. Had I brought Tom back here and done him in Michael's bed? Oh shit.

I slowly tilted my head upwards and breathed a huge sigh of relief. It was Michael that I was on top of.

When I thought hard enough about it, last night started to come back to me.

''I don't mind.'' Tom said and then reattached his lips to mine.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him with me as I leaned back against Tyler's SUV.

God he was an amazing kisser. Just like the first time, I could feel it down in my danger zone. It made me wonder why we only ever did this when one or more of us was hammered.

Tom ran one hand up the part of my thigh exposed by my shorts and it made me squirm underneath him. I wonder if that's what worms feel like in the ground…

Why did I always think of worms when it came to Tom? Maybe it was his hair. Snakes are worms too right? But worms are people too. Maybe Tom is a worm. No. That's not right.

His tongue suddenly gave the roof of my mouth a once over and I shivered again.
One of my legs was starting to creep up his side and his hand was moving slowly down the back of my thigh towards the crook of my knee.

I sighed contently when my leg reached Tom's waist and he leaned his hips a little harder into mine.

This felt amazing. Why was it that we didn't do this all the time? My job was one reason, but I wasn't on the clock right now.

There was another reason though. What was it? Something about me. Hmmm-ichael! Michael! My fiancé! Ah!

I suddenly stopped kissing back and pushed Tom off of me.

''What is it?'' he asked, looking around.

''This isn't allowed, you have to go.'' I told him.

''Why not?''

''Because I work for you, now get out of here!'' the realization of why I shouldn’t have my tongue down Tom's throat seemed to have sobered me up quite a bit.

He didn't seem too convinced about why he had to go though.

''And if someone sees us the rumors will be worse.'' I added.

''Fine.'' He sighed. ''I guess I'll see you Tuesday then.'' He got in his car and then drove off.

I hurried back inside and went back to the booth.

''Did you get your phone?'' Paul asked.

''Umm no?'' I had to check my pockets.

''Why not?''

''No keys.'' I said simply and they laughed at me.

Michael came back from the bathroom and sat down beside me. He accidentally sat on my hand and I squealed.

''Hand!'' I yelled and he quickly moved but it was too late. My hand was flattened. ''Pancake hand! Pancake hand!'' I was freaking out.

Tyler reached over and put my pancake hand in his hand that would be great for drawing a giant turkey. He bent all of my fingers and my hand wasn't a pancake anymore. I gave a sigh of relief.

''You…are my hero.'' I said and they laughed again.

I looked at Michael who was rocking to the beat of the music.

''I totally just touched your ass.''

I moved off of Michael and stretched.

When we had gotten in from the bar last night, I had been unqualified to make it to my bed so I crashed with Michael. Nothing had happened.

The body beside me groaned and Michael opened his eyes.

''I hate this part of drinking.'' He muttered.


''Yes please.''

''No, I meant get me some.'' I said and he laughed, followed by a cringe.

Hooray for hangovers.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh man, oh man, how many of you thought I was actually going to let that happen?
Hahaha, I thought so.

Thanks for reading!